During the archery hunt the deer will be summering at the higher elevations typically which would be the top of the plateau east and west of highway 67. That's not to say that some of the deer are not lower on the plateau where you might typically look during a rifle hunt but they will be at a lower density. The 2006 warm fire burned 58,000 acres right up the middle of 12A and is producing a lot of great feed for the deer - but will probably also attract a lot of other bowhunters IMO. But at least there's only 1,000 archers compared to 3-4,000 in years past. Deer will be feeding on that nice green grass as well as Lupine which is a small flowering plant. The rep at the North K'bab ranger district says they've had good rain all summer so the deer a spread out all over. Even during the rifle hunts, if the snow hasn't come in hard, the deer will still be mostly pretty high on the plateau. You can really go almost anywhere up top and find deer during the archery hunt - not that its easy by any means. I'd try and find an isolated/unpressured waterhole and focus in and around that area. Always have a plan a, b and c spot though just incase you run into other hunters with the same idea as you. Tree stands and ground blinds off of water can be productive if your patient, and still hunting super slow and glassing (even in the thick stuff) with the wind in your face trying to catch deer moving to feeding/bedding areas or shifting beds. In early - out late and you should bump into deer. Don't forget your Kaibab Stamp and a turkey tag - you'll have good odds of bumping to some birds too!