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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    WTB a rangefinder

    Im looking to buy a rangefinder. If you have one or have an extra you would like to get rid of please pm me with what you have and what your looking to get for it... Thanks Arthur
  2. SpotNStalk

    WTB a rangefinder

    sent pms
  3. SpotNStalk

    15D Sheep Tag

    Thanks, you can call anytime.. Talk to you soon...
  4. SpotNStalk

    15D Sheep Tag

    Heres a few from 15D
  5. SpotNStalk

    They are out for Real!!!!!

    Deer 24A 11/26-12/2 First coues her I come.. turkey 6a
  6. SpotNStalk

    They are out

  7. SpotNStalk

    My 2010 desert muley made EBJ!

  8. That deer got some air!
  9. Most of the mexicans that are crossing the border illegally are looking for a better way of life whether it be here or by sending money back to family in Mexico. Unless you seriously plan on going after the source like companies that hire illegals knowingly or not and try to fix the border problem SB 1070 really does'nt do squat(IMO). So, you send them back and as soon as they hit dirt they're already planning there way back. So, now you have caught them a second time but this time you send them to jail. Well in 08 it cost close to $62 dollars a day JUST to house an inmate. Now add that up X's how many that go to jail X's that per day. I agree something definitly needs and has been needed to be done but this is'nt the answer. Its just an election year!
  10. SpotNStalk


    You're right, lets roll over and wait for someone else to come up with a better plan. Especially since it will cost us more money. Maybe if the feds actually reimbursed the state of AZ to begin with due to illegal immigration (which is their end of the deal), we'd get money that could off-set some of the costs. Maybe if we stopped all of the benefits going towards those who are in this country illegally, THAT would off-set some of the costs. To tell me that we DON'T have the money to incarcerate them but we have the money to give them free health-care, housing and food is RIDICULOUS!!!! Pennies on the dollar, my friend. And don't think for one second that even if employers try to go about it the right way, illegals haven't figured out a way around that. It's called Identity Theft. On a side-note, good thing that theres nothing stating in the U.S. Constitution that the government will protect each state within the union from an invasion. Otherwise we might have a legit law-suit towards them......wait, it IS there, and they've labeled those invading AZ "non-hostile". Haha! Go ask the Krentz' family how "non-hostile" they are. Nobody said to "roll over" Im saying it does no good if you dont have anything in place to slow them down from coming and continuing to come back. AGAIN, I never said we dont have money to incarcerate them, what I did say is that "we dont have the money period". You might as well of called this bill the "revolving door" because thats all that its going to do with AGAIN "The way things stand". Right now, you are paying for there free health care, housing and food and you can add the 60+ dollars a day it costs to house them in jail cause they keep returning. Thats a lot of pennies!
  11. SpotNStalk


    Josh, I have read the entire bill and some. I also understand that its illegal to hire illegal immigrants but again unless your "seriously" going to go after the companies and fix the border problem you could sign as many bills as you would like its not going to stop them from coming and continuing to come back. Its definitly not a cure all or a even a good remedy at that. Its going to cost the state/tax payers a lot of money that it doesnt have for something that is not going to change anything, the way things stand right now. You can count on someone suing for racial profiling, right or wrong its going to happen ,costing more money. You can put them in jail, costing more money, and when they get out they will come right back.
  12. SpotNStalk

    Gotta Read This...

    Most of the mexicans that are crossing the border illegally are looking for a better way of life whether it be here or by sending money back to family in Mexico. Unless you seriously plan on going after the source like companies that hire illegals knowingly or not and try to fix the border problem SB 1070 really does'nt do squat(IMO). So, you send them back and as soon as they hit dirt they're already planning there way back. So, now you have caught them a second time but this time you send them to jail. Well in 08 it cost close to $62 dollars a day JUST to house an inmate. Now add that up X's how many that go to jail X's that per day. I agree something definitly needs and has been needed to be done but this is'nt the answer. Its just an election year!
  13. SpotNStalk

    Gotta Read This...

    So, after the illegal immigrants have been caught and turned over to ICE then what? You ship them back to Mexico and what prevents them from coming back?
  14. SpotNStalk

    Boycott "Los Suns"

    Well, I watched the game from my lower level seats and it was a great game! Los Suns beat the Spurs 110-102! GO SUNS!
  15. SpotNStalk

    Spring Gobbler

    Nice bird Eric! Good Luck up north!
  16. SpotNStalk

    Utah Draw's

  17. SpotNStalk

    Congrats again to SpotNStalk

    Thanks everybody, Its a great final chapter to my hunt...
  18. SpotNStalk

    Kenmore Elite grill

    Pm sent
  19. SpotNStalk

    Kenmore Elite grill

  20. SpotNStalk

    Kenmore Elite grill

    Eric, Its not the swaros its just not wanting junk offers. Usually swaros is a good start.. I have 15's but 10's would be nice....
  21. SpotNStalk

    Honda EU2000i

    PM's sent
  22. SpotNStalk

    Honda EU2000i

  23. SpotNStalk

    Honda EU2000i
