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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    Roger that!
  2. Heat

    First Deer

    Great job! Any deer with a bow is a real trophy! Congratulations! Nick
  3. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    That's what I was afraid of. After getting a sheep and a goat last year, plus an archery deer this year already I think my luck should be about worn out!
  4. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    Silly question...How do I find a good bedding area? What am I looking for?
  5. Heat

    Bristle Pig

    Congratulations! Great story and awesome photos! Nick
  6. Heat

    Not Just another Pig Part 2

    Way to go Cliff! Very cool story there. Nick
  7. Heat

    2012 pig

    Congratulations on your javi TJ! Your stories and your passion for the animal are a true inspiration. Nick
  8. Heat

    I finally got my first with a bow!

    Way to go! Still trying for my first javi. Great job! Nick
  9. Heat

    Longbow Javalina

    Right on! Can't be easy with a longbow! Nick
  10. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I am not a board member of the AZSFW, but I will be requesting that information at next Tuesday's meeting. The financial records would probably surprise even you Lance...That group has never taken a dime from sportsmen for all the work they have done in 5 years. they are NOT paid, they were required to pay enormous sums of money to get the AZSFW off the ground. I know that other than Capitol Consulting (our lobbyist)no one else takes any money. The board member names will be addressed shortly, but most were correct, except for Nick. Sorry, gotta run to my dance lessons... What about Trent? I could have sworn he resigned as well and moved to another state?
  11. Heat

    First Archery Kill

    Great job! I will always remember my first archery kill! Anything with a bow is a trophy. Way to get it done! Nick
  12. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    My name was listed on this thread. I WAS on the AZSFW Board for a number of years. AZSFW has been a big part of a lot of good things for wildlife. Was on the Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club (YVRGC) Board for quite a while too. I don't serve on any Board now and haven't in well over a year. I am a Life Member of the YVRGC and a Member of the ADBSS. That's it. I totally oppose HB 2072 as written. I don't speak for anyone but myself. The only reason I am writing here on this thread, other than to state what I said in the line above, is to make absolutely clear that I don't have a thing to do with the Bill talked about here. The first I heard of this is when Steve Clark called me on Saturday (1/7) to let me know what was happening and to see what I knew anything. Sorry to hijack the thread. Nick
  13. Heat

    Closest stalk yet

    Keep after it! Sounds like you are doing the right things, just circumstances are getting in the way. You keep having opportunities like that, and something good is bound to happen. The balance of patience and agression is a fine one. Good Luck and let us know how the rest of your season goes! Nick
  14. Heat

    19b buck

    Great buck! Way to put them boys to work!
  15. Heat

    One down in the Az desert

    Great job man! Congratulations on a cool looking buck!
  16. Great buck partner! 5 years is nothing...try starting when you were 14 and be 37 before you kill your first deer with a bow. I have killed a bull elk with my bow and a number of other things with a rifle, including another deer, but it just isn't the same as setting a goal and it finally comes together after so long! Great job and thanks for sharing! Nick
  17. Heat

    Wife's First Deer with a Bow!!!

    Congrats to your wife! That is one heck of a first deer! I bet she is hooked bigtime now! Well done! Nick
  18. Heat

    First deer!

    Outstanding! That is a great deer! Congratulations!
  19. Heat

    Two big desert MD bucks....

    Awesome story and fantastic buck Jake! Way to go man! It's awesome having a good hunting buddy isn't it? Thanks for sharing your adventure and great photos! Nick
  20. Heat

    My Ram

    Great shooting and congratulations on your sheep! What better way to spend time with family and friends both new and old. Well done Troy!
  21. Heat

    Restored a little faith

    That is a really great ram, a very inspiring story, and some awesome photos! Thanks for sharing! If you could post another angle of the ram, I might be able to venture a better guess, but based on what I see...166". Dandy sheep for sure! Nick
  22. Great job on a very nice ram! Thanks for sharing your story and pics. Sheep hunting is certainly something that gets in your blood.
  23. Heat

    Mark Miller's unit 22 ram

    What an excellent sheep! Way to go! Wow there are some great rams being killed this year and yours is one of them! Congratulations, Nick
  24. Oh ya to answer your question I like the chops on the grill with a little red wine and rosemary. The ground is great for sloppy joes.
  25. Awesome Ram! That is truly a monster. Congratulations to all involved. Thanks for sharing your story and beautiful photos. Are you working on a Slam? Nick