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Everything posted by Heat

  1. Heat

    White Mountains Fishing ?s

    Thanks! I don't have a boat so we will be fishing from shore or renting a boat if available at Big Lake or elsewhere. I really want to try Big Lake, but I'd like to have a back up plan just in case the roads are still closed. Forgot that Turkey opened that weekend. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for good weather! Nick
  2. The Arizona Desert Bighorn Sheep Society has posted on their Facebook page that they have voted to OPPOSE HB 2072. Good Job ADBSS!
  3. Bravo Ryan! That was an excellent analysis my friend!
  4. Just spoke with Representative Justin Pierce who I attended elementary school with. He heard me out and wanted to know the history. I believe he understands our perspective and I believe we will have his support if this ever comes to a floor vote. He emphasized our need to stay on top of the committee members where this might be heard again.
  5. Cast Dispersions? Not really sure what that means. I think I learned about dispersions in Physics class or something. Now if you meant cast aspersions, that was not my intention and I'm sorry if you feel that way. We can agree to disagree on how we go about things, but remember we're on the same team here. Nick
  6. Roger that Lark. If I choose to forgive that's my right. Tell you what..you do things your way, I'll do them mine...deal? I choose to follow the example of my upbringing and that is to forgive people who ask for forgiveness. I knew Chris before AZSFW existed and I'm not ready to crucify the guy for his faults. I don't think it is appropriate to discredit all the good things he has done for Sportsmen because of a recent bad decision. Nick
  7. Still don't know about Chris quitting AZSFW, but he did post on OnYourOwnAdventures that he is now opposed to HB2072 and owned up to making a mistake. Chris if you read this I owe you an apology for my comment above. I appreciate you making a statement. This whole mess has been rough on a lot of people to different degrees. http://onyourownadventures.com/hunttalk/showthread.php?t=250104 Thanks Chris!
  8. Toby, Maybe you don't know me. Allow me to introduce myself to you. I am an Arizona native and an avid outdoorsman. I don't guide or own a business. I work in civil service. It appears as though you are not familiar with my history with the organization and other conservation efforts in AZ. The first big issue I ever got involved with was when Game N Fish wanted to put the Kaibab to a draw. I didnt think they had enough info to make that decision as many others did. I then got involved in the YVRGC. I served as the Legislative Chairman prior to George Reiners and after Jon Fugate. I was also on the Board and the VP. Obviously I was fairly active. When AZSFW was taking shape they asked Fugate to serve. He was "retiring" from legislative issues so my name was suggested. I was selected and was involved in Azsfw from the very start. My main reason to be there was to address the big political issues that the crittet groups would generally not address. Many times if issues did not involve their critter, the group would not take a stand. Arizona needed a bigger, stronger voice in politics. Thats what AZSFW was supposed to do. Not put on a dang banquet like Utah. To make the story shorter I'll fast forward to 2010. I drew an antelope and a sheep tag that year. Also bought a house and started dating the love of my life. I pretty much lost my gusto for hunting issues and just wanted to get back to the roots, hunting. Enter George Reiners. Since the beginning of 2011, I have not been on any board and have no vote anywhere. I am a Life Member of YVRGC and a member of ADBSS, thats it. Hopefully you and others now know a little more about me and understand that the post you refer to and every other post you will read from me is nothing but sincere. PS - I let the ADBSS have it on their Facebook page and I encourage other members to do the same. Nick
  9. Heat

    23 Year Drought Over!

    Here's a pic of the Skull Mount I had done. Arizona's 100th Birthday was my inspiration for the backboard. Nick
  10. Heat

    Proud Poppa!

