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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    Shout out to creekhiker (Derek) incredible dude

    Awesome man!
  2. Couzer

    New Garmin Inreach

    awesome unit, I just like the fact that the mini is so much smaller.
  3. Couzer

    DIY Wireless Target Cam - How To!

    Following 😊
  4. Couzer

    WTB bear tag?

    I agree! I hear boarman is a good guy, I was just havin a little fun
  5. Couzer

    WTB bear tag?

    Just saying season is closed, even if you had a tag you still could have not shot him. That’s all
  6. Couzer

    WTB bear tag?

    Let’s just say if you had a OTC Tag and you did shoot this with your 6.5,,,,, your last name might as well be Owens 😂
  7. My brother just sent me a picture of his lab had 12 puppies last night. These are the best of the best hunting labs at AZ hunting labs. I’m not trying to sell them, just thought I’d share a pic. They are already ALL sold.
  8. Couzer

    sky cranes

    Maybe for the fire in 27?
  9. Couzer

    ISO Oxygen Concentrator

    So is she prescribed O2 right now? Because if she is she is entitled to a homefill station. Trust me she is, this is a system that fills smaller travel bottles. But a portable Concentrator is only good if she is on 2 liters or less. If she is on anything higher than that good luck, but if she is she will most likely being it from a OCD Oxygen Conserving Device. The portable electronic concentrator only puts out between 80%-95% pure oxygen and are pricy even used. Careful buying stuff off Craigslist as the machines might put out low O2. Get it tested if you go that route. And go buy a pulseox from walgreens, this will help determine her 02 levels. Sorry for the long read, but yep good luck Edit: Just saw your good now!
  10. Couzer

    HWY 87 ony 1 lane open

    That’s what happens when you travel on Friday afternoon the day before the 4th 😁
  11. Couzer

    Cabelas Alaknak 12x20 with extras ****SOLD****

    Mind me asking why you are selling? I’ve been toying around about getting one. And also this may be a dumb question but can you use the stove with fire restrictions? I know most stoves have a spark arrestor in them.
  12. Couzer

    Sad news- Hoghunter

    Prayers to his family, very sad 😢
  13. Couzer

    Concert Tickets

    Why even resurrect this? Good job adamroberson 😂
  14. Couzer

    New rifle build question

    Learn how to reload if you don’t already, this will help tremendously!
  15. Couzer

    .243 for mulies?

    You will get better expansions with lead but the solid copper can and will get better penetration. Lead from my experience can separate into lots of small pieces where the copper tends to stay together and also stay together in bigger pieces if it comes apart. The problem is will the solid copper Projectile expand? It all depends on speed, what it hits, an bullet selection. Lots of members on here can give you some more good advice, I’ve seen the solid copper Barnes bullets expand and preform well. They want less lead on the Kiabab to help with the recovery of the condors. As a conservationist I would refer to use lead free but it’s a personal choice.
  16. Couzer

    .243 for mulies?

    Yes the .243 will be just fine all day long with a good vital shot!
  17. Couzer

    My Lion mount

    Best mount I’ve seen,,,,, amazing, who’s the taxidermist?
  18. Couzer

    My Lion mount

    Awesome job and congrats! How long did it take to come in? Last pic of it mounted or live picture?
  19. Man I would love to see pics of this machine! Not a buyer but just want to look and drool
  20. Couzer

    show low, linden, pinetop-lakeside, vernon

    Letter from Round Valley
  21. Couzer


    Saw this on FB
  22. Yes great guy, I saw him over at Southernexpress a few months ago. Honestly you can go wrong with any mentioned above. I know Todd can have a very quick turnaround on stuff
  23. Couzer


    Do you have Facebook?