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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 15th at 11:15
  2. SpotNStalk

    Interarms 22-250

    I have an Interarms 22-250 that Ive had for a bit now. I got it used and have only taken it out once on a javelina hunt. Asking $425 Thx, Arthur Alexandria Virginia Interarms Manchester England
  3. SpotNStalk

    Interarms 22-250

  4. SpotNStalk

    Interarms 22-250

    up for sale.. 425 obo
  5. SpotNStalk

    Interarms 22-250

    Thanks guys for the info...
  6. SpotNStalk

    A Couple Sheep Pics

    Nice pics, thanks for sharing.. tjhunt2, good luck in the draw.
  7. SpotNStalk

    WTB Antelope decoy

    If any of you have a Montana antelope decoy you'd like to sale, please pm me with your asking price.. Thanks
  8. SpotNStalk

    WTB Antelope decoy

    Thx, there should be room now. Sent you a pm
  9. SpotNStalk

    Left Over Tags

    I drew a cow tag and was lucky enough to draw one of the archery antelope tags!
  10. SpotNStalk

    Leftover Archery Tag

    From being skunked to drawing my first ever antelope tag and an archery leftover at that!!! Good Luck to everybody that put in for the LO tags!
  11. SpotNStalk

    2011 elk/Antelope tags

    3151 27 bull sept 9th ..congrats on the draw
  12. SpotNStalk

    Spot hogg 7 deadly pin wrapped Sight

    What size are the pins?
  13. SpotNStalk

    Got my Golden Gambel back

    I have no clue why it is this color. He was in a covey and as you can imagine stood out like a sore thumb.. Ive kiiled a lot of quail myself and have never seen one before. There are only gambels in the area I was hunting. Thx for the comments!
  14. SpotNStalk

    Got my Golden Gambel back

    I got my golden gambel back from the taxidermist today. I had it mounted on a coues shed I found years ago. I couldn't be happier with the finished product! It seems to have darkened some during the taxidermy process. Any thoughts on why this would happen?
  15. SpotNStalk

    Win a Havalon Knife

    Looks Good, I like the layout!
  16. SpotNStalk

    Whacked My First Coues...

    Congrats on your archery coues!! Thanks for sharing!
  17. SpotNStalk

    15D Sheep Tag

    Awesome ram Steve!!!
  18. SpotNStalk

    15D Sheep Tag

    So how is the hunt going Steve?
  19. SpotNStalk

    Funny as heck

    That was classic!!!
  20. SpotNStalk

    Bighorn Sheep

    Awesome Ram!!! Congrats!
  21. SpotNStalk

    Darrel's Desert Ram

    Great looking ram! Nice job Eric, and Congrats to the hunter!
  22. I named it the "caribou coues".
  23. SpotNStalk

    AZ Desert Bighorn Ram

    Congratulations on a great ram!!!
  24. SpotNStalk

    WTB a new or used Mathews Z7

    Im looking to buy a used or new Z7. Please send me a PM if you have one for sale.. Thanks
  25. SpotNStalk

    WTB a new or used Mathews Z7

    http://www.archerytalk.com/vb/showthread.php?t=1365629 a lot for sale on AT... thx