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Everything posted by motoxno53

  1. motoxno53

    Outdoormans medium tripod

    It will do good I did not like my Med as it was just too short. Even with the center section extension..... buy the large you will be a lot happier.
  2. Hello all, This is a re-post as I want to see what you guys have to say now that it is late in the season. My wife has a Unit 8 Cow tag in Dec. she has not killed anything yet so I am hoping this will be her first. the issue I have is that I have never been up in that area that late in the season. We live in Tucson so do not make it up that way much. we are planing on scouting my worries are that what i scout now will be useless later. If any of you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated. I do not want your secret spot just some info on areas that hold cows in the late season. you can email me so you do not have to post any info on here. motoxno53@yahoo.com Thank you for any and all help Chris
  3. Hello all, My wife has a Unit 8 Cow tag in Dec. She has not killed anything yet so I am hoping this will be her first. The issue I have is that I have never been up in that area that late in the season. We live in Tucson so do not make it up that way much. We are planing on scouting my worries are that what i scout now will be useless later in the late season. If any of you could help me out it would be greatly appreciated. I do not want your secret spot just some info on areas that hold cows in the late season. You can email me so you do not have to post any info on here. motoxno53@yahoo.com Thank you for any and all help Chris
  4. motoxno53

    Changing Seasons

    ^^^^^ X2 Jim please respond to the above... I feel the same way the stats they are using are biased.....I have hunted the 36s all of my life and I spend a lot of time out in the field. it is obvious that the deer herds are greatly reduced than what they were just a few short years ago and yet more tags and more hunts....."lets get more people in the field? well heck pretty soon there will not be any bucks left to shoot. Come on when are we going to reduce tags. I would gladly not hunt for a couple of years if I know that the quality of out herds were going to get better.... I know then why dont I turn in my tag. Well that is because with the amount of deer we have left and the GFD increasing tags numbers I will take me years of hunting to find a deer that is old enough to shoot not to mention we may not have any deer left the way the GFD is increasing tags. I do not shoot a deer just to shoot. I will go out but will not shoot a deer unless it is a buck that has lived and now is ready to go on to the land of lush grass and lots of water and some dang shade..... Hunting to me is getting depressing as the GFD will not give them a brake.... Chris