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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    Looking to buy a quality pack 3000ci or bigger

    Thanks Casey, I appreciate the offer! I'm hoping to find one before I head out. I Drew an Axis deer hunt on Lanai. DIY on Public land . I have a smaller pack that would of worked but found out that they don't allow deboning out in the field .
  2. SpotNStalk

    Looking to buy a quality pack 3000ci or bigger

    The plan is to order a Kifaru pack but I need a pack with some sort of frame for hunt I leave for next wed.
  3. SpotNStalk

    Noticed bonus points have been updated on my portal.

    Took nearly 8mos but they finally added my wife and kids Hunter Ed pts. Right after the draw , thanks G&F !
  4. If you have one you'd consider selling please send me a PM . Thank you
  5. SpotNStalk

    Looking to buy Outdoorsmans bino adapter

    Found a pistol grip , I'm still looking for the Outdoorsmans bino adapter
  6. SpotNStalk

    Looking to buy Outdoorsmans bino adapter

    Looking for bino adapter
  7. SpotNStalk

    Portal Results Available

  8. SpotNStalk

    Lamp shades

    Anonymous user
  9. I'm looking for a youth bow for my boys (10 and 12) . If you have one you'd consider selling please PM me with what you have and asking price . Thank you
  10. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

  11. SpotNStalk

    2016 Pronghorn tags..........

    We drew 3 on separate apps. Time to wait and see if it's me the wife or the kids . Should make for a fun busy sept ! Congrats to all that drew!
  12. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Drew the axis tag . I leave in a month . Opens on sat and closes Sunday . Have you ever been?
  13. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    3 antelope tags , 1 elk And Axis deer on Lenai!
  14. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    4-5 more days
  15. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    5 or 6 more days of this . Carry on , it helps pass the time ! Happy Easter!
  16. SpotNStalk

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Everybody has one
  17. Looking to buy a Spot Hogg Fast Eddie double pin . If you have one you'd consider selling please pm me. Thank you
  18. SpotNStalk

    Big lion called in

    That's a big cat! Congrats!
  19. SpotNStalk

    G&F telephone line

    Anybody else been having trouble with even getting a ring or busy tone? I've been calling the 602 942 # and I'm not even getting a tone/signal of any kind . I'm still trying to get my wife and kids Hunter Ed pt to show since early sept.
  20. SpotNStalk

    G&F telephone line

    Thanks, I got through . I was told that my wife and boys Hunter Ed pts were showing up on G$F system but aren't showing up in the "portal" side. That they were way behind in entering them into that part of the system but to trust them . Man they make that tough to do! They took the class early sept . I know of several people that have taken the class since and their pt is showing already. I would say that 6mo to enter the info is more then way behind !
  21. SpotNStalk

    I'm looking for someone to build outdoor seating

    Thanks for the heads up