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Everything posted by diehard

  1. diehard

    Dane's Big Bull

    love the MASS Congrats on a great bull....
  2. Congrats on a nice deer with the family to boot...that great stuff right there....
  3. diehard

    Dewey's Bull, Malay Gap Archery Elk

    Congrats on an awesome bull with a long bow.... It kinda looks like a dead head with the snout all chewed off like that??
  4. diehard

    Unit 10 Early Rifle Bull

    Thats awesome... congrats on a nice bull..
  5. diehard

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    Wow..... 100 yards I'll shot out to 80 but the conditions have to be right. I practice that though, perty constant. I hit the in side of a paper plate every time. I see a lot of these sight manufacturer making these adjustable sights so people think either it cool or they actually can make a shot that far.. I don't know but it really sucks hearing about all the wounded and lost animals. Im not saying the animals that were lost or wounded were shot that far either. I've called in elk for people 10' 20 yards slam dunk shot right???? Nope I called one in a couple years back for a buddies, buddy about 12 yards and shot the elk in the gut exiting the back leg. Luckily for that artery we found it perty easy. bad shots happen "THE FEVER" LOL it gets the best of everyone at least once .... I doesn't help when your watching tv and see Cameron Hanes shooting 160 yards with a target sight on his hunting bow.. people look up to people like him and want to do what he's doing and so forth. .... not dogging him, I've seen him shoot and is a dang good shot....yall know where I going I'm not gonna keep going on. Its like talking to a wall. People are still gonna do it..
  6. diehard

    Found Achery Kill 23N (UPDATED)

    How big was 350" or bigger
  7. diehard

    2012 Early and Archery Elk Review! Lots of HORN!

    Man I can't wait to see what this year brings...
  8. diehard

    free elk meat!

  9. Congrats to all involved. .....I expected a lot bigger bull's out of 9 though....
  10. diehard

    big strip muley

    WOW.....nice buck love the mass on that big boy
  11. diehard

    Lost Bull Unit 10

    From my under standing 99% chance you will not get them back and they will go to auction.
  12. diehard

    2013 Bull 3rd tags the Charm

    Congrats on a nice bull....were all three of your tags you had for the same unit?
  13. diehard

    Lost Bull Unit 10

    +1 I'd do the same thing trphyhntr
  14. OMG.....Cindi that is a stud of a bull...... Congrats I'm so jealous I didn't get a tag this year
  15. diehard

    gettin it done OTC STYLE

    Congrats on a OTC bull.. not bad hope he eats good
  16. diehard

    My first Bull taken 5 years ago!

    Nice bull.... Good looking mount too
  17. diehard

    Lost Bull Unit 10

    I thought once the hunt ends the bull becomes the states. If fish and game is involved and found before the hunt ends then you can clam it? Right or rong.. there's several stories out there about this same situation. ... Steve Chappell lost a bull a couple years ago and found after the season closed and G&F wouldn't give it to him. He had to buy it back from G&F at an auction...
  18. diehard

    3a/3c got it done with two days to spare

    Congrats.... way to get it done last minute
  19. diehard

    Part two...Great opening weekend in Unit 1

    Way to get it done on the last day.... congrats
  20. diehard

    My NM Elk Hunt

    Congrats on an awesome bull..
  21. diehard

    Hunter's Velvet Coues

    WOW...thats a hellava couse deer...congrats
  22. diehard

    Gila Bull (VIDEO)

    Congrats.....strong work
  23. diehard

    Big Bull in 6A... and my first!

    Congrats on a hellava nice bull. Not that your unit don't have them I think every unit has big bulls in them, you just gotta get out and find them..
  24. diehard

    Redemption Bull

    Congrats on your bull. What do you think causes that messed up side. I've seen that on a couple of bulls the last couple years? Maybe broke his skull last year fighting and that's the way it healed?
  25. diehard

    Unit 27 bull down

    Congrats on a fine bull..