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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    I am hungry

    😊 my kids make fun of me for doing so
  2. Couzer

    WTB (ISO) Decoys for Sand Hill Crane.

    That’s a great deal, those suckers are pricey. I rent 10 for $100 but more the better! I’ll have to remember next time I get drawn!
  3. Couzer

    Anybody have any 357 or 38 brass?

    Sportsmans In Mesa had a bag of 38. It might be mixed in with the 357 sig stashed in the back of the bin. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  4. Couzer

    Cost to paint a house (Exterior)??

    Just figure .90 cents a square foot home, 2000 square foot home is $1,800
  5. Couzer

    Atv cover

  6. Couzer

    Atv cover

    I got this from a friend looks to be almost new if not new. $50 Best offer? or trade?. I think it goes for $100 new. This is really good quality. I need 9mm Ammo also. Size XL(86"Lx48"Wx44"H)
  7. Couzer

    I am hungry

    Made some elk/chorizo burgers today, only bad thing is I lost my taste and smell from Covid. Tried to get my Neighbors to test but none are home.
  8. Couzer

    I am hungry

    Man that sound awesome
  9. Couzer

    Non Covid bug going around

    Go away 🤪
  10. Couzer

    Non Covid bug going around

    What you just described is Covid, I literally just went through it. Biggest thing was being wiped out with no energy. Sounds like your test was bad
  11. Couzer

    Bears in the Pears

    Lol I’ll be out this week checking because I was wondering the same. 😊
  12. Couzer

    Bears in the Pears

    Pear units open on the 20th 😊
  13. Couzer

    22-250 for sale

    How much and location? Interested
  14. Couzer

    I am hungry

    Ahhh me to, I have lots of Elk burger if you want to come grab some. Anyone have a creative idea I’m making something with elk burger?
  15. Couzer

    Tankless Water Heater Installer

    I am thinking the same thing, nuts.
  16. Couzer

    Anybody looking for 38/357 cast bullets 158gr?

    Ok thanks, let me know
  17. Couzer

    2019 fall cow bison shoulder mount done!

    Very nice!!! What place did this Buffalo come from?
  18. Wow great prices, wish I needed another prep center
  19. Not for sale, all sold. Just cool to see 6 Chocolates and 2 Blacks
  20. Couzer

    Northern lakes fishing— caught a beast

    Beast for sure, nice catch!!
  21. Couzer

    Snowflake levee broke

    I was actually there watching it unfold, pretty nuts.
  22. Couzer

    WTB 25 cal projectiles

    Is this it?