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About gterrazas

  • Rank
  • Birthday 05/10/1982

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Safford AZ
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Anything Outdoors

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  1. gterrazas

    results are up

    4 tags unit 31 Nov. 2 til the 8th Finally
  2. gterrazas

    Cleaning out the Garage

    pm sent on the trampoline
  3. gterrazas

    WTB - coues cape

    sent you a pm
  4. Are these items still available
  5. gterrazas

    WTB - coues cape

    I know where you can get one if you are still looking.
  6. gterrazas

    Nikon Monarch 12x56's

    I have also had these binos for over two years and love them. I wish they would come out with a 15X i would buy them in a minute. Enjoy the glasses.
  7. gterrazas

    14 days of living with the Elk

    Congrats Scott good looking bull. Wish i could get drawn. Maybe next year? Gio
  8. gterrazas

    Archery mule deer success

    Great job on a super buck. I want one like that one day!!!
  9. gterrazas

    New Here

    I know who you are Scott and if you need help finding your deer let me know I would be happy to help you.
  10. gterrazas

    New Here

    Yeah I am hooked now.
  11. gterrazas

    New Here

    Hi, my name is Gio Terrazas and I have been lurking around the site for a long time and finally decided to join. I usually hunt muledeer but, I killed a whitetail on opening day he is a 3x2 with eye guards havent got him scored yet but let me know what you all think he will score. I see there is alot of people on this site who are done for the year already too. Congrats to all of you.