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Everything posted by huntingfool

  1. huntingfool

    My unit 9 bull **New pictures and story added**

    Congrats again man, nice bull!
  2. huntingfool

    Alexander Arms 50 Beowulf for sale UPDATED

    I use mine primarily for calling bear in thick country. No luck yet though
  3. huntingfool

    Leupold 750 TBR Rangefinder

    As promised, here's some pictures. Front side show a few light signs of use, overall in very good shape. I think it's been on 3-4 hunts and a few trips to the range. I do have the box.
  4. huntingfool

    Leica rangefinder, powder, vortex viper pst 6-24x50

    I'll take the rangefinder, PM sent.
  5. I got a $25 Bass Pro card for Christmas but I would much prefer it was a Cabelas card. I just never got out to Bass Pro but when I'm in Phoenix Cabelas is much closer. Plus I have a cabelas card so I order form them time to time. Anyone else in the same boat?
  6. huntingfool

    Want to Trade: Bass Pro Gift Card for Cabelas Gift Card

    No Bass Pro love? Would trade for a Sportsmans Warehouse card too.
  7. huntingfool

    Gift Card Exchange?

    Sure you don't want a Bass Pro card?
  8. That could not be cooler. Great work, you'll both remember this hunt forever.
  9. This year has been great. I was able to put my wife on her first deer during a muzzleloader hunt and not only was that a great experience but that buck may be the tastiest deer I've ever eaten . The next weekend found me and a friend I met in grad school on a hunt I've been trying to draw for a few years. It's a unit where I don't see many deer in but when I do they are usually mature bucks. I knew it would be a tough hunt, the areas I'd been in offer virtually no glassing opportunities and is all still hunting thick stuff. We hunted the first two days without seeing a single deer, a decent number of tracks but not an abundance of obvious buck sign and it's hard hunting. Steep, heavily wooded canyons with lots of crunchy pine needles and oak leaves to step on. I like to walk old logging roads because they are quieter. We were able to sneak up on a few elk and coyotes, but no deer. On day 3 we got up early for some new country on a recommendation from a friend. I misjudged how long it took to get there so it got light on us and going 60mph down the highway I saw some deer. I flipped around and we got out and glassed them and there were 5 deer. I could see 4 of their heads and they were all yearling bucks. My friend was looking and said "the first two are spikes. Oh, there's a bigger one." I hear his safety click off and I'm trying to see the last deer's head to see if it was a bigger one when he shot. 4 deer ran off and one lay dead. The one he shot is a fork horn, looks to be delicious. We hung and skinned it and broke down camp. Took it to the house and let it cool in the fridge awhile, then he left for the valley. He clarified later, by bigger he meant "not a spike." I'm no trophy guide (obviously) but I am happy to say I have now put this guy on his first bull elk, his first coyote and his first buck and he's clobbered every one of them. The next morning my little brother met me and we headed out to the new spot to check it out. We had never been out to that area so as the sun came up we would pull over and take short hikes and glass and check out the terrain and look for sign. Didn't see much deer sign but lots of elk sign and saw a few small bulls. Around 930am we were in between spots, looking for an old road to walk because we'd found some thick/steep canyons when I saw a deer standing in the trees. I thought I glimpsed antler tips but wasn't sure and my brother stopped with an tree branch blocking my view. He gets on the binoculars and says "it's a buck, get out and shoot it." As I got out I asked him how big it was. He could only see one side and said "it's a 3 point." I still couldn't clearly see his antlers, it was facing me and peering under a branch. I could just see his body and antler stumps on his head thru the scope. I centered it on his chest, fired, and he went down. After he crumpled, my brother said "dude, you just shot a BIG buck." We got over there and I couldn't believe what I had. Since I couldn't see antlers sticking over the tree branch I assumed it was a small buck. I did notice while aiming that he looked pretty stout and his face looked older than what I'm used to shooting at but I wanted to get him so I didn't pay it any mind. I'm a meat hunter and generally shoot the first little buck I come across. Anyway, I got over there and was met with this: I really shouldn't complain but I so much wish I would have glassed this buck up and pulled a sneak, or jumped him in a canyon, or caught him feeding along while still hunting a thick canyon, or even made a good shot on him at 500 yards. I hate that I got him driving between spots, in an area I've never been, and I had no idea how big he was until I got to him. BUT, I have put my time in on foot over the years and only once seen an animal of this class during deer season and I did not get that buck. I've seen them before a hunt only to have them disappear or get shot by someone else, but it was finally my turn. This is my 18th year of hunting big game and I've been dreaming of a buck this nice for longer than that. I sure hope it doesn't take me another 18 years to shoot another one but it was worth the wait. I've never needed to drag a tape out on a buck before but I did my first attempt tonight. I got 101 1/8 gross, 90 1/2 net Boone and Crockett. Wonder how close I am. It doesn't even matter though what he scores, he's the first big set of horns I'll get to hang on the wall. I got to share it with my little brother who I never get to see and I realize now we didn't get a picture of the two of us. Guess we'll have to fix that when I get him back from the taxidermy man.
  10. huntingfool

    Finally Shot a Big Buck!

    Shot him with Winchester M70 in 30-06, 168gr TTSX. He was facing me, shot him in the chest and found the bullet between the hide and his flank right before his hind leg.
  11. huntingfool

    Recovered bullets

    Barnes 168gr TTSX recovered from a coues whitetail. He was facing me, shot him directly in chest and found this under the hide on the flank just before the hind leg. Had to have been a good 24" penetration.
  12. huntingfool

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    I have one of those too. It's incredible. As far as annoyances... sunglasses on a predator stand.
  13. huntingfool

    I Stole a camera- Pay back

    Was it the Cornbagger's camera ya think? I wonder if he roams in those parts.
  14. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

    2 boxes minus 20 (180ct) $65 includes shipping. $60 local in Flagstaff http://www.midwayusa.com/product/130769/nosler-bonded-performance-bullets-22-caliber-224-diameter-64-grain-spitzer-solid-base-box-of-100 Nosler's website has data for this bullet in 223 (1-12 twist 26" barrel) and 22-250 (1-14 twist). I haven't tried them yet, the 20 that are missing I gave to a friend to try but he has not yet worked them up. This is basically an Accubond without an Accutip.
  15. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

  16. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

    $60 includes shipping
  17. huntingfool

    WTS LS bobcat, and pool table

    Does the bobcat have large talons?
  18. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

    Still available.
  19. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

  20. huntingfool


    Nice, who did that rug for you? I'd like my next one done like that..
  21. huntingfool

    Nosler 64gr Bonded .224"

    Trying to raise a few bucks to pay bills, something new every time I turn around. I'll text you the details
  22. huntingfool

    Anybody start their hunting beard?

    And was it the ugliest beard in all the land? I was going to wait until mid September or so to start the hunting beard, but am considering moving that date up a bit. I much prefer wearing a beard to shaving. I'm thinking late August will be the right time.
  23. huntingfool

    Draw Results are out

    And some big ones.First time we wacked them was in 1976 sold one side of a 120 inch coues 2 years ago from 5a Seldom Drawn Yeah, my brother found a very big coues shed while hunting elk a few years ago in 5B south. We saw some does but no bucks. Not much glassing opportunities in that particular spot, I have some scouting to do but will probably hunt 5B north mostly.