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Everything posted by joeeden

  1. joeeden

    Javalinas outside my window

    I don't know how you guys aren't flinging arrows at Bobcats! They would know my house well and probably avoid it. Maybe I answered my own question.
  2. joeeden

    Unit 10 tag holders

    Boycott Arizona's Unit 10 for elk. What a realistic and sensible solution that is. You completely baffle me.
  3. joeeden

    Need Help! Not enough MOA????

    I would try to get a little closer than 950 on the hunt. Sorry to jest, I would be no help. I'm sure there are guys on here who can.
  4. The first step to end hunting? Really? Wow. I am no fan of Obamas but I don't know how you can interpret this order as a step towards ending hunting. It's an attempt to protect wildlife from illegal poaching. As Snapshot said, this is a positive thing.
  5. joeeden

    Striper fishing on Lake Mead smoking!

    Becker said it perfectly. Before kids we would run to Powell a lot! There is a delicate balance between shad and striper populations. When shad are over abundant, stripers are fat and happy and can be tougher to catch. When the shad population is lower, you will see bigger, hungrier stripers. It appears the population is stunted at Powell, which is the extreme, and why you see the majority of the fish being small.(too many fish, not enough food) Harvesting as many as we can is all we can do! I have fond memories of 6-8lb stripers being the norm, with bigger ones for the lucky angler. That only happens when the stars align with shad populations. Now I really want to go to Powell!
  6. joeeden

    Country bars

    I second the vote for Butcher Hook! Very nice and fun people. They used to always have a fish fry on Fridays which was great! It can be challenging to get on the water early after a night at the Hook. Or so I've heard.
  7. joeeden

    Berretta Whitewing 12ga. over/under

    ttt. Thanks for looking.
  8. For sale is a Berretta Whitewing over and under 12ga. I understand they no longer sell this model. I am asking $900.00. I will donate 10% if sold here. I have been told to post on Auction Arms etc. but I figured I would just post it here first. It has a few minor scratches on the stock, but overall is in great shape.
  9. joeeden

    Berretta Whitewing 12ga. over/under

    Screw in chokes I meant to say.
  10. joeeden

    Berretta Whitewing 12ga. over/under

    26" with screw in barrels. I am in Flagstaff but travel to the valley frequently.
  11. joeeden

    antler recoloring

    I don't know, I think I'd take Critter's advice. Those antlers look great!
  12. joeeden

    Lifesize Bobcat ready for pickup......

    That is incredible! Makes me want to shoot a bobcat more than ever. Very well done!
  13. joeeden

    Elk Fever

    Great pics! It does look like a wound, but I would have to guess if he got wounded there he would never drink again!
  14. joeeden

    make sure your CC is up to date

    Thank you so much for that post! I had forgotten that I just activated a new card.
  15. I did it backwards! All I have is stew meat and roasts. The loins go so fast. I admire your patience as this is the time to grill! Kinda wishing I had a cow tag about now. Great job.
  16. joeeden

    Black River Directions

    Hey everyone, I am trying to direct some friends to meet me at Black River Crossing, and would prefer they take the dirt road coming NE on 77 from Globe. Does anyone know the Milemarker for this right turn? It's been so many years, and I can't seem to find it on a map. If my memory serves me correctly, it's 25-30 miles of a good dirt road staying left the entire way and you would end up at the bridge at Black River Crossing. I don't want them to get lost, but I think it would be more fun and even faster than going up to Carrizo Jct and over. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  17. joeeden

    wild hogs

    I like how they gave two references of stores to buy humanely slaughtered pigs. Because I hear Albertson's really does a number on them.
  18. joeeden

    thoughts on new coconino road rules

    Too many people, ok. What exactly do you mean? I have two kids, so I guess I'm part of the problem. "Too dang many people" I'd love to hear your solution.
  19. joeeden

    Rocky Point

    Fishing with Zara Spooks with no hooks. You see that's just next level stuff. Immediate catch and release. I'm impressed. We used to charter boats with mixed results. We never bothered with fishing licenses but we were young and dumb. We are no longer young. Good luck and let us know how you do!
  20. joeeden

    Do you like a good challenge???

    Well said. I'm in. I will bring my daughter. But there are really sportsmen that don't visit this site? Also sad.
  21. joeeden

    Belize Trip

    I used to have a phone like that but all I could hear was the ocean. Sounds like an awesome trip!
  22. I'm gonna re post this in the right spot. Does anyone know for certain when the season closes in Old Mexico?
  23. joeeden

    Hunting seasons

    Thanks fellas!
  24. joeeden

    Mexico Hunting Season

    I probably shouldn't have posted in Predator hunting!