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Everything posted by mje1

  1. mje1

    Lion hunt after work

    Yes it is great, i butchered him last night. Its amazing when people taste it they cant believe how good it is. Mark
  2. mje1

    Lion hunt after work

    Thanks Robert for inviting me along on this hunt if it wasn't for you this wouldn't have happened for me, sorry you had to leave but that seems to be youre luck sometimes. Just think of all the money you saved. I would have to say youre son Garrett is Good Luck for me lately by letting me set up a ground blind on a trail he found and harvest a 100" whitetail with my bow and being with me on this kill, and of course he does most of the work packing these animals out. Thanks a bunch to both of you. heres some more pics. Mark
  3. I drew in 1999 6x6 and in 2005 6x6 both were archery in 27 and 1 5 years feels like an eternity, but I have been able to help alot of friends on numerous hunts for the last 6 years. Early,Late and junior hunts. If it wasnt for those hunts I would have gone crazy.
  4. mje1

    **Draw Results**

    Nothing for me, but Ill be helping the pine donkey with that unit 1 goat hunt ANT 15pts ELK 7pts
  5. mje1

    Affects of Rain on Deer

    They deffenitly dont move as much on the open hills but sometimes youd be surprised, they could be following some hot doe and they could be anywhere. Most likely the will be out of the wind but dont pass up good country, ive seen them on open hill sides in 50mph winds and their flags are getting wrapped around them. This weather affects us hunters more than the deer they live in this crap. mark
  6. mje1


    +1 Itotally agree it is much herder to kill a big muley than a big coues. Just my opinion. mark
  7. mje1

    Help with pigs in 36a

    its been about 7 years since my son hunted that unit for junior deer but we went in at mile marker 7 on arivaca rd and went in a couple of miles past an old water tanker trailer. we would alot of pigs every day in all the hills in the area. we hunted it a few years and it was like that every year. good luck Mark
  8. mje1

    My late archery bull 360 3/8

    Great Bull. Glad to see the genes are still there. I killed one across the road in 05 that could be his twin.
  9. mje1

    Ezras Coues

    Thats a great Buck. Good job and congradulations.
  10. mje1

    December Tags

    I totally agree, if youre scouting and you find a good buck he most likely will be in the same general area come opening day. But if you dont find that big boy then bumping into one on the first hunts is tough. I scout alot harder if i draw an early hunt than the dec. hunt. I started putting my game cams. on water in early june hoping to find last years bucks twin brother, no luck yet.
  11. My Father in-law has a 27 nov. Bull hunt, I know the Blue and other areas off the rim are the spots but I dont want to pack it out. Id love to have youre info so I would be willing to take him in those areas.
  12. mje1

    Native Resident proposal

    I think on elk in this state all the hunts should be rated equally that way the people drawn for certain quality units dont flock to the other units on their off year, same for antelope they would all be quality hunts. It might work ok on the deer hunts though but not totally sure. I still think minimum points to draw for elk and ant. could help.
  13. mje1

    Native Resident proposal

    make it a preference point system or a minimum number of points to draw. at least 4 points for elk , that way to keep building points and not lose your loyalty point you still need to purchase a license and pay app. fee. It might help a little but i dont think much can be done we only have so many animals in this state and everyone wants them, it is a quality state.
  14. mje1

    so mad!!!

    Great job on youre first Buck, and way to stick with it. Just laugh at the negative opinions, this was youre successful hunt and youll never forget it. Do you know Dave G. he talks about you guys at ross alot. I hunt with him alot. Mark
  15. mje1

    Does anyone know

    Thats the same story i heard too( pulled over to pee). but I heard he was 21 years old. Dont know for sure though. ME
  16. This was my wifes first coues hunt and a december one at that. I was expecting to hunt pretty hard until we found out she was pregnant, so the plans changed a bit. We couldnt get vacation time together so it was going to be weekends only,plus we needed a babysitter for our almost 2 year old. Spot and stalk i figured was out due to the terrian so we set up where the bucks had been traveling hoping for an easier shot. The first weekend was a bust i figured due to the high winds. The second weekend we set up where i had taken a 108 class buck on the first hunt and hoped for the best. Around eight o'clock I finally spotted a buck she was willing to shoot. She didint want to kill a young buck. This buck was around a thousand yards away up the mountain so i figured he was going to walk. I asked her if she felt up to going after him and she was. Before we took off we watched a good buck make a scrape so we were going to try and set up and watch the tree he was at. By the time we cut the distance, the deer had gone over the mtn. so we set up about 300 yards from the scrape tree and waited. It wasnt long and she spotted a good buck back on our side of the mtn. The buck was moving through the trees and never prsented a shot. He went down in the canyon below us i figured to bed so we moved about 20 yards to give us better vantage point and we were busted by some does. The does started blowing and heading to where we last saw the buck so i told her to get ready because they would pull him up the mtn. with them. I was wrong, when they got to where he was they started feeding again. so we waited. After about 20 mins. I found him in his bed right in tree i last saw him at, man theyre sneeke. We had to move about 10 yards to see over the brush so we crawled and set up. He was 200yrds in his bed,she set up the bipod and and stedied for the shot. First shot went right over his back, he just looked around. So did the second. now iwas getting exicted. click wentthe third. a miss fire. then he stood up and she connected right in the spine down he went.
  17. mje1

    Good times....

    Those are two very nice bucks. congrats to you both.
  18. mje1

    First buck over 100

    Very nice Buck! He sure looks Bigger than 105
  19. mje1

    One-Ten or nuthin', Buddy!!!

    awsome buck congrats. ill say 128
  20. mje1

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    Ill guess 1850
  21. mje1

    23 bull elk

    Thats an awsome Bull. Congrats Mark
  22. mje1

    My Sons first deer

    Great job on youre first buck, and Dad those times are priceless my son and I shared great hunts together.
  23. mje1

    My Boy's NM Buck (UPDATED on pg4)

    Congrats on an awsome buck.
  24. Ive hunted lots of years for good bucks and the last two years Iwas rewarded very well. The first buck is a dec. 07 rifle. He gross scores 114. The 2nd buck is from this years first hunt on opening morning. I found him the week before and i didnt think he was this big. He gross scores a little over 108.