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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    22lr ammo for kids

    Yep, sent you a text.
  2. Couzer

    22lr ammo for kids

    Got your message and I’ll be home tomorrow. Headed to work right now, sent a reply back
  3. Couzer

    Bird gun

    I use a Benelli SBE II for everything, great gun.
  4. Couzer


    There’s the price! Nice machine
  5. Couzer

    Spot and Stalk Mountain Lion Hunting

    Units 36 a,b,c tons of lions, glass them up early in the am in the rocks.
  6. Couzer

    North of the River Muley's

    Carl is his own guide! Nice buck man!!!
  7. Couzer

    257 Robert dies

    I have a set of rcbs dies and brass I’ll be listing as a package if Interested. In San Tan
  8. Couzer


  9. Couzer

    ISO - Cat trap

    I’m in San Tan if you wanna come get mine.
  10. Couzer

    ISO - Cat trap

    I have just one of those simple live cat traps from cal ranch, hang a light enough turkey feather in it. The feather always moves even with no breeze. Caught many with this set up
  11. So I’m going to take a guess on this. You prob already know this but there was a change in the wording last year, the tag when printed Im guessing did not allow the printer to print off the entire message. Ya that wording is not gonna be good on a new hunter. Everyone should check the regs.
  12. Couzer

    freakin rodents!

    Exactly just feed them so they stick around. If they go missing just get another free one. They are replaceable, I have a friend that has like 10 on his property, he just feeds them and they stick around. They won’t let you pet them because they are not tamed. But no more mice, rats, or Squirrels chewing up his stuff anymore.
  13. Couzer

    freakin rodents!

    Go get a bunch of house cats, I’m not a cat fan but they help keep the rodents in check
  14. Couzer

    Range Finder feedback?

    I hate my Sig 2200. I’m comparing it to a lieca 1600. Not as clear and hard to range past 1500 yards. I’ll be putting it up for sell soon.
  15. Couzer


    So much negativity lately and this is the month of hunting and to give thanks. I for one am grateful for this site, friends that I met on here and our CW hunting community. #givethanks
  16. Ya it’s the worst, don’t waste your time 🤮
  17. Couzer

    Turkey ammo questions?

    I like to use 5 or 6 shot in 3.5”. The pic of the Winchester will do just fine.
  18. Couzer

    helpful tips for spotting scammers

    Another tip is to see if another reputable member on Coueswhitetail can vouch for the seller if he is a new member. I refer friends to this site seeking info on hunting.
  19. Just depends on where you are hunting at. But to answer your question, no.
  20. Decoys are a must if you can find where they are landing. I think you can get like 12 silhouette decoys for $100. Pm me if you have any questions on hunting them. There’s a Crane call on Amazon for around $30 that works.
  21. Made some Sandhill Crane jerky, all from the leg meat. The breast meat is for the grill. I just use Hi mountain pepper with the jerky gun. This is by far the best meat for jerky.
  22. Couzer


  23. Couzer

    Norma Brass - 300 RUM (New)

    I’ll take it, phone call coming