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Everything posted by mje1

  1. mje1

    elk chronicles

    Ill shot an Elk up to the end of leagal shooting light because it is leagal and if I hit it good Iwill give it a little longer than I would one shot in the morning if its a bad shot then I would wait for first light to get after it. Ive shot 2 Bulls right at dark and waited till morning to recover both and I didnt loose any meat. If I would have went after one of them I would have pushed him out of the country and never recovered him wasting all the meat. As hunters we have to make decisions and if we make poor ones due to lazyness thats wrong, you owe it to that animal to recover it regardless. A friend of mine burried an arrow to the fletches behind the shoulders of a Bull last year in the morning and never recovered him so it does happen and it is part hunting but a good effort needs to be made. I thinkalot more animals are wounded and not recovered by rifle hunters every year and a whole lot more of them die. Mark
  2. mje1

    Freak Bull from Unit 10!

    I wouldnt, his score wouldnt do him justice. Mark
  3. mje1

    Antelope hunt unit 10

    No excuse, if it was Game and Fish Id want someones BUTT. Regardless of the size of the animal 85 or 70 thats a once in a lifetime tag for most in this state. I think they wouldnt have a problem finding antelope from a plane the week after the season ends, a majority of them are in open grasslands. Mark
  4. mje1

    cow tag filled

    Great job, cows arent the easiest to kill theyre the sharpest ones the Bulls are love sick. Mark
  5. mje1

    A neat bull from yesterday

    Youre going to have a great hunt and im sure you will get an awsome Bull. I know its tough to do with such a hard to draw tag but just relax and have a great time and im sure it will all come together. Sounds like you have good knowledge and experience in that unit(my favorite) Thats going to make it sucessful for you. Good Luck Mark
  6. mje1

    Guides - My Opinion

    Totally Agree very well put. Mark
  7. mje1

    Finally got him

    Great Goat Congratulations. He would be worth my 15 pts! Mark
  8. mje1

    Archery Elk hunters

    Yeah Good Luck to you all, Wish i was going Mark
  9. mje1

    Unit 1 Goat

    I Guess dry valley is west of auger canyon off of road 88 I never knew it was called by that name and ive been going there with Robert for years
  10. mje1

    Unit 1 Goat

    Robert thats a great goat and I wish I couldve been there with you, it kinda felt like I was with cody texting me and keeping me updated though thx. Hes going to look great on youre wall cant wait to see it there, you really deserve that trophy youve waited along time for a great animal like that, and of course that Taxidermy Bill. Mark
  11. mje1

    Helping Kids

    When my son hunted youth hunts i carried his rifle whenever it was needed, rough country or he was tired. I never checked if it was legal or not wouldve carried it anyway. Dont think there is a problem with it since its a hunt to promote kids to hunt i dont think they would want them to get discouraged quickly. If they are older and capable maybe not though. Mark
  12. mje1


    Wow thats another great lookin goat CEI youve got a nice collection of archery goats. Great acomplishment. Mark
  13. WOW! Those make my 113 look like a Baby Mark
  14. mje1

    Some Awesome Trail cam video of elk

    That was really cool video, now i really wish i had a Bull tag this year. Mark
  15. mje1

    Tough Archery Antelope Hunt!

    Thats a real bummer that they arent rutting but i think they should start soon. I was up there with PineDonkey the weekend before and we didnt see much rutting activity. We saw a group of six bucks and the bucks we saw with the does really werent doing much chasing. We did see the herd of 55 but there were 2 bucks in them, the small one and the other we took pics of that i think you saw. I dont know much about antelope but i thought the rut started around this time. Good Luck and maybe we will run into you this weekend. Mark
  16. Just drop some grizzlies off they'll have plenty to eat no need to feed them dog food. Mark
  17. mje1


    Those are some nice goats. I would rather have an archery one rather than a rifle, i have 15bps and im not brave enough to go for an archery tag after all these years. Maybe after i get one under my belt Mark
  18. mje1

    Pray For Amanda!

    Glad youre doing well. Looks like you get to be waited on for a week, enjoy it. My wife sees the surgeon on the 16th, i think hers is coming out also, the ultrasound showed some stones. Mark
  19. mje1


    Yeah Mtn Lion is great. My Wife would also rather eat lion than deer. If you are ever down in the Tombstone area I would be happy to give you some to try. Mark
  20. mje1


    Ive had those bugs get on my antlers that still had the hide on them but nothing so far on my mounts. I think they are like or are the bugs that get into pastas and grains in your cabinets. Someone told me they thought they were a type of beetle larva. One friend of mine had them in a couple of his deer, but only the ones that were wet tanned i dont know if that makes a difference though. Mark
  21. mje1

    Some scouting pics

    Those are pretty nice, that last one is a keeper. hope to find some good ones in unit 1 this year for old Pine Donkey. Mark
  22. mje1

    Want to help me win a video competition?

    Cool video Amanda, my little boy has had to watch it many times.I signed up and voted Good Luck Mark
  23. Yeah i heard that awhile back, people are just whining. As for Calif. pull the plug anyway Mark
  24. I think they outa take all the people who have time to leave work if they have a job and school to protest this law and make them clean up all the trash and human waste since they think this country should allow illegal immigration. And at the same time revoke their (play the race card ) since its played when ever something like this is brought up. Maybe if they would assign an illegal immigrant to each person that protests to share their paycheck their home and provide their health care and not to mention be 100% responsable for their actions maybe they would rethink thier ignorant view on this law. Laws in this country are created to protect people of this country most of the time, if someone brings a weapon of mas destruction across that border and many americans are killed by it, it would be a shame it couldnt have been prevented because someone or some ethnic group was offended because the people bringing it could careless. And this country only has 1 count it 1 Flag so they need to get rid of the other flag or take it back and wave it around in the country they chose to leave. Mark
  25. mje1

    In the mail

    Good luck. I killed a nice whitetail in jan. so i dont get look forward to draw results. I think i can put in for a bonus point though, does anyone know for sure if you can. Mark