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Everything posted by CouesSlayer

  1. CouesSlayer

    So how much rutting are you seeing?

    Nothin....just six does on Saturday but there were BIG buck tracks in the area, So I'm hoping by thursday or Friday they might be a little more active. That monster full moon didn't help either.....
  2. CouesSlayer

    disapearing camera

    Hahaha that's below the belt!....literally...... hahaha
  3. CouesSlayer

    disapearing camera

    HAHAHAHA!!! Hey man just cuz I have strikingly good looks..I did cut all my hair off now my head feels really light is that normal???? :lol: :lol:
  4. CouesSlayer

    disapearing camera

    This gets me thinkin....what if I took a piss right on a trail camera and didn't know it?! or worse
  5. CouesSlayer

    Quality of Burros bucks

    Haha thanks I know my stuff for being a lazy senior in high school
  6. CouesSlayer

    disapearing camera

    Every bit of lazyness on "my" part? what is that suppose to mean? I think he meant the people who made the trail....
  7. CouesSlayer

    Quality of Burros bucks

    I would say that instead of quality we have quantity in 23, which could be considered quality to some. The burros have more coues per sq mile than 27, and the size of the trophy is probably about the same. My cousin Eric guides there and usually, if not always, pulls a monster out (monster being 100+). As for mule deer, NM is not known at all for mule deer except unit 2. A good buck to be proud of down here is about 150-160, but like everywhere else theres going to be that 200+ deer somewhere in there. It just takes scouting, hard work, but mostly a ton of luck to take down a huge mulie here. Now that I am thinkin about it though, the rainfall this year has made antler growth above normal so there is another factor for you. There has been a nice 25-26 inch 5x5 that has been raiding my lawn...I wouldn't mind seeing one like that on my hunt
  8. CouesSlayer

    disapearing camera

    Ya nail that douche bag, no second chances.........
  9. CouesSlayer

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    Hahaha It's all about Cobre High baseball...blew it in the state championship last year , that hurts more than any hunting mistake to me.....maybe ill forget it when we win this year
  10. CouesSlayer

    Anyone Heard From The Super 80

    Hey at least you were able to hunt, my dad made a shot like that one time and the taxidermist fixed it up as good as new...cheer up
  11. CouesSlayer


    Hey guys I need some help here. I was wondering if anyone would like to donate any type of wild game recipe or anything else for that matter to the cobre high school National Honor Society to make a recipe book to sell for funds. My advisor will have my privates nailed to her chalkboard if I don't get any recipes! Your help would be greatly appreciated! PM me or post them here, and give me your name so I can give you credit. Thanks again!
  12. CouesSlayer

    How are the crowds?

    Hey guys I finally bought an AZ bow tag! Is opening day going to be insane with all the rifle hunters?
  13. CouesSlayer

    How many days in the field?

    With School I only get about 20 or so maybe when I'm a professional baseball player.......
  14. CouesSlayer

    Got the new bow! Now for sights and rest!

    Rest-Trophy Taker Shakey Hunter Sight- Cobra Sure Loc Sidewinder 5 pin .019 is the only way to go, personally I believe spot hogg is overrated. Quiver-Trophy Ridge I also used the whisker biscuit and I liked it as a beginners rest, but it can not match a drop away for accuracy and consistancy. I'm just dissapointed that you didn't get a Mathews Catch me if you can!!!!! Have fun and happy hunting!!!!
  15. CouesSlayer


    Dig up Javelina and throw away-eat board. Serves 4 - 6. HAHAHAHAHA! Stinky little buggers
  16. CouesSlayer


    These are some rockin' recipes
  17. CouesSlayer


    Hahaha thank you! And the best of luck on those BIIIIIIG plans!
  18. CouesSlayer

    Our Director gets busted

    It's pretty hard to enter the wrong coordinates....
  19. CouesSlayer


    I need them no later than Sunday night. Thank you much
  20. Hey guys this topic is in the AZ forum but I'm putiing it here in my home state too! hahaha! Well Cobre High School National Honor Society is putting together a cookbook and we need recipes! Please post them here or PM me. Put your name so I can give you credit for the contribution! Thanks!
  21. CouesSlayer

    Finally got him!

    Beautiful Bucks! Congratulations!
  22. CouesSlayer

    Whats the Weirdest?

    Neo wins....neo wins..... im going to call a therapist now.......
  23. CouesSlayer


    I'm thinking of switching to blazers...what do you guys use?