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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    Another deer and lion story with pics

    Wow, thats freakin awesome!!!
  2. Couzer

    34B October

    Nice buck!!! Good job, all the hard work pays off, just a good feeling!
  3. Couzer

    whitey or muley?

    Coues all the way
  4. Couzer

    23 Success

    I saw bucks everyday right before the sun cracked over the horizon, My brother and I missed a couple of 85/90ish bucks at 500+ at daylight looking into the sun. I only saw one guy with one on the ground(2point) I think the success rate will be very low. Just Heard that another guy dropped one at water hole about 85ish buck. But Yeah I bet it will be a low success hunt.
  5. Found a rifle on HWY 288, between Globe and Young Satuday morning at 4am. Was scoutin for whitetail. Let me know if you lost it. Good trip, saw bucks, fox, does, quail, shot one coyote, guy drove off the cliff and fled scene, just a good ole scoutin trip. Will contact sheriff next week Update: Called Sheriff and made the report. Has not been reported stolen or missing. Said to hang on to it and they will get back to me on it. Possible file paperwork if it goes unclaimed to keep it. Would like to see it get returned to owner. Update 10/23 Thanks for all the good stories and remarks. A Deputy Corn called me and told me that they need to get a hold of the rifle asap. Still has not been reported stolen or missing. I reckon I will make arrangements to get it back up there as soon as I get a chance.
  6. Couzer

    23 Success

    Great job! Good to hear at least one person took a buck out of 23. I had only one day to hunt it, and scouted prior to the hunt. Found some bucks when i scouted, but just does to be seen on the hunt!!! I've talked to alot of guys with this tag and no one killed. Congrats and nice buck!!!
  7. Thanks Chef, yeah i want to kill a Occelated and a Goulds one of these days, hopefully soon. Just lookin for a good outfitter!
  8. Wow sounds like a good trip, thanks for sharing the pics. Did they say anything about the turkey hunt, when it opens and what the damage would be to the wallet?
  9. Couzer

    Find the deer

    On the left side, about a 1/3 the way down there is a tree. To right of the tree there is some brush giving off shade, in the shade the deer is bedded down! Is that right???
  10. Couzer

    Unit 22 Sweet Success!!!

    Dane, thats a nice buck!!! Both of them!!! Good Job
  11. Couzer

    White Elk??

    Pretty darn cool, those are alot whiter than the albino one at Sportsmans Warehouse has!
  12. Couzer

    Trail cam pic

    Great pics, thanks for sharing!
  13. Couzer

    .300 RUM Brass?

    Have had good luck with the Rem 300 RUM brass, holding up pretty good. Loaded 2 bags five times already and still holding good. Let me know what you find out.
  14. Couzer

    Question about Unit 22

    Hello there I had this tag 2 years in a row 3 years ago for archery bul. It will be a tough hunt but I can give you some info on where to look and some hot water holes. I will be up there helping out a friend on your hunt. PM if you want.
  15. Couzer

    Coues or Carp?

    Yeah I would have to say Muley
  16. Couzer

    Close but no cigar...

    Wow nice buck, I would say about 95 on the top picture, but i may be way off!!!
  17. Couzer

    Precautions in southern units

    I hunt there in 29 every year, ran into them a few times. Really no problems, they just flee the other way. Last year though I was pretty mad though cause I was sitting my Honey Hole all day in a groung blind and 10-15 of them showed up and ruined my evening hunt,,,, darn them!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Couzer

    A few finds this past weekend

    Shoot if it was a AZGF employee, they would have took it and not said a word to anyone. Oh yeah, nice find
  19. Yeah It sure is, the older they are, the darker they get so the marks are not real noticable! The younger blacks are alot lighter than this one. Where did you see this one at?
  20. Couzer


    Nice antler!!!! He is a toad alright!
  21. Couzer

    Bow shops in NE AZ

    i second this his cell phone shop is called mobile cellular, he sells bowtech and limbsaver bows and diamond, if he doesnt have something he can get it for you and he just started carrying vortex binoculars and spotting scopes.......cbryant I third this. Jed Larson does the best job up in not only the white mountains but in Az! He knows more than anyone I know. I didn't even know him, but he took the time to go over my old bow and tune it up just right. He is awesome to deal with and very friendly and I will give him a 100% of my business as well as recommend him to all bowhunters. Other shops are good, But Jed goes over and beyond in helping you out. He makes custom strings to which are very nice.