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Everything posted by tomgobbler

  1. tomgobbler

    Plumber needed in Pinetop

    sent ya a pm with a good plumbers number. thanks
  2. redman, when my little brother first started hunting and was 10 or 11 had his first javy tag i was also carring it, and we were hunting together and were stopped , and i NOT ONLY GOT AN EARFULL I GOT A CITATION AND HAD TO GO TO COURT. for possessing the big game tag of another!!! yep POSSESSING a big game tag fo someone else, my 10 year old brother who i was mentoring and hunting with!!!.. wagner BROKE the law when he handed it over to someone else. plain and simple!
  3. tomgobbler

    New Mexico landowner tags

    how many tags do you want? any particular part of the sate? you looking for a guided hunt with that or just tags? i can hook you up either way let me know and i'll get to working on it. thanks tommy
  4. tomgobbler

    Open Weekend Luck

    jeff, very nice tell cole congrats! thats pretty cool,!!! did you check out the road i suggested? younever txted me back! talk to you latter.
  5. tomgobbler


    took my son out for the opener of the youth season, and at 6:00 a.m. called him in a nice gobbler... and well things didnt work out.... at 9:30 set up on some more birds and called in another nice gobbler... and things didnt quite work out.... so about 1:00 showed him this gobbler, and after a long hard thought of crawling out of his sleeping bag in 14 degree weather ( thats what it was when we got up this morning) and me needing to get home for opening day of little league with all his little brothers, he decided a nice warm bed would be nice so he put the hamer down on this one. very nice spurs for a merriams gobbler. good luck tommy
  6. tomgobbler


    thanks to all, we were in eastern Az. No this was not his first gobbler, he took one last year as well, so 2 for 2. jeff, i never let school interfear with my kids education :) but thanks for being an understanding teacher :)
  7. tomgobbler

    Gotta love Iowa 2012

    wow great bucks! congrats
  8. tomgobbler


    yea rhodes 1st hunt out of the gate, before they get picked through
  9. tomgobbler

    turkeys not fired up???

    had gobbling at 1:00 pm yesterday, more gobbling at 2:30.... saw 2 strutters with hens at 5:30 saw a strutter with hens at 6:00 saw a strutter with hens at 6:45.... today strutter with hens, called in the 2 year old "satellite" bird at 6:00 am. at 9:30 strutter with a dozen hens and called in the 2 year old "satillite" ..... 10:00 strutter with 3 hens..... 1:00 stutter with a hen and he rode in the back of the truck with us.... it is far from over...... IMO good luck
  10. tomgobbler