    Great looking dogs. Too bad I'm in the same boat as Jimmer! Two dog max. I would love a good cattle dog!
  11. Heat

    First Archery Kill

    Congrats again on your javi! Shoot me a PM or something next time you head this way. Nick
  12. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    Thanks for all the replies everyone. I got back from my hunt last night. My javelina jinx continues. I never did glass up any pigs. After it rained on Sunday night I figured I better check out a mine shaft in the area we hunt that usually has javi turds in it. As I approached the mine a few pigs came charging out. One stopped right in front of me just a few yards away, probably under ten. A branch deflected my shot at point blank range. They blew outta there. So I got some elevation to find them again. Heard them sqaubbling in the wash down below so glass down in there and end up counting at least 6 adults and 2 reds. So I slowly and quietly head down the open hillside right at them as the wind is about perfect. Made it well within my comfortable distance but must have moved a tad while one was looking as I was sizing one up to shoot. This one decides to come investigate by circling around to my upwind side, again at point blank range. I decide this one is was as good as any and its probably now or never. I shoot as he was quartering hard to me. Huge mistake! I shot high and stuck him in the head/neck area. He broke the fletching end off by biting it as he ran off. The business end fell out within 50 yards or so. Followed small drops of blood, tracks, and at times kicked over rocks for over 5 hours and probably over a half mile until he stopped bleeding and re-joined some other pigs. At that point I gave up. I made a few mistakes that I realize now were just stupid, but in the heat of the moment, sometimes reactions take over. It was a very draining day with many highs and lows each time I would find then eventually lose blood again and again. I was physically and mentally exhausted at the end of the day. I am pretty sure that pig was not mortally wounded. I gave it all I had trying to recover it but it was not in the cards. Thanks for all the tips on the pigs. I have a growing love, hate thing going with these dang things. Nick
  13. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    Calling all javi experts! OK guys, my quest for my first javelina continues and I need help finding them. What kind of country/habitat am I looking for? What is an indicator of good javelina habitat? I know lots of prickly pear is a good sign (or at least that's what I heard). How about rocks? Is that a good or bad thing? How do other cactus or succulents fit in to their diet? Or should I be looking for grass and new forbes? How do you recommend looking for good sign? Should I be letting my glassing do the walking or do I need to hit the boot leather in some washes? I know glass, glass, glass! But what if all the hills in the area look the same, and they might only be using one...which one do I pick to glass at primetime? Should I be looking high, low, or halfway on the hill? What if I'm not glassing a hill with good sign? How should I determine where to glass? I have gotten into javelina a few times and made a few bad shots and even hit one I couldn't recover once (still hating myself for that), but I still haven't put my tag on one. I'll be honest, most of the times I found them was either luck or I heard them first. Only once or twice I saw them by just glassing. I'm tempted to go back to the area where I killed my deer cause I saw some sign, but nothing super fresh. A few days after I got my deer, my buddy who stuck around the area found 3 javelina, one boar, one sow, and one red and killed the boar. Don't think that is all that encouraging to go back to. I'll be out in 33/37B again this coming weekend trying again. I am open to any suggestions or assistance! Nick
  14. Heat

    36-c is overrunnnnn with em

    Have we forgotten about the ban on trapping on public land or do you guys think that factor is inconsequential? In my neck of the woods there has been an increase in lions for sure (Kofa NWR). Nick
  15. Heat

    Barbary Sheep

    Try poking around on Bowsite.com. There was a thread on there recently where a guy got one with a bow and another guy chimed in. That might have been in Texas though. Either way you might be able to find some pointers. All I know is that that could be one of the toughest if not the toughest hunt in North America, especially if you are going to do it with your bow. Good Luck, Nick
  16. Heat

    San Francisco River Hunt

    What a great ram! Thanks for sharing your pictures and your story with us. Sounds like you guys worked your butts off and all that hard work paid off bigtime. Congratulations to you and your crew! What an excellent reward! I'm just hoping I get to live long enough and be lucky enough to draw that second coveted sheep tag here in our wonderful State of Arizona. Great Job! Nick
  17. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    More thoughts: Nobody has brought up the real reason why we don't accomplish as much for wildlife as many of us would like. AZSFW might want to make you believe its because there is not enough money. I submit that it has more to do with the beaurocratic red tape that our governments have strapped us with. Maybe someone from ADBSS or AES can correct me, but I don't see the checkbook of these clubs being an issue. Heck our dinky liitle club does at least two or three catchments a year and we dont get any of the tag money like the critter groups do. I believe the bottleneck lies with Game and Fish and with the Federal government when the proposed projects lie on Public land or FS land. The nightmare of doing EAs, drainage studies, ESA compliance and all the rest is what is really holding things up. I submit that even if this giant cash cow came to fruition and they really wanted to spend the money where it counts, there is still only do much you can do and so much you can spend. These are just my thoughts and I don't have the financial records of these clubs to see what they spent on projects. I have heard unsubstantiated rumors that at times ADBSS was sitting with about 3/4 of a million bucks in their checkbook. That can build a LOT of catchments my friends. Again my point is money ain't the issue, so I don't see the need for a bill like this, even if I agreed with its premise, which I obviously don't.
  18. Heat

    Good Habitat?

