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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    ASU vs UofA

    oh well - looks like just the Holiday Bowl for us. I guess that is better than being at home over the Holidays and left to play in the toilet bowl. Just a quick reminder that the other team has not been in a bowl game since 1998. I am not sure but I think they are 1 of only like 3 or 4 D1 schools not to play in a bowl game this century. I know Duke is one of the others. Also I think this makes 7 wins for ASU out of the last 9 years. I love this new math.
  2. SunDevil

    Help me name my new dog!

    what about Ruthie? I will have to think about this some more. Of course given the results of the game Saturday night how could you pass on calling her Sparky?
  3. SunDevil


    it was checked out and verified as a hybrid by a G&F officer. I do not know the legalities but am guessing that if you shoot a hybrid it is ok regardless of whether you have a WT tag or a carp tag.
  4. SunDevil


    ok so everyone on here needs to pm or email deernut because he has pictures of a hybrid that was shot last weekend. from what I heard it is a 3X4 that scores 133 inches. it has a huge body and a tail of a coues deer. it was taken by a mule deer hunter from PA. come on jim lets see the pics!
  5. SunDevil

    Leupold vs. Nikon

    casey you are crazy. I would go with the nikon but get in the 44mm objective. I personally do not prefer the 40mm and the 44mms are a little less expensive than the 50mms.
  6. SunDevil

    I NEED a new rifle

    does kimber make their montana in left hand? do they chamber it in 25-06? if so, this would be a great combination based on the criteria you have listed. look on gunsamerica - you can find most everything out there.
  7. SunDevil

    Straight or Angled?

  8. SunDevil


    this is the deer I was talking about http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...amp;#entry84021
  9. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...?showtopic=6079
  10. SunDevil

    Early Kaibab Buck

    'Napoleon' - now thats funny right there!!! Nice buck for sure. Sure would like to get a nice big kaibab mulie but just cant come to putting it on the app over dec wt.
  11. 2 years ago we bought ours at the little store on the west side of the road in Glenwood. I believe it was a Sunday. If I remember right, there were quite a few elk hunters getting their stuff there as well. Can't remember the name of it though. Sorry and good luck. Chris.
  12. SunDevil

    Whitetail rifle for my wife

    22-250 could also be an option
  13. SunDevil

    Guess the score.

    I am going with 99 gross - 16 inch main beams - 8 inch G2 on the left but 5 on the right - 6 inch G3 on the left but 7 on the right - 1.5 inch guards and 12.5 inches of mass with a 13 inch spread adds up to 99 gross. I generally am off by +/- 5% so really could be anywhere between 94 and 104. really nice buck now matter how he adds up. congrats.
  14. SunDevil

    ASU vs Oregon

    here is an oldie but a goodie - my two favorite teams are ASU and whoever is playing ua. seriously - I did not use to be this way but it has come to this after living in Tucson for 11 years and being subject to unnecessary abuse from a lot of ua fans. the sad thing is that their rudeness (ua fans) is not just towards ASU. it is directed towards fans from all other schools. I am sure this happens everywhere but I live in Tucson so I am talking about ua fans right now. the worst instance was last year when my 2 nephews flew out from VA to watch the BYU - ua game. they were 11 and 14. we were walking down the mall to a friends tailgate and were berated by someone in about every other tailgate group because we were wearing BYU shirts. the saddest part was when 3 kids who were probably 5 - 7 years old walked over and started chanting 'BYU SUCKS - BYU SUCKS' over and over again. what is even sadder is that their parents were standing right there watching the whole thing and did nothing about it. the next day when I was driving my nephews to the airport, the youngest one asked why the ua fans were so mean. he also said the ua fans were the worst he has EVER encountered. these boys have been all over the country to see BYU games (Boston College, Notre Dame, Georgia Tech, etc). one instance I still can not believe or will ever forget is when I was at the ASU - ua game in Tucson one year and was wearing my ASU jersey, this little squirt of a teenager starts laying into me about how ASU sucks. I am a pretty big guy so I just laughed it off but I turned to his overweight squirt of a father and told him he needed to teach his son some manners or someday he was going to run his mouth to someone who wouldn't let it slide and probably end up with a broken nose. I thoroughly enjoyed it 2 years ago when I was at the ASU - ua baseball game in Tucson and a couple ua fans were being so obnoxious that security actually kicked them out of the game. so my question is - why must people be derogatory? when I was a kid playing sports we encouraged our team and if we put down the other team we did not get to play and had to run. unfortunately there are sports talk radio stations I do not listen to anymore because I have heard enough references to my alma mater as 'tempe normal' and other djays I do not listen to because of their continued reference to our mascot as scumdevils. so yes - ASU faces a tough opponent this week but they also faced a tough opponent last week and while ua was battling it out with UW for the basement of the conference, ASU was taking care of business against cal. hopefully the logic that cal beat oregon and ASU beat cal will translate into ASU beating oregon. we shall see tomorrow afternoon. fortunately for the ua, they belong to a good conference and share in the spoils from the other pac10 schools as money from the bowl games goes to the conference and then gets distributed to all the schools, including those sitting at home during the holidays playing in the toilet bowl. so circling back to the beginning - GO ASU SUNDEVILS AND GO UCLA BRUINS!!!
  15. SunDevil

