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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    November 2012 was good to my Boys!

    Awesome! I can't wait till my boy is old enough to hunt
  2. Couzer

    Nice Bear

    Very nice!!!! Great job
  3. Couzer

    Finally first deer with a bow

    Great job!!!!
  4. Couzer

    Big Buck Down!!!

    Very nice!!!!
  5. Couzer

    Anyone Want Some Smoked Tuna??

    You are the man at smoking meat!!!!!! +100 for you
  6. Couzer

    unit one wolf

    Wait I heard that they have been pushing the elk through the aspens, giving the saplings a chance to grow! So there is a gain there.
  7. Couzer

    unit one wolf

    $350,000 tax payers money down the the drain on each wolf, sad they invest that plus more in those wolves.
  8. Couzer

    Portable Phone Charger?

    I just heard that Bushnell came out with one. I would really consider looking at it
  9. Couzer

    24a cams

    I put my trapping number on my cams with azgf. I would hope this helps from them being taken.
  10. Couzer

    Drew Unit 29...

    29 is a good unit if you do your homework. Lots of coues high and low. The first few times I hunted it was hard work trying to locate the bucks, but once you pattern them its much easier. I have only archery hunted the unit.
  11. Couzer

    Vintage Honda Generator

    That is Awsome! No wonder honda generators are so reliable, been around forever.
  12. Couzer

    Is an Elephant just a big deer? not really.

    Awesome! What does a average shoulder mount go for?
  13. Couzer

    Swarovski 15x56 SLC Sale!

    That's what I paid used for them 3 years ago, great deal
  14. Couzer

    Big Bear Down

    What a Beast!!! Awesome job guys
  15. Couzer

    small camp trailer

    The trailer is bad A. Wish I had some funds to buy it!
  16. Very nice!!!! You and Kidso have bear blood running in your veins!
  17. +1 to that comment. It's the responsibility of any individual who understand the worth of fur to attempt to educate those who do not. Whether or not they listen is their own business. General acceptance of moral grandstanding all depends on the topic at hand. If I made a post about shooting a mule deer with an under-calibered rifle I'd get chewed out by the masses on this forum, but someone who wastes a natural resource like fur just for the thrill of the kill is given a free pass all because 'it's legal'. I'm not interested in the monetary value of the fur- I thought I made that very clear. I am not just "killing animals" for any type of thrill (although calling and shooting predators is pretty exciting) I wasn't looking for advice when I originally posted this, nor did I ever ask anyone what they thought about people who harvest Furbearers in what is considered "not prime" seasons. If we're going forward with opinions here- I think it much more "moral" and sporting to harvest animals that are free running and not attached to a leg-trap, snare or confined in a cage trap of some sort... Trappers seem to be the most bent-out-of-shape about the AZGFD August 1st Predator/Furbearer opening. Don't you go thinking for one minute that what you do to these animals is any more "moral" or "right" than harvesting one in an early season. You use bait, catch an animal in a trap, and it dies tethered to the trap or you dispatch it when it has no chance of getting away. From the time the animal is first caught in the trap to the time it dies, it suffers greatly. Doesn't bother me one bit. I think trapping is awesome and traditional. If I had the cash and the time I'd be a trapper too. If that's what you do, and it's legal, have a great time in the outdoors doing it! That's your thing and I am not somebody who will criticize your methods. So don't criticize mine. If I want a summer fox to skin out and have for my own trophy room- I certainly don't consider that a waste of an animal at all. The fur is being used and that's the bottom line. The funny thing is... I didn't even shoot any foxes and you "prime fur" guys are all up in arms over the thought of it. ...and what exactly is an under-calibered rifle for mule deer??? Dead is dead- no matter how big of a hole it took to kill it. Agreed, great post Scooter.
  18. Couzer

    300ultra first groups

    My groups are under 1/2" at 300 yards. Same load is just over 1/2" at 100 yards. Just something to think about. Every rifle is different though
  19. Couzer

    breast cancer

    JD is a great guy, met him at the gas station years ago in Eagar. Prayers are out to your wife and family.
  20. Prime or not, shootem PLEASE CALL ME JACKWAGON
  21. Couzer

    Kidso fedish

    Nice pics Jeff! Those blonde bears are saweet!!!
  22. Couzer

    Got a new Hoyt but..

    The owner of Bear Mountain, Ed is a good guy. However I only shop there when needed due to a employee Howey, who worked behind the counter. Bear mountain was or still is a sponsor of this site ran a deal for CW members to make them a offer on any gun and they would negotiate a good deal on a gun. So I went in trying to negotiate a price and the first thing Howey gave me so much crap about trying to buy a rifle below the marked price. Anyways I bought my first water balloon launcher from them when I was 8 years old, my first deer/elk rifle, and other rifles from them and now I have been there maybe 2 times in the last 5 years. I will only deal with Ed, for I really do believe he is a good guy. For Howey he can go F himself, I never been so mad in my life at someone who tried to talk down to me, but did not let him. I know he has friends on here and hope they relay the message.
  23. Couzer

    Deer, Bear and ? what is the cat picture, notice the tail and spots

    Looks like a Jag! Nice pics
  24. Couzer


    Had a few offers at $200, maybe I need to lower the price a little. I really don't need to sell it but thought I would put it out there since its hard to find.