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Everything posted by huntingfool

  1. huntingfool

    Wanted: Toyota Tundra 4WD

    I know somebody has one... Will be in Phx Saturday
  2. huntingfool

    Ruger SP101 4" Barrel Rare 32H&R Mag

  3. This is a rare SP101 in 32 H&R Magnum. 4" barrel and in excellent shape ~125 rounds down it. Not making these anymore, you 32 fanatics will like this one. Shoots 32 H&R Mag, 32 S&W Long, 32 S&W and some people even shoot 32ACP. It's really nice, I just wish it was a 357 or even a 327. Time is limited these days and the more I think about it, the less I'm interested in reloading for another caliber (but I would do it for a 327). Comes with box/manual, 4 speed strips and a box of 32 S&W. I am open to trades. Price is $550. I live in Flagstaff, I will be driving through Phx and Tucson Thursday evening (Nov 5th) on my way to Nogales for a deer hunt. Will be coming back through probably Nov 9th.
  4. huntingfool

    My first deer!

  5. huntingfool

    mass and trash

    My God!!! Incredible buck, congrats! I just saw Becker's post and thought that would be the best buck posted all year, then I click on this one...
  6. huntingfool

    My Biggest Yet!!!!!

    Unreal buck, one of the coolest bucks ever! That's awesome, great job.
  7. huntingfool


    Great story, great buck. Congrats.
  8. huntingfool

    One's better than nothing

    Sweet! That High West Campfire is good stuff, like it better than bourbon.
  9. huntingfool

    2015 Off to a good start!!!!

    Awesome bulls, good work!
  10. huntingfool

    Vortex Kiabab HD 15x56 -- $800 (SOLD)

    Message sent
  11. huntingfool

    Monday Hits only thread.

    Buddy from New York just called, said he just got dinged for elk.
  12. huntingfool

    30/30 for elk

    I've seen two calves shot with 150gr non-premium bullets and they both took a few shots, placement probably being the more limiting factor. I'd be looking hard at the 170gr Partitions if it were me though.
  13. huntingfool

    Card Hit

    There's a lot to be said here, a lot of folks don't understand the draw and shoot themselves in the foot. Obviously this isn't always the case and mostly works for non-premium hunts but a lot of guys just want to go hunting and still have a hard time drawing because of how they fill out their apps.
  14. huntingfool

    Card Hit

    Wife and I got hit. I have either 5B or 7W rifle bull.
  15. huntingfool

    just woundering

    I've seen 3 bulls while driving around Flagstaff last 2 days, one spike, one rag and a small six. All still packing both horns.
  16. huntingfool

    Browns on the ground!!

    I think I speak for everyone when I say... We want pics!
  17. huntingfool

    Calling chair/seat recommendations?

    I use something like this, lightweight folding chair in camo. I like to have a back to my chair, especially when using hand calls. This is just the first link I came across but most stores have something like this for $20-25. The one in the link is $90, that's ridiculous. https://www.vetfriends.com/catalog/catalog_detail.cfm?itemNum=5328
  18. huntingfool

