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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    Garage gunsmith needed

    I forth Todd at SXpress
  2. Couzer

    Good Guy Seller List

    If these guys are not on the list, you can buy in confidence. HBU, Trevorj, azbow, rpowell600, coloradomuley, geologger, Noworries, Edge especially HBU, thank you again.
  3. Couzer

    WTB 12x50 Binos

    And if you calll him he will most likely even give you a better deal.
  4. Couzer


    I blame Chef, he won by posting the oldest post link on another post. Just passing time till the results come out.
  5. Couzer


    This needs a bump
  6. Couzer

    Coues shed season

    Ahh you beat me ha ha!
  7. Couzer

    Coues shed season

    Is this the oldest post on CW? When do they start dropping? APRIL?
  8. Couzer

    12A Spring Turkey 2012

    Sorry I haven't been up there in years, so I'm no help.
  9. Couzer

    12A Spring Turkey 2012

    He is, I just picked up some calls from last week.
  10. Couzer

    Unit 22 tagged out!

    Nicely done!
  11. Couzer

    WTB 22 Hornet dies

    Looking for a set of 22 hornet Dies, preferably Redding, Rcbs, or Hornady. Found some online but figured I would check here first. Thanks in advance
  12. Couzer

    WTB 22 Hornet dies

    You the man! I appreciate it
  13. Couzer

    WTB 22 Hornet dies

  14. Couzer

    Levi is on the board!

    Good job man!
  15. Couzer

    Magazine for 450 Bushmaster AR

    He might have you blocked 🚫, just sayin.
  16. Couzer

    Slipperyer?? Slope

    A friend of mine has a gun business and said Venmo and PayPal are getting stupid with it as well.
  17. Couzer

    Scope vs Scope Question

    I would suggest calling them, they gave me the best deal I've have ever seen on my HD Swaros. Talk to Doug
  18. Couzer

    Classic Firearms

    How much for the woodmaster?
  19. Couzer

    Model Seven 17 Fireball

    Thanks guys, I was able to load some rounds late last night. Going to hit the range on my next day off. I used H335 started out at 17.5 grn to 19 grn. I also had some Win 748, so I loaded a few with that to. The dang polymer tip on a few kept coming out getting stuck in the seater die. I set them all .02 off the lands, hopefully with good results.
  20. Couzer

    Model Seven 17 Fireball

    Thanks for the info, I will try the H335 and work up from there. What kind of distance on the Prarie dogs? Were you able to hit out to 200 yards consistently?
  21. Couzer

    Scope vs Scope Question

    L Great advice right here from Dano, I couldn't agree more.
  22. Gotcha, this is just going to be a printable sheet I can take with to the range. No formulas, that's way over my head.
  23. Looking for a template to use or even modify that someone may be willing to share? I might just make one but it’s been a few years I’ve worked with Excel. I lost the one I was using a few years back and need to make some paper copies.
  24. Thanks Going have to Google the boolean t/f field
  25. Almost a year ago and I finally got around to getting one put together. It's not perfect but what am I missing?