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Everything posted by ruthunter

  1. ruthunter

    AZ pronghorn units

    Another consideration could be 19a and 19b they both have had record goats killed in them in the past years.
  2. ruthunter

    AZ pronghorn units

    I only put in for archery and i finally drew a tag this year after 10 years. Im proof it can take longer than 3-5 years.
  3. ruthunter

    2007 Ranger XP 700 EFI

    I like that windshield..where did you buy it and how much was it?
  4. ruthunter

    BuShNeLl TRS-25 red dot scope

    I have a bushnell trs-25 red dot scope for sale this scope will fit shotgun,handgun or rifle. Waterproof/fogproof to 10 ft..11 position rheostat,,3 moa dot..3000hr battery life. $80 obo send me a pm if interested!
  5. ruthunter

    Which is the best

    I bought my 8 year old son a diamond edge by bowtech. The bow has adjustments for weight and draw length which will allow him to grow with the bow and will go to 50lbs so he can hunt with it in a couple years.
  6. ruthunter

    UNIT 20C INFO?

    The first thing to do would be to see what unit you draw.. i know 42 very well so if you draw i could share a few spots with you..remember there is no august hunt in 42 for archery.
  7. I am selling a pair of 15x56's vortex kabaibs HD bino's along with a vortex tripod and 2 tripod adaptors. The binos and tripod are brand new and never been used in the field. $1200 PM if you are interested >>--------------------> (.)
  8. ruthunter

    VoRtEx KaBaIbS 15X56 WITH TRIPOD...........

    Sold the package this morning thx for looking! >>--------------------> (.)
  9. ruthunter

    VoRtEx KaBaIbS 15X56 WITH TRIPOD...........

    Whitey he tried paying a down payment of 700 with a credit card that was maxed out ..not sure why everybody wants them for nothing? Still for sell.
  10. ruthunter

    does any body have any binos for sale

    I have a pair of 15x56 vortex kaibab hd binos that are brand new and still in the package and have never been used. PM me if you are interestes i am looking to get $1150.
  11. ruthunter

    string makers

    I was told from a rep that a two color string is two seperate made strings that are twisted together to make one, and a single color is made at one time. The guy told me that when you take two strings and twist as one that theres more chance for stretching because one may move from the other. Made since to me when he said it but i dont make strings.
  12. ruthunter

    string makers

    IMO you have the best strings and cables that come with a bow madness which are america's best. I have shot winners choice,vapor trail, zebra barracudda and now i have americas best put on all my mathews as soon as i buy one. Americas best stands behind there strings and i have had no twisting of my peep or stretching of the string..i also never order a 2 color string as i think they can stretch more than a single color just my .02..>>-------------------> (.)
  13. ruthunter

    Jim White

    I also broke 2 fingers on my tripod from jim white and to my surprise i was charged $15 dollars for each one. The tripod was around a year old and both broke during jan while glassing. I thought the repair would be taken care of at no cost or a smaller fee than what it was. Im still happy with the tripod for glassing.
  14. ruthunter

    Hunting season just opened

    If i were you i would set up a couple game camera's and try and get these crooks on cam. I am going to start putting one up facing my work truck because they keep trying to get in.
  15. ruthunter

    2010 Az Antelope

    Ive been up once so far but i plan on trying to get up there every weekend until the hunt.
  16. ruthunter

    New bow -Hoyt, mathews, or bowtech?

    I own a mathews z7 and i must say this bow is the best mathews i have ever shot. The z7 won the 2010 head to head bow test on bowsite. All major manufacturers had bows in the test except for strothers they denied having there bow tested. Shoot as many bows as you can and buy the one that fits you best.
  17. ruthunter

    Clints Well Archery Shoot

    Daryl- yes you can just show up and sign up they will have competitive course and fun course..
  18. ruthunter

    Clints Well Archery Shoot

    I will also be at the clints wells shoot!
  19. ruthunter

    How to tell the model year of a Mathews Bow

    I think the year of the bow has something to do with the first 2 letters in the serial number check it out!
  20. ruthunter

    My 08 Archery buck

    Nice buck and nice mount..looks like 29" wide 140"???
  21. ruthunter

    2003 25' Toyhauler - Sierra Sport

    Will a polaris ranger fit in there? Ranger measures 72" to the top of rack?
  22. ruthunter

    Decoys for Antelope

    Check out challenger decoys there inflatable and can rolled up and put in a backpack.www.challengerdecoys.com
  23. ruthunter

    rangefinder/ arrow quiver

    Sold !...thx again kirk.
  24. ruthunter

    rangefinder/ arrow quiver

    Im selling a bushnell compact 600 rangefinder $45. I have an octane 5 arrow quiver thats magnetic for holding broadheads can also be changed to foam $50. 602-758-5535 dave..call or text
  25. ruthunter

    rangefinder/ arrow quiver

    Rangefinder is sold! Still have that quiver for sale if anybody wants a good deal!