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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    It's official!

    No sir. This was a DIY hunt with some good advice and info from friends...
  2. SpotNStalk

    Draw results

    Last year, I called so many times that i got use to hitting, redial busy hang up, redial busy hang up, redial busy hang up. redial RING hang up. S*@T! redial busy hang up! Good Times Cant Wait!
  3. SpotNStalk

    It's official!

    Thanks everybody!
  4. Results will be out by this wed the latest.
  5. SpotNStalk

    New 300 WSM

    Plans changed. I didnt pick one up last week and Im still looking.
  6. SpotNStalk


    sent pm
  7. SpotNStalk

    Draw results

    So, knowing every year this happens, how many of you are still going to call or have called already?
  8. SpotNStalk

    WTB Encore barrels

    Thanks for looking out
  9. SpotNStalk

    WTB Encore barrels

    Im looking for T/C encore rifle barrels. Either new or in good used condition. Thanks
  10. SpotNStalk

    June pics

    Nice Pics! Looks like a good spot for a tree stand or a ground blind for that frequent visitor Thanks for sharing....
  11. SpotNStalk

    WTB Encore barrels

    sent pm
  12. SpotNStalk

    WTB Encore barrels

    Thanks for the info
  13. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    pm sent - matthewp45
  14. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    pm sent
  15. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    I got it last year with all intentions of using it. I got drawn last year for sheep and all my time was used for scouting. This gun is new/never been fired. If the right trade presents itself i may consider it...
  16. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    sent pm back
  17. SpotNStalk

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    RR, Got to love those non-typicals... Thanks!
  18. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    Some will definitely be headed that way!!! Should be getting it back in early sept. Cant wait.
  19. SpotNStalk

    Browning Citori lightning

    I know, Eric, but its going to help fund another toy
  20. SpotNStalk

    Well.........Were waiting!!!!!

    Its not a Buck but its what i got last year and figured it might pump up a few hopefulls that would love a bighorn sheep tag.
  21. SpotNStalk

    Bone Pile!

    Way Cool!!! Nice Cherry on top!!!!
  22. SpotNStalk

    Turkey video 6a

    Cool video... Congrats!!