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About Jakedunn

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  1. Jakedunn

    San Carlos Tags!

    Matt who are you kidding. You and Christian would have trouble spotting a fat lady at the apache gold buffet let a lone a 110" deer!
  2. Ok anyone else out there want to admit that they jammed out to Miley Cyrus while they hunted last month. All you middle aged deer hunters put your hands in the air. I know for a fact yumabowhunter did. I heard Mathew sang it on the Res hunt also.
  3. How about bringing me a big busty blonde?
  4. Jakedunn

    scouting rig

    The cell phone video was a little shakey. Yumabowhunter is to blame for that.
  5. Jakedunn

    scouting rig

    This is a nice way to see some animals. Powered parachute video
  6. Jakedunn

    New Mexico Mule Deer

    When you wiped the gravel off of its mouth from the road, you should have cleaned off that blood on its nose. How far off the road did you drag it for that picture? Any one else have a buddy that is constantly hunting while your left at home working?
  7. Jakedunn

    New Mexico Mule Deer

    I heard that the rancher opened the gate, let the deer out, and you shot it off the road. Just what I heard.
  8. Jakedunn

    Kofa input

    Here is another idea. They say that there are 13 lions in the kofas, from dna testing scat. I think that they should have to use the same multiplier that they use with sheep to determine the lion population. That would put the count around 26 which is a lot of eaten going on. Not that it would make much difference in their approach.
  9. Jakedunn

    Kofa input

    Got this info on the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge Bighorn Sheep Survey Results. Notice the difference between the actual count and the GUestimate which is the number that they will tell everyone. Instead of counting the sheep from a copter and then doubling the number because they think that some are hiding in the top of a cactus. Why not take the actual and subtract a few because they more than likely counted some of the same ones twice. Any way you look at it the people in charge over the last 15 years should all be fired. That aint happening but maybe if we call them all idiots enough times maybe they will feel a little embarrassed. Total Kofa actual 2000 unit 45 - 469 2003 unit 45 - 357 2006 unit 45 - 247 2007 unit 45 - 289 2008 unit 45 - 260 2009 unit 45 - 245 Total Kofa estimate 2000 unit 45 - 812 2003 unit 45 - 620 2006 unit 45 - 391 2007 unit 45 - 460 2008 unit 45 - 436 2009 unit 45 - 410
  10. "This is a great victory and great news"? I guess that depends on whether you are doing the fleeceing or being fleeced. My kid accidently leaves the gate open, the yellow lab gets out, and one of 50 gestapo dog catchers running around catches him before he comes home and I am out a ton of money to get him back. Or how about this one. I am working at my shop in the middle of a 400 acre farm when a blasted dog catcher sees my dog playing in my field and unbeknownst to me drives in and picks him up. I call the pound to see if they have him and they say that they cant give that information out over the phone and that I will have to come in and look around. It cost me an arm and a leg to break him out and he had a fricken cough for a month. Needless to say I absolutely hate the dog catcher/pound with a passion. No offence meant directed at you James.
  11. Jakedunn

    BIG elk sheds! BIG Mule Deer shed!

    That funny looking guy holding the deer isnt very photogenic!
  12. My experience has shown that it is exactly one week before or one week after I go hunting. Hope that helps.
  13. Great Pictures. I love the San Carlos. It is a great place to go hunting and fishing.
  14. Jakedunn

    Feeders in AZ

    School girls? Speaking of that are you pulling 30lbs yet on your old Fred Bear Bow? Might explain why your elk hunt went like it did..................... Sorry I know that hurt.
  15. Jakedunn

    GFD does it again!

    Oh man, does anyone else out there wish that we could have a permanent moratorium on rule making state and nation wide? Am I the only one that wishes all the lawdawgs would just leave well enough alone?