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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    First Elk Down!

    Wow good job to your nephew man!!!
  2. Couzer

    The First of Many

    Wow nice job
  3. Couzer

    2A,2B,2C Hunt

    That’s the shop you need to go visit
  4. Couzer

    2A,2B,2C Hunt

    These 2 where taken from these units a few years back, heard they where running together theres a gunsmith up there in Holbrook, you need to go check out, more big bucks mounted in his shop than anywhere I know.
  5. Couzer

    2A,2B,2C Hunt

    There are some big bucks in these units
  6. Couzer

    2A - trophy unit?

  7. Couzer

    Son's first Antelope

    Awesome job! Wow
  8. Couzer

    Another first Antelope

    Great buck and write up!!!
  9. Couzer

    First ever pronghorn!

    Nice job, I have a buddy hunting goat there as well!
  10. Couzer

    White Mtns. Fishing?

    Nelson’s it was, number 1,3,4,6 from left to right are my kids. A buddy caught wind of us going there so he tagged along with his 3 kids. Of course we had to take turns in the boat, catching 15 then running back to shore to trade out. Definitely all about getting the kids excited. Folks fishing from the shore did not do as well as we did but they still managed to pull a couple in but not like we did. And it was a chore cleaning them all up but I’m glad they like to eat fish.
  11. Couzer

    White Mtns. Fishing?

    We just got back yesterday again from the white mountains and did awesome. Caught over 50 rainbows, mostly all stockers but kids loved it. At one time we had 4 kids hooked up on fish at the same time. You know you are catching a ton when you have 3 stringers full some doubled up and then have to throw some back because you don’t have any more room.
  12. I’ve been seeing them in small coveys for a while there close to our summer home there in town. Just last year I bumped about 30-40 in one covey, biggest I’ve seen and yes they about scared the crap out of me. Seen them as high as 10,000’ in elevation when hunting grouse all the way to there in town.
  13. Couzer

    Silver Coin - 1 lb

    I’d give you spot price if you want?
  14. Dave it sucks but you are not going to win. You are hunting public land, and with social media we are all screwed. I get it that you spend your money and time trying to hunt, but nothing is going to change, just got to accept it. I can totally see these guys e-scouting on google maps pin pointing tanks, springs, drainages, terrain, roads etc and then selling the info online. I know one guy that is doing this, he’s making good money I assume. Not sure how busy he is, just does it on the side.
  15. I blame Desert Bull 😂 jk man edit: here is the web site that I found https://www.desertbull.com/
  16. Couzer


    Ya if you go keep us posted! With chasing goat, deer, and grouse I’ll have no time, otherwise I’d be game.
  17. Couzer

    Cheap savage remodel

    Sorry you need to delete this thread, I spent 3k on my rifle and yours shoots better 🤦‍♂️
  18. Couzer

    270 wsm Christensen arms

    That’s a steal!!! Wish I had some extra cash. If you have this by mid September I’ll take it, but please someone else please buy this.
  19. Couzer

    tuna time-easy limits.

    Looking for a good guide, wanting to go over and do a Day trip, you guys recommend any charter???
  20. Couzer

    tuna time-easy limits.

    Do you fish for tuna or deep sea fish?
  21. Couzer

    Forum software upgrade

    Another suggestion would be to add a dislike emoji! I saw the sad one but I would like to see thumbs down or something other than sad. 😜
  22. Couzer

    Side Hustle

    Im going to be going into possibly selling honey on the side. I started out last year because of cactusjack. Just a few more things to get and Ill be selling next year. Its fun, do it on my own time and everyone wants fresh local honey. Extracted over 60 pounds today.
  23. Couzer

    Side Hustle

    I agree with the handyman, small jobs and everyone need a good handyman.