    NM Results Up

    ORYX for me and my brother!
  11. tomgobbler

    SC gobblers

    i headed to SC on thursday, i got about 20 miles out of showlow and look over on the side of the road and there were 2 big strutters with about a dozen hens out in a field about 60 yards off the highway, so i pull over and start talking to them right from them truck and they went crazy! gobbled there heads off at me... i was thinking dang this is cool if they are going like this down south this will be a great hunt.... played with them for a minute or two and then left them to strut for there ladyies... well i got to globe were i was suppose to meet up with my buddy coming in from yuma, and just as i pulled into town my truck sputtered and quite me.... what the heck! so my buddy comes and finds me and we go to talk to a mechanic in town, he says sounds like a fuel pump and that he might could get it done the next day.... so we leave it there and we head to SC to try and rooste a bird..... got camp set up and head out for a an evening hunt, heard a few but not real great.... next morning about the same thing just not vocal at all. gobble once or twice and that was about it... kind of dissapointing as i was really ready to get into some gobbling action, went most of the day not seeing or hearing much of anything... dang after seeing those 2 birds on the way down here this is not real great..... that eveing my buddy wasnt feeling well so i take his truck and go down a road he says has been good in the past..... the raod leads me way down in elevation.... i'm now in bear grass, manzante and scrub oak and brush... going next to a little creek. i get out and call ever half mile for 6-8 miles or so with NOTHING!!! seeing a few trackes here and there but not a gobble one... getting about 45 minutes before dark i am thinking that they should come down next to the creek and mill around for a bit before heading to rooste.... i get out one more time to call and there are FREASH tracks in the road and FREASH crap... i step on it and it sticks to the bottom of my boot... they have to be right here some were!!! just as i thought they would be but the brush is thick.... i decide to take the 204 and that if i can follow the tracks down the road until i can find were they turned off and went up the hill, that i just might be able to go up the side hill and parrallell them. about 100 yards up off the bottom, the hill sides turn to just bare yellow grass / bear grass, and a little bit of brush, i am thinking if i can track them to what draw they turned and went up and if i can get through the wall of brush on the bottom i just might catch them across the draw/canyon and shoot one with my buddies 204... so i track them down the road for about 100 yards or so and then the tracks stop.... ok now did they go up the east side of the road or the wet side..... i decide to go up a little draw were i had run out of tracks and get throught all the brush and get up high enough to try and see them hopefully crossing the grass somewhere before they topped out and are gone.... so i make it through the brush and up a steep nasty side canyon and i get about 200 yards up were i can see good and look around and then sure enough there they are 250 yards going up the opposite canyon side at a pretty good walk, headed straight tothe rooste. or possible away from the little noise i made getting through the brush and rocks to climb up this steep side.... 5 hens a jake and a nice gobbler. but dang they will not stop, they are a mission to get to the top, not running, but there fast head bobbing walk.... i sit down as best i can on the steep slope pick out an opening just above them were the gobbler is going to come out and get as steady as i can and here he comes, cross hairs just above the wing joint, this angle should just shatter his spine between his wings i follow his head bobbing pase for a second and the 204 jumps in my hands and he splats against the ground never kicked fluttered or moved a muscle.... DANG that was cool as heck, actaully makeing a plan, and executing the plan and makeing it all work out. ( never wokrs out like you think it will, but finally got a plan to come together!) not the way i like to shoot gobblers, but i figured since i was on the rez, i'de do it the indjiun way and hunt them down, and then sniper shoot one, it worked out very nicely, 10" beard...... my buddies dad ended up with a nice bird that evening as well,.... so not quite the hunt i was hopeing for with a strutting gobbling bird 30 yards in front of me with a load of 4's out of my 3 1/2 mag headed his way, but i'll take it either way. first turkey hunt a success, hoping the next dozen will have similar results, with my sons youth hunt up next. stayed tuned for part 2 :) good luck tommy
  12. tomgobbler

    3B North Archery Antelope

    most of the locked stuff is just the driveways going into the 40 acre pieces, not the roads... and yes there are houses scattered from heck to breakfast out there,.... kind a pain to hunt like that , but it is what it is.... but any main rd will not me locked, as there are to many that travel it to get back to a house/shack some place.... so you shouldnt have to much trouble with locked gates.... and there really isnt any "landower " to call to get access... not any one preson ownes very much, just be carefull of some of the folks out there....
  13. tomgobbler

    3B North Archery Antelope

    it is really checkerboarded, so everyother 40 acres is private, and everyother is not.... so its not like one big land owner that has the hole place locked up, you can go about were you want too, just have to watch when you hiking, you may run into fences and have to skirt 40 acre pieces.... so lots of fences will say no trespassing, but it is just THAt 40 acres.... really hard to keep track of, but the roads are NOt locked or anything for the most part... good luck
  14. tomgobbler

    more beef

    it will hang roughly 10 days.... before they cut and wrap
  15. tomgobbler

    more beef

    anyone not draw an elk tag that hopeing to fill the freezer and now isnt going to be able too... but would still like too. have some good homegrown beef no hormones grreat freash beef, you wont be disappointed! 1/2 or whole. drop me aline if your interested. thanks tommy
  16. tomgobbler

