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About huntingfool

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/13/1983

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  1. huntingfool

    Tick Tock

    Lot of fraud and cancelled cards lately. I get hacked between now and the draw I’m going to be a hot little potato
  2. huntingfool

    Tick Tock

    I lost sleep like a kid on Christmas Eve last night lol... figure it out AZGFD!
  3. huntingfool

    Reloaders delight PARTIES OVER SPF

    PM sent
  4. huntingfool

    Anyone have a wall tent they are sick of?

    PM sent. But should have specified, 12x12 or bigger preferred. Optimal would be in the 16x16 range. Thanks all
  5. huntingfool


    2 knockdowns left
  6. huntingfool


    Gongs are 3/8” thick AR500 steel. New unused. 10” $25 Sold 8” $20 Sold 6” $15ea Sold 6” Knockdown $15 ea pickup will be around 37th and Bell
  7. huntingfool

    Gunpowder IMR 4064/3031 North Phx

    270 brass/bullets added
  8. huntingfool

    Gunpowder IMR 4064/3031 North Phx

    Added projectiles, brass
  9. I live in Flagstaff but will be in Phoenix this Saturday and Sunday, 11/17-11/18. Pickup location will be 35th and Bell. This is what's left. Powder is all new/unused, full, unopened, and stored indoors. Rifle Powder $15/Lb IMR 4064 (5 available) IMR 3031 (5 available)
  10. All is new, unopened, stored indoors, new stock. Located in Flagstaff. No plans to go down to the Valley but am in Cottonwood/Sedona sometimes. Primers (per thousand) $24 each Small Pistol: Federal (standard) 1 available CCI 500 (standard) 5 available CCI 550 (magnum) 1 available Large Pistol: Federal (standard) 1 available CCI 300 (standard) 3 available CCI 350 (magnum) 1 available Winchester (standard or magnum) 4 available Large Rifle: CCI 200 (standard) 2 available Winchester (standard) 7 available Rifle Powder $24/lb H4350 (2 available) H335 (6 available) H4895 (3 available) Varget (2 available) Ramshot Hunter (1 available) Reloader 15 (2 available) Reloader 17 (2 available) Reloader 25 (1 available) Benchmark (1 available) W748 (2 available) IMR 4895 (2 available) IMR 4064 (10 available) IMR 3031 (6 available) IMR 4831 (1 available) IMR 4350 (2 available) IMR 4895 8lb jug $160 Hodgdon H1000 8lb jug $160 Pistol Powder Unique $24/lb (2 available) Hodgdon HS-6 $20/lb (2 available) Universal $20/lb (1 available)
  11. huntingfool

    8lb Hodgdon H1000

    Trip to Phx bump
  12. huntingfool

    8lb Hodgdon H1000

  13. huntingfool

    8lb Hodgdon H1000

    8lbs Hodgdon H1000. Unused, unopened, stored indoors. Bought it for a rifle I decided not to pursue. I’m in Flagstaff but looks like I'll be in the valley this Saturday $180