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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    The Draw System

    the 'issues' that you are referring to must be specific to the vendors that AZ is contracting with to handle it because I have never encountered any 'issues' with the other states that I apply in that have online applications. just my two cents, but I am guessing there are not that many tom, dick and harrys that would apply online but not on paper that would make any impact on peoples draw odds.
  2. SunDevil

    The Draw System

    how about these improvements to the draw system: 1) online applications 2) online results with the technology that we have today and all the other states doing it, it is an embarassment that we have to apply on paper and have to call to get the results. just another example of why we should not want bigger and more government
  3. SunDevil

    Found the other side

    nice sheds that looks to be about a 3 year old sacked out on the couch
  4. SunDevil

    How Would You Hunt This Coues Spot?

    where is the water? I would be there in sept looking for bucks. if I found a big one I would be back in there trying to pattern him. initially I would be back away from the mtn glassing the whole thing. once I figured out where the deer normally are then I would look for areas to glass from that would avoid disturbing them.
  5. SunDevil

    The Minnow would be lost.

    the ac compressor caused the engine to overheat and set the whole thing on fire. oh wait, those are motorhomes in the salt river canyon.
  6. SunDevil

    3 quads for sale.

    can you post the individual prices?
  7. SunDevil

    New Mexico Oryx Draw

    hopefully it will not snow!!!
  8. SunDevil

    New Mexico Oryx Draw

    better get some turrets on that 300 wby mag
  9. SunDevil

    New Mexico Oryx Draw

    had to go and screw up deer season didn't you!
  10. SunDevil

    DOUG & AMANDA!???!!!???!!!??

    but DAD - he's TOUCHING ME!!!
  11. SunDevil

    warner resigned

    so my theory on this is that it is all of our faults. at least everyone who purchases products that advertise during televised sporting events. my logic is as follows: the main reason teams have this much money to spend on players is because they get a lot of money from the leagues they are in. the leagues get most of their money from the networks that pay to broadcast their games. the networks get most of their money from the companies that purchase advertising time from them. the companies get most of their money from the consumers that purchase their products. get the masses to boycott the products of the companies that buy the advertising time and inform the companies of what they are doing and why and the house of cards comes crashing down. unfortunately I do not see in the near future the masses halting their purchases of Coke, Pepsi, Bud, Lite, etc.
  12. SunDevil

    gobbling turkeys

    they will also gobble in the evening. each bird is different. I have been in one spot and at the exact same time had different birds gobble to 3 different calls but not all 3 of them to the same. one bird gobble to peacock call, different bird gobble to gobble call, third bird gobble to hen call but other two did not gobble to hen, peacock or gobble calls.
  13. SunDevil

    AZ turkey hunts! Who's going?

    will be on the San Carlos the end of March and then down in 35A the end of April.
  14. SunDevil

    Baby boy names

    on the radio the other day they were talking about unique names. one for the boys was: last name Case first name Justin
  15. SunDevil

    Mexico Goulds Hunt Whos Going !!!!!

    well I am going goulds hunting but not in MX
  16. SunDevil

    Sedona & Oak Creek Canyon Photo Trip

    no Doug - I meant swim suit pics of YOU on slide rock!
  17. SunDevil

    Sedona & Oak Creek Canyon Photo Trip

    had a memorable trip to oak creek once when about 40 coeds from NAU showed up in bikinis. we were not at slide rock but down in the canyon below the bridge just outside of town. only one other guy was down there when they all showed up. needless to say, the wife was not to thrilled about the somewhat unique situation.
  18. SunDevil

    Sedona & Oak Creek Canyon Photo Trip

    where are the swim suit pics?
  19. http://regulus2.azstarnet.com/gallery/view/32545
  20. SunDevil


    Got a letter from the G&F dept today. It was congratulating me on being drawn for archery bear. To bad I didn't draw this tag. OOOPS - I was drawn for Goulds turkey. oh well - I guess we all make mistakes. I don't know why the government would be any different. I guess that is not as bad as getting sent my 3rd and useable Discover credit card. One has an expiration date of 4/10, the other 4/13 and the last 1/14. what a waste.
  21. SunDevil

    The second toe never got down.

    I was glued to the tv during all of the review. they must have showed5 - 6 different angles. there was one angle that when they showed it I said "he didn't have both toes down" - they never showed that angle a second time. I would have like to have seen that angle again in slow-mo and with a zoom in. also - that last play was not a fumble.
  22. anyone else unfortunately exposed to this? http://www.azstarnet.com/sn/hourlyupdate/278448.php
  23. SunDevil

    SuperBowl PORN

    Brian - I thought you were going to say something like "what the heck have I been missing out on all these years?"
  24. SunDevil

    A KING from SONORA

    Ernesto - tell Mauro and Antonio hi from us! Good luck!!!
  25. SunDevil

    Cramerhunts where is the story

    exactly - I knew something got cramered and I have been patiently waiting for the details.