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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    Leupold Vari-X II 3-9x40

    Near cabelas
  2. SpotNStalk

    5b north. Quiet as a church mouse

    I was up near ashurst and kinn for 4 days and all was quiet. Didn't see much .I drew the leftover archery cow tag and thought it was a slam dunk . Headed back up tomorrow .
  3. SpotNStalk

    Reputable Tranny Shop

    +2 for Greg at Sun West Transmission (623) 842-0806 6116 W. Northern Ave Glendale‎ AZ‎ 85301 United States
  4. I'm looking to buy a youth or compact .308. Please send me a pm with what you have and asking price . Thanks
  5. SpotNStalk

    Looking to buy a youth or compact .308

    wmathern , I'm not a big fan of most of the the new youth rifles out there. He gets a great used rifle with great glass on top . Mmtx10, I have looked at the axis. I took him to cabelas and he wasn't comfortable with it . Thanks for the recommendation !! Appreciate it!
  6. It's been 1 1/2yrs since we had to put our black lab down . One of the hardest things I have ever done. Didn't think I would want another but after a family meeting we have decided to look for a chocolate lab pup. Doesn't need to have papers but does need to be a pure bred lab. If you or you know of anybody that have pups for sale please send me a pm. Thanks
  7. SpotNStalk

    Im looking to buy a chocolate lab pup

    Sorry to hear that! If I come across a good litter I will send you a PM! I've been told by a few guys that train labs not to pick up a silver.
  8. SpotNStalk

    Im looking to buy a chocolate lab pup

    Good stuff !
  9. SpotNStalk

    Im looking to buy a chocolate lab pup

    We're still looking
  10. SpotNStalk

    This post is for the dogs

    Had to put our black lab down 1 1/2 yrs ago, we had him for 11yrs . One of the toughest things I had to do and I wasn't sure I'd want another pup. After talking to the family we've decided it was time. If any of you guys know of chocolate lab pups for sale that won't break the bank please send me a pm. Thanks
  11. SpotNStalk

    Unreal as it lay

    Very cool!
  12. SpotNStalk

    Goat Check

    It's time to let it go and get yourself a real truck!
  13. SpotNStalk

    Goat Check

    Stop looking at goats and fix your truck !
  14. SpotNStalk


    Sent pm
  15. SpotNStalk

    Revarc HD quad/SxS ramps

  16. SpotNStalk

    Revarc HD quad/SxS ramps

    Revarc HD ramps. 2000+lb capacity .$140.00. . Thank you 90x64
  17. SpotNStalk


  18. SpotNStalk

    Revarc HD quad/SxS ramps

    Add dim. and pics
  19. SpotNStalk

    Revarc HD quad/SxS ramps

  20. SpotNStalk

    Toyota Tundra Owners..... Yea or nay

    The new Titan XD will have a cummins
  21. SpotNStalk

    Toyota Tundra Owners..... Yea or nay

    I've owned a Chevy , Nissan Titan, and 2 Tundras. I didn't think I would ever change from a Tundra again and was thinking of buying a new Tundra but the new Titan XD has me curious enough to wait.
  22. SpotNStalk

    Elk Antelpoe tags

    Sometime today , sometime next week , they will be out when there out , G&F are a bunch of money hungry , interest collecting , computer morons , CWT'ers need to grow up and stop calling hard working guys/gals names and keep your opinion to yourself on a forum , draw results are out , now there down . My guess is by wed !! Would of been sooner if there wasn't so many declined CC's! pink slips in the mail for all of you! Good Luck!