    4 down

  19. huntingfool

    dog down

    Thumbs up!
  20. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    Went out this afternoon for some predator calling. I've been taking my girls (6yrs and 4yrs) with me and they dig it. They have been my good luck charms and boy they didn't disappoint today. We walked an old logging road I'd been eyeing for years for 500-600 yards until we came to a good spot. I was targeting fox and bobcat and in AZ that's usually lion country as well. I had one girl on each side of me and a camo blanket over us. They sit reasonably still with their beanies and earmuffs on At about the 12 minute mark, first stand, I was looking off to my left at the canyon side and my oldest daughter whispered "coyote, coyote." I look to where she pointed and saw an animal coming, I immediately got my youngest on the right to see it and she nodded. It was behind some trees trotting in, I got the scattergun up and waited. It appeared about 30-40 yards facing us and I thought "nice big tom bobcat" not remembering the animal I saw before had a tail. I shot and it stumbled then leaped in the air. I saw the tail then and thought "holy crap!" It ran broadside thru some trees and I shot twice more. As it cleared the trees, 40-50 yards estimated, I had a good bead on it as it quartered away. The next two shots were visual hits, it arched and stumbled both times. As we watched, me out of shells, it hopped out of sight. I knew it was hit bad, it couldn't run and it stumbled and rolled twice before hobbling out of sight. Three visual hits. Since I was out of shells (moron) I got the girls back to the truck. I had one shot left in the truck but didn't want to leave the girls behind so I called some help. I went home, met my sister and her boyfriend, got more shells and he and I headed back out. A friend of mine had dogs but lives an hour away. He headed our way but due to unforeseen road closures he couldn't make it before dark. So we headed to the spot and found it dead about where I'd last seen it. I figured that was the case but didn't want to go in with my girls after a hurt lion. Nice tom!: Wish it would have fell in site, would have loved for the girls to see it down. Picks back at the house came out pretty crappy which is extremely unfortunate. Hopefully somebody got a good one, there were a few people taking pictures. Weighed him at 118lbs. Couldn't have asked for an easier walk out but it was still a bear. I've been calling 6 years, mostly in cat country, very very excited to get this cat. I've been wanting one forever but was still super surprised when he came in. Anyway I'm pretty jacked, check him in to G&F tomorrow and then to the taxidermist!
  21. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    It's still sinking in. It's still keeping me up at night! Few things: 1. Bring extra shells! My heart sank when that lion got out of sight and I was out of ammo. I knew it was hit bad and I have some dog connections so I knew I'd get it, but I would have rather been able to have my girls seen it go down. I almost always have more ammunition as mentioned but the time I went with the bare minimum I needed more. 2. Find the best load for my shotgun with copper plated ammunition. I want more penetration. Yes, I recovered the lion and it didn't go far but the first shot had at least two pellets to the head. Must have not penetrated the skull. The loads I have I tested standing up and they are "good enough", not much gets away with that rig but I want to know I have the best available. Maybe there is something better. Today I ordered 6 different loads of #4, #1 and 00 buck mostly copper plated. I'll do a proper pattern test with a lead sled and see what the best load is. 3. Call premium lion country more often! That was an incredible experience. I know the odds of doing it again aren't good but I have a lot of years of hunting left and I want try. I know a lot of nasty country that I've seen tracks in. They are around. Might as well have them hear a call more often.
  22. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    Foxpro Wildfire, hadn't used any hand calls yet on this stand.
  23. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    I’m getting the comment on how could I have mistaken that cat for a non-lion and that’s a fair question. I have to explain my mindset on stands with my kids. They are young, 6 and 4. Obviously they already have pretty keen eyes (we go look at animals in the forest a lot ) but I want to make sure they get to see the animal before I kill it. It’s no fun for them to go out and for me to sit still and watch and kill stuff and then they can see it when we get up to it. I want them to see the whole thing and experience it with me. With this lion, my daughter on the left got me on it and as soon as I locked on it I was busy trying to get my youngest to see it without making any movement. By the time I looked back up and turned the call back on, I just saw the figure slip from a young stand of oaks and go behind a ponderosa that was blocking my view. This was thick stuff remember, shotgun stand. I raised up my shotgun while it was out of sight and when it appeared it was directly facing me and I could only see it’s head, chest, feet. No tail in view, no profile. I verified large cat and shot it. It weren’t no house cat obviously and I was excited and forgot I’d seen a tail. I did recognize is was a much bigger cat than I’m used to and as soon as it changed angle I was like “of course, way too big to be a bob.” I’m just not ever expecting a lion even in perfect lion country.
  24. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    #4 buckshot. First shot was Federal 3", the rest wast Estate 2 3/4". There were at least 2 pellets around his eye which should have dropped him, must have flattened on the skull? Had to have been the first shot. G&F guy figured that blinded him. After the volley, he was not moving well at all. I knew he was hit hard. With all the shot I found in him I can't believe he made it out of sight.
  25. huntingfool

    LION Down!

    Wish I'd have thought about it but he's to ripe to cut into now. In fact, he was ripe to begin with. My guess is the last thing he ate was a skunk. I don't think I've encountered a more potent or foul smell than the one that came out of that cat's butt. Like a skunk had been turned into cat crap