    Thanks for all the pointers! Amanda, I appreciate your information. That is good stuff. I also saw some of your Javelina Heaven pics on the javelinahunter site. Very Cool! I was hoping to hear from some of the guys that posted on the "Pig Logic" thread from last month. There were some very informative posts in that thread. Come on Coach, TJ, Coosefan, Bill Q. and anyone else that can shed some light! It's looking like luck and extensive knowledge of an area have a lot to do with finding javelina. Unfortunately I didn't spend near enough time scouting to really learn an area I want to hunt. Probably because the closest good hunting for javelina is 3+ hours of driving from Yuma. It's quite tough to get away between Thanksgiving and Christmas for me nowadays. There are some in the Gila River bottom near Yuma, but they are almost impossible to kill with a bow. During 95% of legal shooting light they are holed up in the thick salt cedar/arrowweed jungle in the river bottom. I tried hunting them last year with little success. I found fresh tracks of them going into and out of the thickets, and even heard them grunting and woofing in there, but no sight of hide nor hair. Because of that experience I decided to get a tag where numbers and density seem to be near the highest in the state (33/37B), and things are quite a bit more open. Nick
  19. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    Another thing I have to add is that I have a lot of respect for BPJ to stand in here and take the shots he's been taking. He could made things a lot easier for himself by just remaining silent. He chose to defend something that he believes in, and that in itself is an admirable trait. I do have to pick on a couple of points he made though. AZSFW is not the only Club that knows how to work with the Legislature. I think they took a cue from some other orgs. AZSFW has not accomplished way more than other clubs. Seriously, there is no way AZSFW has accomplished as much for wildlife as the ADBSS has. I also know that in the YVRGC's 75 year history, we've done our fair share. AZSFW is not the only show in town. If you examine the Commission's history we've had very strong representation. That is not by accident. Nick
  20. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    This I can tell you, when the deal was first conceived, people were "hand picked" so to speak. How those names were arrived at, I have no idea, but I think it had to do with prominent players at the time. I know I was not their first choice. Some of you may know of Jonny Fugate. He was originally picked but asked me to serve in his place as he had too much going at the time and I believe he was on the outs on Wildlife stuff. Our Club approved that. I can also tell you that occasionally someone would resign and another name would come up. How those names were arrived at, I don't know that either but as a Board we voted those folks in. In theory those names were supposed to come from County Affiliates. Let me see if I can dig up a version of the bylaws. Nick
  21. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I stand by my statement. Here's what you wrote. "I see from their site that you have to donate $1000/year to even be eligible to be a Board member "For an individual who wants to make a special commitment to the AZSFW Mission and who may be eligible to serve on the Board of Directors."" Key word here is "individual". Myself and most other people on this site can read and understand English. Are you now trying to say that you weren't implying that me, and every other guy on the Board did not shell out $1000 to be on their board? Come on Bruce! Where in this statement does it talk about organizations? I was serving on the Board way before the Club became a member organization. I payed a $50 membership fee. Our Club paid approximately the same amount for each member of our Club as dues for AZSFW, but was not right away. I believe it was at least a couple of years before our Club paid. Again, careful relying on a website that was last published a year and a half ago. "Don't believe everything you see on TV!"
  22. Heat

    HB 2072 Sale of big game tags

    I think I paid a $50 membership fee per year. I never paid $1000 to be a Board Member so I consider that information bunk! This thing got set up with 6 Regular Joes and 6 of the Money guys. You can guess where I fit in. Someone from our Club was asked to serve and I volunteered. AZSFW has done a lot of good things, however I have real problems with the whole premise of this bill. Nick
  23. Heat

    Last hours of 2011

    Very nice deer, story and pics! Thanks for sharing! Nick
  24. Heat

    Nice muley

    Fantastic buck! Way to go! Nick