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About Heat

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    Premier Member

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    Yuma, AZ

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  1. Heat

    Any Tequila Drinkers here?

    Their Reposado used to be outstanding but like most good things they sold out to a big company that changed how they made the tequila. Basic crap tequila now. Better off with Olmeca Altos or El Espolon. It least those taste like agave.
  2. Heat

    ISO Turkey shotgun

    Let me know...
  3. Heat

    Kifaru packs

    My first Kifaru pack was an Express. Great little pack for sure.
  4. Heat

    WTB Kayaks

    I live in Yuma but there are store all over the state I reckon. Casa Grande for you maybe? Maybe Goodyear?
  5. Heat

    WTB Kayaks

    Just don't go by the gun counter, or do and hope you don't get in trouble with the Mrs for going hog wild. Insane prices!
  6. Heat

    WTB Kayaks

    I was in CAL Ranch Store yesterday and they had Kayaks on Sale very good prices. Worth a look if you have one nearby.
  7. Heat

    12 Gauge Turkey Gun

    I live in Yuma but I travel to Phoenix and other areas of the state quite a bit. If you are interested let me know.
  8. Heat

    benellie montafeltro

    for real
  9. Heat

    benellie montafeltro

    nevermind not sure how this got to the top
  10. Heat

    12 Gauge Turkey Gun

    Hatsan Escort PS Turkey in Mossy Oak Bottomland camo finish, 12 Gauge semi automatic shotgun for sale. Like new condition. Less than 50 rounds through it. No issues. Just too much punch for my Mrs. Has a 24 inch barrel. Comes with an extended extra full choke, a full choke, and an improved modified choke. Still have the box, manual, and everything else that came with it. Great for turkeys, predators, or maybe deer with buckshot where legal, hogs, etc. $300 OBO
  11. Heat

    Max points for Rocky

    Keep the faith bro! Put it this way your odds are WAY better than most of the rest of us! And most of us don't have a Stone. You will get it done Brian.