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Everything posted by SpotNStalk

  1. SpotNStalk

    WTB 65mm Obj.

  2. SpotNStalk

    Ammo: 308 and 6.5 PRC

  3. SpotNStalk

    Ammo: 308 and 6.5 PRC

    2 boxes 308 Hornady Black 168gr A-Max…$50 for both boxes. Located WValley near Cabelas/Bass
  4. SpotNStalk

    WTB 65mm Obj.

  5. SpotNStalk

    Shes 3 for 3

    Congrats to all involved! Youth hunts are the best!
  6. SpotNStalk

    WTB 65mm Obj.

  7. SpotNStalk

    WTB 65mm Obj.

  8. SpotNStalk

    Daily elk hunt update!! Sons 5bs bull

    Was hoping you guys would end up with a bull. Hopefully the story continues with a dead cow! good luck!
  9. SpotNStalk

    WTB 65mm Obj.

    Still looking
  10. SpotNStalk

    27 late rifle for disabled youth.

    ⬆️ ?
  11. SpotNStalk

    WTB Jim White Pan Head Plate

    I have some. I’m near bass off the 101 and Glendale
  12. SpotNStalk

    WTB STX eye piece

    Looking to buy an STX eye piece. Please PM me if you have one you’d consider selling. if you have one and your not local and are a newbie or have 1 post . No, I will not send money or half the money to you or your uncle in OK/Texas/Florida. Thx
  13. SpotNStalk

    Ammo: 308 and 6.5 PRC

  14. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

    Looking to buy a 95mm obj. Please PM me if you have one for sale .. thx
  15. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

  16. SpotNStalk

    Swarovski 12×42 NL Pure - $2800

    1950 I’ll take em … might want to check your price(s)
  17. SpotNStalk

    AKC silver and charcoal lab puppies

    Post some pics
  18. SpotNStalk


  19. SpotNStalk


    Tried to PM you but you can’t receive messages
  20. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

  21. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

  22. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

  23. SpotNStalk

    WTB Swaro 95mm obj

  24. SpotNStalk

    Watch out for Clip

    Seems like this guy is making his rounds on forums .