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About KaibabHunter

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/06/1977

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ

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  1. KaibabHunter

    13A Advice

    Good luck coach! I’m back to 13 pts and hope to be back in the next couple years!
  2. KaibabHunter

    What keeps you from going?

    I’ve had some burnout out in the last couple years helping new to hunting guys (asking for my help) that don’t match my style which is hunt hard, serious, and grind it out to give urslf a chance. Coupled with spine, neck, shoulder issues I started losing my drive to hunt. Some guys need to have somebody to hunt with for whatever reason, social interaction, inexperience, or basically just to be guided without putting in any effort themselves in tags they’ve waited so long to draw. I don’t feel that I need any help, have zero issues being by myself and my success/failure is based on me and me alone. I enjoy helping people but am getting back to my solo roots where I can do my thing on my own and only be frustrated with myself if I screw it up. Tough solo pack outs are just part of the reward and experience.
  3. KaibabHunter

    Desert mule deer cape available

    Nice cape from a 150’s desert buck killed New Year’s Eve I’ve decided not to mount. If someone needs one lemme know. 6O2-625-I848
  4. KaibabHunter

    Polaris tires/rims off load

    14” rims/tires sold. 8 12” rims/tires still available
  5. KaibabHunter

    Polaris tires/rims off load

    Always been a bargain shopper for tires/rims for my 07 ranger but gave her some love and went new and so now need to make space. I have a variety of 3/8’s and 12mm 1x156mm bolt pattern 12” take off/steel rims and 4 Polaris 14” 12mm 1x156mm black rims. 12 total. All but 1 have useable tires mounted, 7 tires being fairly new Carlisle mud wolfs in 26x12x12 rears and 25x8x12 fronts. All are used and have paid their dues. Would make great spares. Like I said looking to offload so $15 a tire/rim. Located SW phx Text: 6oh2-625-18four8
  6. KaibabHunter

    Cold weather tent camping

    I have the 10x14 and 12x9 kodiaks. I sewed in a stove bib for each and stoves for each. Ultimate comfort and drys wet clothes and boots out quick. Had to run buddy heaters tho last week due to fire restrictions.
  7. KaibabHunter

    Craftsman reel mower

    I’ll take it. Text sent
  8. KaibabHunter

    Male English Pointer

    2 year old pure bred English pointer. Gunner is a very sweet dog but he’s not getting what he deserves living in town. Looking to get him to a home where he can have the space to explore, run, and maybe be turned into a bird hunter . He just a lil too high energy for our busy family that thought we could handle it when we got him but we can’t. Bought him from a member here for $425 when he was 4 months, he’s now 2. Current on shots, since neutered, and have a hawx gun and dog shock collar/trainer I paid $200 for that I would include. He’s a good dog and we hate to lose him. Cons: Can run, jump (fences), sheds, and chews sometimes. Pros: super sweet, good around kids, very curious, birdy (still has bird dog potential). I would like to recoup some of my money but more importantly make sure he gets into a good home. Asking $300 and includes the hawx shock collar. Located southwest Phoenix Can text 6O2-6two5-1848
  9. KaibabHunter

    CC Hit (First Elk Hunt) GEAR TIPS

    At camp: -35* sleeping bag, cot, sleep pad, tent capable or can be modified to run a wood stove. I have a Kodiak cabin tent. Camp comfort and drying out every day will keep u hunting. On foot: i use a badlands 2200, danner boots, have some basic kuiu clothing that I layer up under with whatever cold weather type stuff I have. 10x42 Bino’s in a badlands chest pouch, rangefinder, carry 15x56 binos, tripod and small stool in my pack. Havalon and outdoor edge replaceable blade knife, and orange trail tape. Game bags and $.99 sheet of painters plastic to lay my meat on to keep it clean. Fire starter stuff.
  10. KaibabHunter

    Gun safe recommendations

    Thx for the info. Interested in the Bighorn 24 cu ft/26 gun. At 585 lbs are there any issues setting it on tile?
  11. KaibabHunter

    Gun safe recommendations

    Never owned one but it’s time. Budget would be $500-800 new or used in the 24ish gun capacity and reasonable fire rating. A nice look would be a bonus. Recommendations? And any install or tips in general appreciated. Ryan
  12. KaibabHunter

    Swaro 15’s HD - $1850

    Pm sent
  13. KaibabHunter

    Looks Like a Cold one!

    That’s from Colorado stoves. Read a lot of good things about the additional spark arrestor so wanted it included. My stove is camp chef. Not all nested pipe fits the same so it’s camp chef pipe for the bottom into the stove, then the Colorado box arrestor, then Colorado pipe the rest of the way, and a Colorado cap. I got a good deal on the camp chef but had to figure out how to make everything fit so spent some additional $ to make it all work.
  14. KaibabHunter

    Looks Like a Cold one!

    My tent is the 12x9 FYI. I don’t have much for pics of the install. Pretty easy though. Bought the stove jack from Davis wall tents and sewed it in with a heavy material sewing awl (Amazon). Also bought the Davis heat shield mat that the stove sits on to protect the tent floor. I chose not to mess with the angle of the stove pipe and just ran it straight out the top. There are some vids where guys have run it it out the side wall. Added another spark arrester and a rain cap. Withstood 50 mph gusts those first couple days of the storm without any issue.
  15. KaibabHunter

    Looks Like a Cold one!

    We were burning cedar and pine so it burned quick but a lifesaver after a long day. We didn’t get back til 11 pm when my boy killed. Made a fire next to the bull while I broke him down. Boots got wet then froze after day 3 every day. Stove made all the difference drying out gear and keeping camp comfortable. Sometimes it got a lil too warm in the tent. Fun hunt