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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    my 11 year olds first elk, 580 yards

    Wow great shot!!! Hands down to your kid and yourself for putting the time in! Great Job
  2. Couzer

    Bizzare Antelope horns

    Non typical or typical??? ha jk
  3. Couzer

    HS Precision 300 WSM

    Very tempting
  4. Couzer

    scouting for oct hunt

    Hybrid ,,, no looks like coues but what do I know ha ha
  5. Very good unit, I hunt it every year!!!
  6. Couzer

    Remington 700 deluxe stainless

    how much?
  7. Here is a update, just got this email today In case you haven't heard this Friday Saturday and Sunday we are having our first Employee Pricing Event. This means that you get our employee discount on everything in the store from shoes to knives to guns UP TO 20%. Also on Saturday from 11 to 2 we will also be cooking up a free lunch so come on down. If you are looking to organize your garage we are selling some of our black grid 6' and 8' lengths for only $5.00 ea we also have pegs to go with 25 for $5.00, this is a great solution for hanging all your tools and misc items so they aren't on the floor. I want you all to know that we have been receiving great shipments of product and if you haven't been in in awhile you need to stop by to see what we have back in. I want everyone to know I am also putting on a food Drive in conjunction with Dillon's RV City and KSLX for United Food Bank to try and help the people in our community during these difficult times. So if you can please bring any canned and non perishable food items to drop off here at the store, the box will be here all weekend. Also on Friday we will KSLX at the store giving away concert tickets so be listening for your chance to win with KSLX. Thank you for shopping with Sportsman's Warehouse and thank you for your continued support.
  8. Couzer

    Vortex Kiabad 15X56 New in box

    Sold Pending Funds Thanks for all who replied, I was limited to internet access.
  9. Couzer

    Vortex Kiabad 15X56 New in box

    Not sold yet, still thinking!
  10. ..... trying to upload the pic,,,,,,, ok the file is to big, trying to size it down Ok I just got this in a email from a friend in NM, so he told me it is the 09 gov tag. So there is a disclaimer if it is not
  11. Couzer

    Bobby's 1st Archery AZ Bull 340"

    Dane what a stud bulll!!!!! Great job man!!!!
  12. Couzer

    weekend glassing

    Great Pics and Video!!!!
  13. +1 I carry the same snubbie 357 scandium, it sure is a hand smasher!!!!
  14. Couzer

    Blueberry Eater Down

    WOW!!!!! One day i will be there!!!! Great pics and great job!!!!
  15. Couzer

    my first bull

    Nice bull!!! Great job! I know Heath, he's a good guy!
  16. How big of shells will the sht gun hold? 3"? 3 1/2?
  17. Couzer

    My son 1 coati 0

    Wow great job! Nice pics and great smiles!!!
  18. Couzer

    Reloading Jackpot

    Amen to that, they are way high priced
  19. Couzer

    5 Rocken antelope bucks!

    Wow nice speed goats!!!
  20. Saw a nice 340 class bull, came down the fence line right next to me, a few turkey but I already tagged out for those guys. No deer though few fresh tracks, I had to get back to Gilbert early so I headed back down the moutain. Somebody had a nice ground blind set up and a camera on the tank that i was sitting up pass strawberry. I had a tree stand on it for a few years but took it down last year. I smiled big for thier camera! Looks like I'll be back in January!
  21. Saw the sticker on a dodge after sitting a hole in Strawberry this morning. 4 door dodge, ladder on the back headeding south on the B-line turned off to Rosevelt. about 11 am
  22. Couzer

    1st coues hunt

    Good job!!! Nice buck for your first one, with a bow in velvet is the best!