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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Karchner caverns

    it is !!! - I would recommend to everyone on this site to put in for Oct 34B as their first and only choice. Can't get much better than that.
  2. done - thanks for the heads up!
  3. SunDevil

    auction elk tag

    I find it interesting that the outfitter is using pictures of it on their website. what if anything is the outfitter potentially at risk of?
  4. SunDevil

    Scored big today!!

    that buck reminds me of one of the bucks on the 'extreme coues' DVD. it also had a real palmated right mainbeam out beyond the G3. kind of like a moose. I think it was a 130" class buck also. nice find. congrats.
  5. just curious if the dept is protecting our rights or their own?
  6. SunDevil

    Coues Buck Contest

    I also think the best pic should be awarded to the person who took the picture and not necessarily the hunter who killed the deer. also, I know this is a coues whitetail site but what about a "other" big game best picture. as long as the season falls in the same timeframe of the contest why not open the best pics up to antelope, elk, sheep, javelinas, etc.
  7. SunDevil

    Coues Buck Contest

    I personally always thought that having 6 adult big buck winners was a little much. 1) Typical and 2) nontypical for 1) MX 2) US 3) archery. I would think 3 should be enough (MX, US, archery). you could take those other 3 prizes and create 3 new categories. I would vote for 1) best story 2) biggest first coues 3) best scenery photo. I enjoy seeing and viewing the few photo essays that are put together each year but doubt I would ever do one. I do take a few photos but when I am hunting, I am hunting. Most of the field pictures I have taken have been after I have taken a deer or when I have been out helping other people on their hunts. Just my 2 cents. Thanks to all for their efforts on a great contest. Chris.
  8. So it has been recommended that I take a game carrier with me for my oryx hunt next month in NM. I was wondering if anybody in the Tucson area had one I could borrow? If not, no big deal I was just trying to save $100 bucks on an item I probably will never use again. Let me know and thanks. Chris.
  9. one of the points made was LO allowing people to hunt their 'deeded land' does NM have the same 'land lock' problem that AZ does where there is a lot of public land that is not accessable because the land owners do not allow access through their deeded land to the public land? if so, what good does it do to offer tags on public land that the public can't get to?
  10. how much money do they get from the open gate program? that is exactly my question. do they get a check once a month/year from the state or do they have to submit invoices for reimbursement on expenses they had that were related to wildlife habitat? once you know how much money you are talking for the average rancher on both sides of the equation you will know if it is equal or not.
  11. SunDevil

    Angry White Man.......

    the line I like is "He’s not a racist, but he is annoyed and disappointed when people of certain backgrounds exhibit behavior that typifies the worst stereotypes of their race. He’s willing to give everybody a fair chance if they work hard, play by the rules and learn English."
  12. TAM - so lets see some pics of those goats!
  13. Jason - along Doug's lines - you really have to throw the LO tags out. those are left to the free market to determine who they end up with and what price they are sold for. If you chose not to throw those out, then you need to be thinking about an alternative. Would you propose and support mandating that the ranchers are only allowed to sell 22% of their LO tags to NR? What kind of financial hit would this be to the ranchers? Enough for them to say to heck with this I do not want to participate anymore? In which case, the number of tags in your scenario would go down from 100 to 40. This could possibly lead to an overpopulation of antelope, NM could then get hit with a severe winter or drought and there could be a significant die off due to starvation. Is this better than more of the tags going to NR? I understand your frustration, trust me I do. Last year I questioned > 50% of the AZ Super Raffle winners being NR. Guess what, it is all supply and demand. If more NR buy raffle tickets, more NR are going to win. If NM residents are not willing to buy LO antelope tags than NR are going to. good luck. don't let things like this keep you up at night.
  14. SunDevil

    Lead on a Cow Buff Hunt - good meat hunt

    I know some guys that did this last year and they basically drove up to the animals and shot them in the ear hole at like 30 yards.
  15. SunDevil

    First Mexico Coues Deer Trip

    here is a different coloration of this buck.
  16. SunDevil

    Pretty pictures

    unfortunately this pic was taken before the days of digital cameras. it is probably one of my best scenery pictures. it is of the okefenokee swamp in GA just along the GA-FL border.
  17. SunDevil

    Pretty pictures

    here is a cool pic I got of the moon during a sunrise this last jan in MX
  18. SunDevil

    Long range rifles?

    come talk to me when you graduate.
  19. SunDevil

    Long range rifles?

    yep - we ALL know what you did there buddy - that's what happens when you try to cram Paul Bunyan's brain into Wilbur the Wildcat's head - OUCH
  20. SunDevil

    Long range rifles?

    "and you know what that thing can do!" should I be the first? no I will defer.
  21. SunDevil

    Long range rifles?

    just got the cabelas flier in the mail today. they are having a sale this weekend and there is a leupold range finder in their for $220 ($50 off). only thing is it only goes up to 750 yards. you 1,000 yard shooters need something further than that.
  22. how about "I'm your 257 huckleweatherberry" - Doc Holiday
  23. SunDevil

    Long range rifles?

    I guess you need to clarify a little about what you mean by long range. are you talking 500 yards or 1,000. if you are talking 500 for coues the 257 weatherby would be a great round. if you are talking 1,000 then you need to be thinking about a 300 ultra mag, weatherby mag or 30-378. of course the 308 is still the unbeaten round for competition shooting. for a rifle you probably can not go wrong (for the price) with any of the rem 700 rifles. I just got a rem 700 XCR in 300 wsm and got a 2.5 inch group at 400 yards 2 weeks ago when I was at the range. and that was with factory ammo. other quality rifles (in my opinion) are the Kimbers and Sakos. for a scope, leupold, zeiss, nikon. target turrets or bdcs will work either way. I use a nikon bdc. probably the most important thing is to spend time at the range. you need to find the ammo that shoots best in your rifle and know where your hitting. then it is just practice, practice and then practice some more. I also have a christensen rifle in 7mm rem mag and have found that with that carbon barrel I can shoot pretty much anything in it and get a good group. let us know what you decide on and good luck.
  24. SunDevil

    Story Of My September Elk Hunt

    congrats on a great bull and a nice story. you mention doing homework until 3:00 am, it is my understanding that the teachers at the junior college you are attending do not assign homework.
  25. "no requirement to wake before dawn" ??? what kind of hunter are you ??? gotta get out there with your glow sticks and get those birds before they can see what the heck is going on - even things up a little bit. if we could fly then I would say go ahead and sleep in but since we can't you gotta use everything at your disposal. JK - as usual great pics and great story Doug. Sounds like a good time - minus the camp fire of course.