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Everything posted by elkster9

  1. elkster9


  2. elkster9

    WTB Decorative curbing

    Chef, Cutting edge did mine and it has held up great.
  3. elkster9

    Swarovski 15x56, Tripod adapter,Ect.

    They are 2011 models based on the Serial # you provided me in PM
  4. elkster9

    Swarovski 15x56, Tripod adapter,Ect.

    What are the first 3 in the Serial #', D---?
  5. You don't see many of these vehicles around, hopefully someone will locate it and at least get a license plate for LE to follow-up on.
  6. elkster9

    Beware of Sonoran Outfitters!

    Bad deal for sure. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. elkster9

    The new HD Swarovski binos

    Yes. They should be avail in the next month or two. If you didn't pre-order. They are fantastic in the 15x56 I had a chance to look at them during this year's Shot Show. I pre-ordered and should be getting mine soon.
  8. elkster9


  9. I took this pic of my Chocolate Lab yesterday morning in the duck blind with 2 Teal he had just retrieved for me. It was driving him crazy that they were now out of his reach.
  10. elkster9


  11. I have the Super Down hooded jacket also and I love it. My experiences with it mimic yours.
  12. elkster9


  13. elkster9

    Any one get there CC hit yet??

    24A Jav tags for the wife and I.
  14. elkster9

    WTB Bow sight.

    I have one, PM Sent
  15. elkster9


    Nice meeting you bocephus25.
  16. elkster9


  17. elkster9


  18. elkster9

    Hardwood Flooring

    Do any members here work for a hardwood flooring store and do installs as a side job? If so send me a PM as I am looking at getting some estimates for my home. Its a fairly small job at 284 Sq feet.
  19. I have an area that is not quite big enough to fit one of those pre-fab wood play area/swingsets for my two boys and would like to see if any members custom make these. PM if you do or know of anyone who does. Thanks.
  20. elkster9

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    AZ Ranger. There is tons of feed and water, I have been poured on by heavy rain showers during all of my scouting trips.
  21. elkster9

    heard alot of bugles in Unit 1 this weekend

    8 days until the hunt in Unit 1. I cant wait, this is going to be a fantastic year. Good Luck to all of my fellow Archery Elk Tag holders!
  22. elkster9

    No longer avail

    No longer avail
  23. elkster9

    2007 Chevy Colorado PRICE REDUCED, MUST SELL ASAP!

    Have you tried the AF Base used vehicle lot? Thats where folks put items for sale due to PCS. Just another option for you if it doesnt sell here.