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Everything posted by tomgobbler

  1. tomgobbler

    TC .50 caliber black diamond

    really nice camo Thompson Center >50 caliiber black diamond muzzle loader for sale. i upgraded to the omega thumb hole stock and dont need this one, only shot a dozen times, basically new, with scope. $300.00 thanks tommy
  2. tomgobbler

    Predator Hunting Contest

    WE have put one together 2 years in a row now and will be doing another one this year, we generally do it the first part of dec. Cost is $50.00 a person with a 2 man team limit. we do ours a 1 day deal check in at 4:00 a.m. check back in at 7:00 p.m. you cam hunt anywere in the state as long as your back by the check in time, we give back the entry fees, (pay 3 places) as well as getting a few sponsor items for door prizes, such as hand calles, gift certifiactes, scopes, what ever we can come up with, we are located in taylor arizona, if any or all of you guys are enterested in coming up or want more info give me a shout tomandjeanette@yahoo.com i think we had 14 teams last year, is a really good time. thanks tommy