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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer


    Prairie dogs
  2. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Exactly, that's a easy $200, I don't think they will do away with the tax stamp. It's already only a 2-8 day wait. When they first legalized the suppessors to hunt with i had to wait 13 months just for my can to get built because of all the frenzy, then I waited another 11 months to get approved. Now that's insane, 2 years!!!! But I was after a specific titanium can, and yes we'll worth the wait!!!
  3. Couzer

    1989 Chevy 4x4

    Are the back tires different sized than the fronts? Sorry my eyes are going bad. If so, what would be the purpose? Thanks
  4. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Rich, to answer your question and the easy way to aquire suppessor you will want to set up an account with silencer shops kiosk. I would highly recommend Healy Firearms, they have been great to deal with. It can be a little daunting at first but once you get it set up, the process is very simple. You will need most likely a trust and a ATF login and account. The guys at Healy can help out with this. I would make the phone call sooner than later to have them help you.
  5. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I'll have to run it again to check it.
  6. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I need to check again on my chrono, but I think my can made my 25 creed shoot about 150 fps slower. Anyone else notice a reduction in speed with a can vs non can?
  7. Couzer


    Oh nice! Makes sense, I remember those old rubber rings. Looks awesome, post some targets up when you get it tuned.
  8. Couzer


    Whats the deal on the brake? Tune? It has the cool factor. Nice rig.
  9. Couzer

    Wtb big bore bolt guns

    Any interest in 416 brass?
  10. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    I didn't think they worked on Saturdays, but my buddy just got one approved this morning. Little less than 2 weeks. He also had one get approved in 2 days last month.
  11. Looks like the wife, myself or one of my kids got lucky.
  12. Couzer


  13. Couzer


    Glad it's going to a good home, and to a kid. Story is that it was treed with a twin but not same color. Henry Brown of "Brown and Brown" Chevy in mesa or his dad was hunting with the wifes grandpa shot the twins together. Wifes grandpa's pasted away a few years back in his late 90"s. No one wanted it so it's been at my place last few years.
  14. Couzer


    It's yours, ill send you a text.
  15. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    Buy a 30 cal can.
  16. Couzer


    In San Tan Valley
  17. Couzer


    It's all yours if you want it!
  18. Couzer

    Suppressor Thoughts?

    100% worth it, my kids love it.
  19. Couzer

    WTB Nightforce NXS 2.5-10x42

    Yes Doug and Neal at cameraland are great to work with. Just tell them you saw thier ad off CW. They can give better deals than what is listed on thier site.
  20. Couzer

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    Awesome man, kudos to you!
  21. Couzer

    WTS AR15

    Any issues with it?
  22. Couzer

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    On a role, go buy a lotto ticket!
  23. Couzer

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    My boy has the unit 1 tag.
  24. Couzer


    Wow that was fast!
  25. Couzer

    Who's going Goat hunting this year?

    Same here, 1 first then 2a, 2c. We shall see.