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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    Roy's Deer

  2. Couzer

    Two tags/Two Elk

    Awesome! Congrats!!!
  3. Couzer

    found a bull in 5bs

    Wow I didn't know AZGF owns the wildlife? I thought they just managed them???
  4. Couzer

    first ever bear tag ?s

    Wow! 29 is my next unit to hunt next year. About 8-7 years ago I think like 15 bears where shot opening rifle season. This info was from the warden, he said it was like world war 2 with all the shooting.
  5. Couzer

    Velvet to Hard Horned

    Nice job Houston! Always enjoy reading your post
  6. Couzer

    2014 Muzzleloader Bull (Updated with story)

    Nice job Ammon! Bring me some summer sausage!!!
  7. Couzer

    Thank You Millers Meat Processing

    Miller's Southwestern Processing Llc Butcher Shop 2689 E Combs Rd, Queen Creek, AZ 85140 (480) 987-8700 Also they are a CW sponser
  8. Couzer

    Elk season Part II Archery

    Nicely done! Great music 😄
  9. Couzer


    Are you taking the BC (ballistic coefficient) and velocity (did u chronograph the speed) into consideration?
  10. Couzer

    Wanted cabinets

    Very nice David, now you got to post a pic so I can get a visual! I bought one of those work benches from SAMs club, so far I like it, just the depth isn't deep enough. I'll check on those toolboxes.
  11. Couzer

    Thank You Millers Meat Processing

    Located in QC but I think they have multiple trailers set up around northern Az for us hunters like kd300 said. Great guys, and just awesome in what they do!
  12. Couzer

    Wanted cabinets

    Thanks shedhunteraz pm sent. Mlder33 that would have been a mess for sure, that lead and copper weight adds up. Thanks for the tip, I'll make sure I'll reinforce them 😃
  13. Well I was able to make it up to my spot where I have seen grouse before. This was literally a "shotgun trip" as I left my house at 2am and arrived at 6:30am. The weather was perfect, didn't need a jacket or sweater on, blue sky's with a little fog in the meadows. The Elk were screeing their heads off all morning and was able to call in 2 bulls to about 50 yards, one reply nice one guessing at least 360". Unfortunately my little 410 compact shotgun never left my camelpack, but had lots of fun on the 10 mile hike. As I got home I chatted with a buddy that was up there chasing Bulls and he said he had a grouse fly up right at his feet and scared him half to death. He was only a few miles away from me that morning, so that was good to know I was in a good area.
  14. Every year I see Blue Grouse on a hike we do. Looks like they are in season now and I'm thinking about packing a shotgun with me in case we see more this year. I picked up a old light weight breakdown savage .410 today so I could pack this into the area we are going. Is a .410 sufficient enough at a 30 yard shot using 3" #4 shoot? The hike is about 15 miles, and this little gun weighs 4lb and can conceal in my pack easy. Last year I got within 30 yards pretty easy on these birds. Thoughts?
  15. Couzer

    Twin Spot Rattlesnake

    Wow that's way up there
  16. Cotton fields out there, about 1/2 mile away from the main roads. Just drive right up to the spot, shootin 50 yards from the car.
  17. Had a blast this morning off of Ellsworth
  18. Couzer

    Bullet comparison picture

    Those berger are long, to long for my 25 wssm since I have to push them back even further to fit in my AR-15 mag. Nice comparison
  19. Couzer

    How do you fight a bad mechanic?

    Speak to the owner and let him know your expectations and try to agree in getting this resolved, I wouldn't talk to the manager, sales guy, or mechanic. Second thing I would research and have a good lawyer on your side. Not necessarily hire one but know one in case this does get ugly. Third if they don't want to do anything, then I would let them know your going to hire a lawyer.
  20. Couzer

    First Coyote for our Family

    Great job and may the good Lord bless you guys with more to come!
  21. Couzer

    MY 2014 Bear!!!

    Darn side by sides , I've always wanted one but have been thinking twice lately. Nice shooting and sticking with it with those nats and heat. Looks like she has a little brown on her muzzle, great looking bear, congrats!
  22. Couzer

    Has this happened to you?

    Hurry go buy a power ball ticket ! Awesome man very cool
  23. Couzer

    AZ unit 1 bull

    Congrats on a great bull!
  24. I'm thinking I saw one a while back at AJI