    My 2007 "rifle hunt" buck

    that buck is a stud - first I have ever heard of someone taking a deer during the general season with a bow - they are so much prettier when they are hard horned. thanks for sharing.
  16. SunDevil

    Leftover Tag Pays Off!

    so now after 14 months the members of cwt.com finally know what the infamous Scout'm looks like.
  17. SunDevil

    Fire Burning in unit #32 ???

    5:00 news this evening said it was in the copper creek area and that it was contained. firefighters had left the area and the oracle fire dept was keeping an eye on it.
  18. SunDevil

    ASU vs Oregon

    Thats what I am talking about BABY!
  19. SunDevil

    Leftover Tag Pays Off!

    here he is about 25 minutes before he met his kimber 270 wsmaker.
  20. SunDevil

    Whats the Weirdest?

    back in '97 we were hunting and camped out in unit 32. from where we were, if you looked to the west at night you could see the haze from the tucson lights. one evening I walked just out of camp to relieve myself and was standing there facing west toward tucson when all of a sudden I saw a meteroid or something like it streaking horizontally across the sky leaving a 'dust' trail or something behind it. I hollered at the guys with me to come take a look at it. we stood there for about 5 minutes watching it and wondering what the heck it was. we had no idea. later that week when we got back to town I was reading the paper and they had an article in there about a rocket that had been fired off in CALIFORNIA that was observed and reported by a bunch of people in AZ. I guess they got so many calls on it they decided to put it in the paper so people would know what the heck it was. it was pretty cool.
  21. well if half the team quit and they told the AD it was because the coach sucked and then the next year the same thing happened again, maybe the AD would find a new coach.
  22. so what % of the survey cards are returned on average? is a mandatory reporting structure like UT and NM better than what we have? If so, why would the G&F not move towards one? if a mandatory reporting structure is better and the G&F is just being stubborn maybe a survey boycott would force them into something else. I have often wondered what the confidence factor of the %s the G&F reports is? + or - 5%. + or - 10%. the response rate can not be that high. then you factor there are probably some people who are not honest about it. lets face it, if you are successful and report it as unsuccessful, your unit is going to appear less appealing to other people who look at the numbers than if you report it as successful. granted, a mandatory report will not solve this problem but it will get the honest people who normally do not report on the records and make the %s they report significantly more accurate. I also think they should spend a little time, effort, resources on following up with butchers after the seasons are over and get a copy of all the names of successful hunters they cut deer up for. I know one butcher who cuts a lot of deer up and he has never been contacted by the G&F to get a list of names. it would be very easy because he keeps a little notebook of everyone who brings him deer. just my 2 cents.
  23. SunDevil

    Here's a cougar

    now that's what I'm talkin about right there baby!
  24. SunDevil

    Antlers in Velvet

    so is the big buck in this post done growing? http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/in...?showtopic=6742