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Everything posted by Couzer

  1. Couzer

    21 year wait Antelope hunt

    Congrats and way to stick with it
  2. Couzer

    Bird vest

    I always wanted to try the badlands vest, looks nice but a little pricy for me right now.
  3. Couzer

    Building my 6.5 Creedmoor chassis

    Wow David!!! That rig is SICK!!! I want one ha ha
  4. Couzer

    September bull hunt, big 7x4

    Great bull!!! Thanks for posting pics
  5. Couzer

    Good deed gets rewarded!

    Those are the best type of scouting trips! Nicely done
  6. Couzer


  7. Couzer

    Canyon Bruins (My First Bear)

    Great job man!
  8. Couzer


    I hate snakes
  9. Couzer

    Opening day double

    Great job Houston!!!! Way to go bud!!! To your kids to, good shootin
  10. Couzer

    My 2015 AZ Bear

    Freakin Toad!!!! Way to go
  11. Couzer


    They are still out!!! Almost stepped on one last night in Peach Springs
  12. Couzer


    Always wanted to shoot a turkey with a muzzle loader, pm sent as well, please read! Congrats
  13. Couzer

    Camp Navajo strikes again.

    Wow bummer
  14. Couzer

    Swaro Problems

    I agree that it is frustrating, I have come to the conclusion when I buy the swaros I sell the adapter that it comes with and use the proceeds to purchase the outdoorsmans. Thier glass is the best, thier adapter sucks!!! Just something I accepted when I bought it. Should they have replaced the adapter? Yes, but I would have sold mine before I even used it. That's just me though. I recommend calling sportsman's or local shop that sells them and talk to the Arizona Feild rep/sales (ask them for his cell number) and talk to them to get it replaced then sell it to recoop your money from the outdoorsmans, that's what I would do. Sometimes those reps you call on the phone just are not the best. If you think swaro is bad try leica, they were horrible, I personally will never buy leicas again, but that just me.
  15. Couzer

    Swaro Problems

    I would take them up on their offer on the outdoorsman adapter and not look back. I think think they know their adapter is not the best, prob why they are asking full price to steer the customers to other adapters???
  16. Couzer

    WTB Kimber 8400M

    Dane I was going to say I have a Kimber Montana in a 257 roberts with a zeiss 4-14 only 97 rounds down it for 1500 obro
  17. Couzer

    Think you had a BAD day?

    Was up at our cabin today closing it up and found this guy near by!!!
  18. Couzer


    Congrats! Nicely done
  19. Couzer

    Tessas patience pays off

    Dream buck right there! Nice job
  20. Couzer

    1st Junior deer 12AW

    Heck yeah! Very nice
  21. Couzer

    Youth elk

    Great job!!!
  22. Couzer

    Fun day with the boys

    Wow hammer down on 2!!!! Great job
  23. Couzer

    Think you had a BAD day?

    Bummer for sure, we are up there a lot and I was suprised of all the elk activity. There was a young boy and his dad that stopped by for the JR cow elk hunt said they were having a tough time, we walk about about 1/4 behind our cabin and they ended up taking a cow. Pretty neat, I metioned this bull to them, not sure if they picked up the dead head or not. Another father and son got lost and ended up at our place, ended up taking them back to thier camp 1/2 mile away after drinking some hot chocolate and eating some Dutch oven cobbler. Good times, can't wait till my kids are old enough!!!