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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    Someone with a bowpress in Gilbert

    If you talk to Tom at Sportsmans in archery, he would prob do it for free, call him to see, worth a shot.
  2. Couzer

    Night Hunting

    Need to just read the regs when you can.
  3. Couzer

    They are out...

    This is Awesome!!!! Good job, a good snake is a dead snake
  4. I wouldn't be relaxed, that was a stud buck
  5. ^^^ what he said^^^ Look out for sneaky badgers
  6. Couzer

    And now it's Desertbull's turn...

    Happy birthday DB
  7. Couzer

    Toy Hauler camped off the Arivaca Rd

    ^^^^ This is the type of guy I hope I run into while out ^^^^
  8. Couzer

    2016 Antelope Home

    Good looking Antelope!!!!
  9. Couzer

    Bear Mountain

    http://www.coueswhitetail.com/forums/topic/41981-got-a-new-hoyt-but/ Just shaking some salt in a old wound 😶
  10. Couzer

    Happy birthday PatrickJr!

    Happy birthday man! 18 woohoo
  11. Couzer

    Bear Mountain

    I will never step foot back in there again, good luck to you and anyone else who does.
  12. Couzer

    Swarovski 15x56 Non HD Like Brand New

    Nope, sure isn't Ha ha to funny!!!! All depends on age and condition, if you find a pair for $1100-$1200 in good condition that's a heck of a deal. But I would expect to pay $1300-$1500 on a nice pair! FREE BuMP
  13. Couzer

    Pigapalooza 2017 Family and Friends 14 down

    Wow, Awesome!!!!
  14. Couzer

    My wife rocks!

    Awesome man! You are almost as cool as your wife!!! Well done!!!
  15. Couzer

    Girl Power- Javelina Style

    Awesome Job man!!!! 👍👍
  16. Couzer

    Badlands Warranty

    Yes!!! There are top notch when it comes to customer service
  17. Couzer

    Mulepackhunter is having a bday

    Happy birthday man!!!!
  18. Couzer

    Big Browns

    Happy Birthday buddy!!! Always enjoy your post!!! Best one was your bear with a bow!!!
  19. Couzer

    A funny thought...

    Or eat lots of bacon and syrup for breakfast accidentally rubbing it all over your clothes
  20. Couzer

    A funny thought...

    Yea not a good idea. I heard a guy had to put down a horse on his ranch. He took the horse out to a disclosed area to anyone near by and put it down. A week later he notice a bear crossing the dirt road near by multiple times. He figured the bear was feeding on the dead horse so he already had a otc bear tag. He went in the next day and shot the bear, well long story short his license was suspended for 5 years with a hefty fine for hunting over bait.
  21. Couzer

    Auction tag

    I don't remember exactly how much but it was over $400 Crazy, way way down?
  22. Couzer

    Auction tag

  23. Couzer

    Swarovski 15-56 HD or not?

    Ha ha see Toby don't do it, I'm not the only one ^^^^^
  24. Couzer

    Swarovski 15-56 HD or not?

    Toby do yourself a favor and don't even consider looking through the HD's. I made the mistake of looking through a pair. 😢💰😢 Told hogntr I'd use more emojis so I don't sound like a jerk!
  25. Couzer

    Another Dead head

    Nice find!!!!