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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. or you can resize the photos in your photo software to get them down to a size that can be uploaded.
  2. well going back to the recent Outdoor Life article - the most accurate gun they tested was the Vanguard Sub - MOA with their best group at 100 yards of .24 inches.
  3. SunDevil

    Sports bar in Flagstaff or Williams

    Granny's is pretty cool. It was a long time ago but I went there once when I was visiting a friend who was going to NAU. I liked it more than the Zoo which was the other place we went. Some other places that Casey swears by are: 1) In at 410 2) Arizona Sled Dog Inn 3) Monte Vista
  4. SunDevil

    Anyone seen Wild burros

    unit 32 - between Benson and Willcox - just N of I-10 by Johnson Mine (on the other side of I-10 from The Thing).
  5. SunDevil

    Rain drops

    ok - here you go. at first I thought I had water drops on my lens. after I checked I realized the flash caught the drops in mid-air and surprisingly, they were in focus. this is right before we really got dumped on. ROUND it is.
  6. I think Outdoor Life had an article on most accurate rifles out of the box. unfortunately they used a whole bunch of different calibers which made it a little flawed in my opinion. the best one of all of the guns they tested was the Weather Vanguard Sub-MOA in 30-06. For the money - I do not think you can argue with the Rem 700 out of the box. Looks of choices to choose from. blue, stainless, matte, nickel. wood, plastic, camo, laminate. the choices and combinations are pretty extensive.
  7. SunDevil

    Rain drops

    any more guesses?
  8. SunDevil

    Sports bar in Flagstaff or Williams

    I think Casey said he use to hang at the Starlight Pines in Flag.
  9. SunDevil

    Nikon Buckmaster BDC

    no - maybe someone can explain the parallax adjustment (Doug - aka RR - aka Mr Professor). the important thing to note is when you zoom your scope out to use the BDC's - you can not adjust the magnification - in essence - when you are using the BDC's you are using a fixed power scope that always needs to be set at the predetermined magnification power. this is one of the drawbacks to the BDC's is that if you are shooting at twilight and need to reduce the magnification in order to gather more light than you can not use the BDC's
  10. SunDevil

    Nikon Buckmaster BDC

    I have a nikon monarch BDC - I put it on a new gun and got everything all figured out with it, my ammo and my gun. before my last hunt I put 3 shots at 400 yards in a 2.5" group. you just have to figure out for your gun and ammo if 200/300/400/500 is top, middle or bottom of circle. it gives you 2 more options for zeroing your gun at each yardage than just the dots. if you are not going to do turrets but want something more than just a regular duplex scope it is probably the best way to go.
  11. so there are really two different scenarios and for both of these, people that get offended easily need to either 1) get thicker skin, 2) ignore people they find offensive, 3) respect other people's opinions or 4) and possibly unfortunately, find somewhere else to spend their time. scenario 1) say I am a snake lover (which I am not but lets say I do). if there is a thread about how people hate snakes and want to kill them all then I need to either get thicker skin, respect their opinions, ignore the thread or go elsewhere. scenario 2) I am still a snake lover and I post a bunch of pictures of snakes and start talking about how much I love them. knowing some of the members on here, I might get called a few things (all in good nature) about being a snake lover and people will probably express their opinion about how they would like all snakes to be dead. once again, I need to understand they are not attacking me personally but rather have a difference of opinion on this topic and I need to either get thicker skin, ignore them and respect their opinions or go elsewhere. I know there have been people who have left this site because of each of these types of scenarios. yes it is unfortunate but people are all different and really, to each their own, that is the beauty of the country we live in.
  12. SunDevil

    36B Hunting Tips??

    here we go.
  13. SunDevil

    WTB - Youth Shotgun

    best bet is to just hit the pawn shops. you should be able to pick up a Mossberg 500 pretty cheap ($150). then just wack a couple inches off the butt stock. throw on a recoil pad and you will be good to go. I would recommend a 20 gauge as ammo for a 16 gauge is scarce and expensive.
  14. SunDevil


    my dad keeps a 38 super around loaded with bird shot to use on the snakes around his house. what did you do with the skin?
  15. SunDevil

    Unit 34B

    you can also get into the SW corner of the Wetstones off from highway 82. that road actually heads north along pretty much the whole west side of the mtns. also, (at least the last time I was there) you can walk in to the Haystack area from the JSix ranch area (exit 297 on I-10). also, you can camp at Kartchners and hike back in.
  16. SunDevil

    looking to relocate to tucson area

    the hospitals are always looking for nurses
  17. I think he lurks. For those of you that do not know him, everything that has been said about him is dead on. he is a good guy. as matthew45 pointed out, after he left the site he was respectful in his personal words about all. it is our loss. unfortunately for future newbie, escouters, they will miss out on his knowledge of and willingness to share info on his 43B coues honeyholes.
  18. SunDevil

    Billy lives

    nope - I do not have permission from the hunter to post pics of the goat he took. we renamed Billy though. his new name is Wimpy. we observed another much smaller buck come into his herd, chase him off and steal his 4 does.
  19. SunDevil

    Billy lives

    so the community locals will be pleased to know that Billy made it through the hunting season.
  20. we will be in 36C and will be camping.
  21. SunDevil

    Billy lives

    I do not know but I saw thousands of them this weekend. every top section of fence had one with it's web in it. some were yellow with red legs and some were yellow with black legs. on one yucca I counted 8, each with webs. they do not appear to hide, hoping more I think to have the wind blow an insect into their snare. they are pretty fast little guys.
  22. SunDevil

    Rica Gets Her Goat

    as always - nice trophy - nice pics - nice story - nice flowers - nice sunset - nice fire ??? - nice dog - nice guy - congrats Doug!!!
  23. SunDevil

    Billy lives

    also came across a few of these.
  24. SunDevil

    Billy lives

    yep - only had 1 day to hunt. ended up getting another buck at 1:25 yesterday afternoon.
  25. SunDevil

    what are the odds of this?

    Last friday evening I saw a mule deer doe with triplets and was wondering what the odds of this were? I figured it is something I probably will never see again in my lifetime. I went and checked the book (Deer of the SW) but could not find any stats on the frequency of multiple births (twins or triplets). Has anyone else ever seen triplet fawns before? Does anyone know what the odds of triplet fawns being born are? I am guessing < 1% but would like to know for sure. Thanks. Chris.