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Everything posted by elkster9

  1. elkster9

    "Neet" Game Kart

    For Sale: Neet Game Kart. $400.00 Never used, assembled once. I won this at the RMEF National Conv last year. See webite for further. http://www.neetkart.com/ Pics are avail upon request.
  2. elkster9

    They are up!!

    No Dice! 0 for 2. Bill
  3. elkster9


    For Sale: Lightly used in excellent condition Swarovski 10x42 SLC NEU with Swarobright. $1100.00 Shipped. Thanks for looking.
  4. elkster9


    Sold Pending Funds
  5. elkster9


  6. elkster9


    What kind of Rifles are you looking for in trade? I have a Browning Bar MKII Auto in .270 w/Boss if your interested?
  7. Here is a lightly used Swarovski Spotting Scope, ATS 80 with 20-60X Eyepiece/NON HD. Comes with Swarvoski Neoprene Case. The scope was cleaned by Swarovski in November 2007. $1500.00, will consider trade for Swarovski 15x56 SLC or a .257 WBY in the Ultra Light Weatherby model with Tan Spider web stock.
  8. elkster9

    Win a Covert II Trail Camera!!

    My Guess: 1008 Beans SpeedGoat
  9. elkster9

    Let the saving BEGIN!!!

    I have purchased all of my used Swarovski's on EBAY. I once had an issue with the eye-piece on my 20-60 x 80 Swaro spotter and I sent it back to Swarovski. They fixed it free of charge/no questions asked. Outstanding Customer Service. 15's usually sell for about $1500 used on average via EBAY. Speed Goat
  10. elkster9

    range finder

    Another vote for Leica. I just recently sold my Leupold RXIII, so I could purchase the Leica CRF 1200. What a positive difference when it comes to ranging objects/animals out past 400 yards. Speed Goat
  11. This is a lightly used Leupold RX-III Digital Rangefinder with True Ballistic Range Technology (Part #. 61465) in Excellent Condition. Comes with original box, nylon case, owners manual and unit. $300 shipped. ***SOLD***
  12. elkster9

    Left over tags

    I received my refund in Fridays mail for both Deer and Sheep. So you should be getting them soon.