    more beef

    bowman, taylor is 15 miles north of showlow, and 30 miles south of holbrook, or 60 miles noth east of payson, or 150 miles north east of the pheonix area...... i've got some herford cows and some black angus cows, all breed to a black angus bull.
  17. tomgobbler

    more beef

    yes 50% is correct. it depends on how much the steer ends up weighing at slaughter time.... mine are a little smaller them "most" i like a nice YOUNG and TENDER animal for my personal butchering so i dont let them get 1000+ pounds, i like to slaughter at the 650-850 range.... i've got one right now that is a rolly polly, probably 650+ range.... that is about perfect for my liking.... its a little less in the freezer and a little less money. ( which is ok for me as i dont have the freezer room either for a huge old steer.... ) so it will depend if you wanted it in 2 months and it gained another 200 lbs or was slaughtered tomorrow at 650.... for argument sake lets say you wanted the 650 and we took it in tomorrow.... you get roughly 45-50% cut and wrapped meat off of the animal. so you'de get around 160 lbs of cut and wrapped meat steak/burger/roasts etc... and the price would be around $680 for half, or $1360.00 for the whole 300+ lbs of meat... this price includes cut wrapped butchering everything.... so your getting a pretty sweet deal . thanks tommy
  18. tomgobbler

    turkey mounts / hunts / skins

    yes can do do any pose you want including the dead hanging mount. thanks
  19. tomgobbler

    turkey mounts / hunts / skins

    its about that time again turkey season is about here. i'm leaving thursday morning to head to SC for a few days. then my boy has a youth tag, then a bunch of others.... ANYWAY if you are thinking of getting a turkey mount done several things you need to do to make the mount come out better. dont shoot it while it is strutting! the fan gets demolished.... keep blood off the feathers as best as you can, wrap the head in paper towel and tuck it under a wind to keep it from getting freezer burned ( if you arent taking it to a taxidermist right away. ) keep the feathers as best you can. rolling around in the back of your pickup isnt real good on it.... these are a few things to keep in mind... anyway once again offering 10% discount to CW members on turkey mounts. i can do them in any pose, flying, struttting, gobbling etc.... if you any questions as to my mounts drop matthewp45 a line and see what he thinks, he has 4-5 of them i've done..... also if you ARE NOT going to mount it i can always use the skins as replacement skins for those who do not follow the above suggestions :) and i do NOT need the beard..... so you can keep that..... any questions feel free to give me a shout. good luck to all tommy
  20. tomgobbler

    calves and kids

    thoguht i'de share my experiance with yawl, on saturday my brother in law called and asked if i could go pull a calf for him, one of our cows was having troubles and couldnt get the calf out.... so i grabbed the calf puller and we hauled butt out there and found the cow, laying beside a cedar tree and she was all done in... she had all but given up, there was a hoof and about 3inches of nose sticking out....9 the same amount that was stickining out an hours earlier when he found her, no progress had been made in an hour) and no telling how long she had been there before that.... i thought there was no way that the calf was still alive, my hope was just to save the momma.... so we got the chain hooked up to a foot and started to comealong it out and pull.... got one foot out a little ways, could then start to see the other foot, so i reached in and wrapped the chain around the other foot and we comalonged it out and finally got both front feet and head out, and i looked down and saw an eye blink.... i thought there is no way.... so we pulled and pulled and pulled and finally got the rest of the calf out and onto the ground..... the cow was spent she had about had enough.... just layed there.... well i grabbed some tuffes of grass and started rubbing down / and trying to dry off the calf..... did as best i could with grass.... ( not a great job though... ) but it was breathing..... i told my brother in law we needed to go back to town and get some towels and a calf bottle and try and milk here and get that calf to get that first milk which is the most important, that i didint think momma was going to get up for quite awile... so we headed back to town, got her some water and hay, and towels and bottle.... ( took about an hour) well when we got back the cow was standing and had licked it off, but the calf could not stand.... i guess its front ankles were to sore from us pulling on them.... and now we could not milk her in the open range as she was staning and wouldnt have any of that. so back to town to get horse trailer and panels and we fianlly got her and the calf loaded and brough there to the house so we could tie her up to milk her of hold the calf up there... we tried holding the calf up there and he got what was there, althgouth it wasnt much.... ( first time heifer, with not much milk) did it again the next morning, calf could still not stand up on its own..... did this for a coupel days, and held him up to were his ankles would get stronger.... decided we should buy some supplement as her bag still didnt have much there.... so now we are feeding him a little to go with what ever he is getting from momma.... my 2 year old holding the calf bottle and my 5 year old feeding the calf... good looking bull dont ya think ???!!! when i first saw it never thought it would make it... both seem to be doing good.... now have some good chores for the kids to do, got to love having a little livestock around to give the kids some responsibility.... tommy
  21. tomgobbler

