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Everything posted by huntingfool

  1. huntingfool

    2010 October Coues 130" and 98"

    Wow, nice bucks!
  2. huntingfool

    my first deer

    Spikes are good eating!!! These little deer taste great, and the little ones are tender. Coues deer are crafty little buggers, even a little one is a good accomplishment. Congrats!
  3. huntingfool

    WTB Glock 23

    Looking for a Glock 23, I'm in Tucson. Let me know if you have or know of one. Thanks.
  4. That's awesome, good looking cat. I can't wait to take my girls out with me, I hope they want to come.
  5. huntingfool

    small 3 x 3 ......

    Congrats. Yeah, the bright side is that you didn't waste any meat. There's not much there to begin with!
  6. huntingfool

    44 Mag Brass

    I have 200 pieces 44Mag brass for sale. Most of it is once fired by my brother, some may be range pick-up but he thinks it's all his. It's mixed headstamp mostly Remington, Winchester, Speer, and Federal. It is de-primed, resized, and tumbled. Ready to load and shoot. $45 SPF Price comparison: Remington brass $30/100 plus tax & shipping
  7. huntingfool

    Bobcat Question???

    Heck yeah! There's no reason NOT to start there, in my opinion. I remember hearing someone who knows cats say that an area that has produced one cat will produce another...so if you don't get that one you may get another. I know where I'd be calling if I were you.
  8. huntingfool

    An Ethical Hunting Dilemma

    That's hot!
  9. huntingfool

    son's first dog

    That's a good looking dog, congrats to you both!
  10. huntingfool

    Interesting stand

    Yeah he was coming in a hurry. Too bad I brought the rifle (without sticks ). If I would have had my scattergun I'd have plugged my first fox. Alas, I remain foxless. Saw some bucks though, Nov 5th can't get here soon enough!
  11. huntingfool

    A Good Day!

  12. huntingfool

    A Coyote A Day

    Hey that's a good week!
  13. huntingfool

    5 fox and 1 bobcat

    Looks like the pelts are coming along. Are they good enough to save yet?
  14. huntingfool

    Redding 22-250, 9mm dies

    Redding 22-250 2 dies set, FL sizer and seater. Series A, part no 80106. $25. Midway wants: $36 plus tax and shipping Redding 9mm Titanium Carbide 3 die set with RCBS shellholder. Part No 88172. $50 Midway wants: $87 plus tax and shipping Dies are all in good shape.
  15. huntingfool

    RCBS 380 dies

    These dies are almost brand new, they have sized and seated exactly 2 dummy rounds. That's almost brand new. Cabela's wants $45 plus tax for them. I'd like $35 FTF or $40 shipped.
  16. huntingfool

    Weaver K-10 AO great condition

    I took this K-10 AO off a rifle with the intention of putting it on my model 70 in .243 but I've decided to go a different direction. This is in very good condition, the only scratches are the ones you can see in the first pic and they look worse in the pic than in real life. Can't beat these old Weavers for durability in my opinion and would be a great vintage piece as well. Last I checked they were going on ebay for around $140 plus shipping. $100 I'm in Tucson but will be at Cabelas on the 26th or 27th
  17. huntingfool

    Remington 1100 Barrel SPF

    I have a Remington 1100 barrel for sale. It has been cut down and bead replaced. The bead isn't spectacular and the cut isn't square, but it is like 19" and a functional barrel. No rust. It is the bottom barrel in the picture. $20
  18. Well we had the morning off so I took some friends out for a predator hunt. Mike had never hunted but always wanted to. Evan has killed a cow elk but is still fairly inexperienced. Evan's been out a few times with me and gotten skunked, but today he drew some blood. The guys met me just before 5am and we headed out to find some doggies. As soon as we got out of the truck we could hear coyotes in all directions. We were hunting the thick stuff and I knew they weren't howling at the truck so I figured the first stand would be good. Sure enough about two minutes in I see a dog at about 20 yards. They just appear in the thick stuff sometimes. Anyway Mike was looking the other way. I pssssted at him and he slowly looked over. By this time the two dogs started to leave, but he let go with some #4 buck as they were leaving. I wanted to keep calling but since I thought he may have hit one we got up and checked out the AO. Sure enough it opened up a little and I could see one was hobbled. We hustled up to her and Mike put her down. This is his very first kill, look at the smile on his face! Next stand we saw one leaving as we sat down but called anyway. No takers. Third stand we set up with Mike and Evan facing one way, and me the other. I was calling and I gave them the side I though would get action. Sure enough about 6 minutes in I hear Evan kissing and then BANG! Then Evan says "he's down" and we hopped up to look. He drilled her with my 45 colt levergun. Say what you will about the caliber but hunting the thick stuff I think shotguns and open sights are king. Here's the boys with their coyotes: All said and done it was a good day; 4 stands, 2 dogs down and I think they are hooked. Good times!
  19. huntingfool

    RCBS 5-0-2 scale NIB $60

    I just acquired a new in box, never used RCBS 5-0-2 scale. I wanted it but I made a purchase at the gun show today so I should le this go and keep using the one I have. Looks like midway has them for $72 plus tax & shipping. $60 local $65 shipped
  20. ahahahahahahaha! AHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAAHHAHAHAH! I can't stop watching it. AHAHAHAHAHaH!
  21. huntingfool

    boys from boise

    I don't think there's a team out there that plays with more heart, and no coach that coach Petersen can't out-coach.
  22. huntingfool

    boys from boise

    Yeah helluva game. That's the 27th regular season win for them or some such. Every year they beat everybody and win their bowl game, and every year they're denied a shot at the title.
  23. huntingfool

    180+ Coues Sheds --- You better sit down before you look!

    Whoah. Obviously that buck is "in it" with the aliens. Probably the government too.
  24. huntingfool

    good day scouting

    Sorry man I forgot you were going, when Clark bailed on me I should have gone out with you. For the record, I would have gotten a coyote if Clark would have been on stand with me instead of my dog. I've never called that stand but found an access point and knew I would call in a dog when I got around to calling it. Sure enough one came right in at maybe 3 minutes, snuck up on me at about 50 yards. Bootie barked it away, she's turning out to be a worthless decoy dog. Two coyotes have seen her now and neither one seemed interested. I don't understand it, she'd be an easy meal Anyway we'll find more bucks. You know I'd shoot any buck even close to 80, it would be a big improvement over last year's 20 inch 3x3!