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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer


    You just live in the wrong city.
  2. Couzer


    Agree, this is more than half price off with bag and hose. They are well worth it, especially on those cold nights.
  3. Couzer

    Cooking Wild Turkey

    Just thought I would share how we cook our turkey. I've tried crock pot, pucking and smoking the entire bird and this has been our favorite. With 5 young kids there are no left overs with Uncle bucks fry mix from Bass pro.
  4. Couzer

    Cooking Wild Turkey

    Cut into strips, then we had a medium bowl where my wife put some milk and eggs in where we dipped the strips in so the dry batter would adhere to it . From there we had another bowl where we dropped the strips in the dry batter, then straight to the oil. We went off the directions on the Uncle Bucks fry mix. Not going to lie, this has been awesome for us. They also make a regular chicken fry mix, not hot and spicy. We like the Hot and Spicy, has a really good kick at the end.
  5. Couzer

    Cooking Wild Turkey

    Good luck out there!
  6. Couzer

    Mountain Lion trapping

    Get some house cats and put them in rabbit cages with a litter box towards one corner. After a week take the litter box out and put a bucket under the cage and harvest all the cat urine and stuff. Use this to lure the lions in. It works really good from what I've "heard".
  7. Couzer

    Turkey down

    Way cool! Congrats on getting it done. That beard is awesome
  8. Couzer

    How was opening day? Who got one?

    This picture was from this morning around 10am. At the T for Big Lake, Cresent is in the background if you can see it ha ha.
  9. Couzer

    How was opening day? Who got one?

    That's what I was thinking. She's on a whole different level of hunting. One day I'll get there.
  10. Couzer

    How was opening day? Who got one?

    Windy as all get out, but still managed.
  11. Couzer

    Johnson 9.9 Restore

    I agree, I'm up here at Big Lake and as I drove by last Saturday it looked like it had about 90% ice on it. Yesterday, no ice. I'll going to b try to fish it today.
  12. Couzer

    Johnson 9.9 Restore

    Love seeing the dedication! Solid work!!!
  13. Couzer

    2024 youth turkey hunt

    It's always a fun time to be in the woods, that's what I "try" to convey to my kids. I had a tough time calling this weekend, but have learned a ton from Ammons passion over the last 20 years of friendship. The tom that was called in, we definitely had to fight for his attention. We had about 3-4 gobblers and to many hens to count that we were competing with first thing Saturday morning. My boy made a excellent shot and game over.
  14. Couzer

    2024 Spring hunt

    Great bird, congrats again! I have the same shotgun as well, SBE is deadly.
  15. Couzer

    2024 Spring hunt

    Very nice, big ol beard on him. Any spurs? What are those tags running for these days anyways. I might have to try it.
  16. Couzer

    New gun shop opening in Sierra Vista

    Pretty slick! A friend of mine bought a 45-70 one recently, just seeing what were the chances of another one being local.
  17. Couzer

    New gun shop opening in Sierra Vista

    Is that a 45-70 Gat?
  18. Couzer


  19. Couzer


  20. Couzer


    Fair comparison, my bad. I have asked him not to comment on my post but yet he does. Why? I have no idea.
  21. Couzer


    Fair price? How do you figure and why the heII do you always have to comment on everyone's classified post?
  22. Couzer

    WTB 7 Cu Ft chest freezer working or not

    Have you seen the show hoarders? This is his house from what I've heard. I'm sure he has one somewhere 😉
  23. Couzer

    6.5 Creedmoor Build

    Very nice!!!! This is awesome
  24. Couzer

    Happy Easter

    Happy Easter!