    levi quilts hand made

    Since the paper mill shut down and my dad lost his job after 35 years with the company, my mom is offering hand made levi quilts for sale. we call them our "cowboy bedroll quilts" because she makes them spesifically to fit our sleeping bags. If you have ever tried to put a blanket in your sleeping bag when you go hunting or camping you know it never fits, there is ALWAYS an extra foot or so at the bottom that you have to fold back up and it leaves a big lump when you try to roll it up. Well these are made to fit the size of sleeping bag you have. they are made out of "old" wrangerls/levi's and top quality material on the opposite side, plus batting in the middle.... they make great and WARM camping blankets, they are very durable and can be machine washed. She can make any size you want, including bedspread size, twin, queen, king what ever.... she just adds rows of blocks..... she also makes "rememberance" levi blankets, when my grandfather passed away i had her make me a levi quilt out of all of his old pants. everytime i go camping/hunting he goes along with me.... Kids sleeping bag size start at $250.00 ( for hand tied, and $300 for machine sewn) and adult sleeping bag size $350.00 for hand tied, and $400.00 for machine sewn) a big bedspread we can qoute ya a price.... can do any color on the back that you want.... can also do patterens with blocks, or just random design... in the 3 pictures the red backed one is tied, and the other two are sewn.... these 3 specific ones are NOT for sale, will custom make it to your order. if this is something you are interested in drop me a line, they will last a long long time and keep you nice and warm on many a cold night.... thanks for looking tommy
  22. tomgobbler

    levi quilts hand made

    thanks jay, they are awesome quilts i absolutly love them....i dont go camping or hunting with out mine. all three of those are a differnet size, my b-day was a few days ago and i had her make me one for my sleeping bag, so it is the exact lenght of the sleeping bag, and then twice the width ( so that it will double over perfectly inside ) the first picture.... the other two are my kids, and so they are a lot smaller.... she can do anysize that you want. a few years ago she did me a great big one that when me and the family go camping it will cover across 3-4 of us in a tent.... so anysize she can do.
  23. tomgobbler

    odd / cool lion skull

    check out this lion skull i just got through cleaning. it took a heck of whack to the head at some point in its life or possibly desease? it is shown next to a normal one... but the "hole" or endent is a good half inch deep. but it was NOT done at death, it was and older misshap of some kind... just thought i'de show ya some cool/odd pictures. tommy
  24. trapping season is over, but bobcat season is not. you need to find someone with a "wildlife services" license. i have one but you are to far away. call the G&F and see if there is anyone in your area with one of these licenses and they CAN come and trap them for you. most will charge a small fee to come do it.
  25. borax used to come in almost a square box, and was about the consistancy of flour, and would stick to the hides real well, and NOt let the hides stick to the stretchers... i ran out of my stash and had my wife get some more and it is in a longer retangle box, not the smaller sqaure ones anymore and it is different stuff, almost a sand texture instead of flour and doesnt stick near as well,... anyone else experiance this, or is there two different boxes and she just got the wrong stuff, she said she no longer could find the other boxes and this is what was in its place at the store... wondering if borax changed its formula a little bit...???