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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Party at Jim Reynolds' house!

    I think last year they went up a mtn that might have been a little to steep.
  2. SunDevil

    Storm Destruction

    holy cow - we're not in kansas any more Toto. fortunate that no one was in there. reminds me of something that happened to my cousin. she normally stays in camp when her husband goes out deer hunting. this one morning she decided to get up and go with him. when they got back, there trailer was burned down to the ground. hate to think of what might have happened if she had stayed in bed that morning.
  3. SunDevil

    California Pig Hunting

    Jim - you did not tell me your son drew a tag. congrats. hi to the guys out in cali, the good ones at least!
  4. SunDevil

    New 300 WSM

    I have one of these. After I broke it in and found the right bullet/load I got a 2.5 inch 3 shot group at 400 yards
  5. SunDevil

    Baboquivari- Elk Horn Fire Effect?

    no map yet of the area that has burned?
  6. SunDevil

    Baboquivari- Elk Horn Fire Effect?

    will probably push some deer over the top to the west and onto the rez and others out into the mesquite flats.
  7. SunDevil

    Baboquivari- Elk Horn Fire Effect?

    Doug - I know the G&F attributes a lot of the increase in deer numbers in 33 to the fire that burned through the Reddington area 8 or so years ago. I know great success has been had by hunters in areas that burned < 12 months before. Saw one real nice rack that was really dark colored because the buck was rubbing his antlers on burned tree trunks.
  8. sounds like fun. wish we could make it. maybe next year you could avoid father's day weekend?
  9. I would probably recommend one with turrets.
  10. SunDevil

    Rhino or Ranger

    I know a couple of different people that did a lot of research on side-by-sides and decided on the arctic cat prowler. just something else to think about.
  11. SunDevil

    Application CAUTION

    as Scout'm mentioned above, the address identified in the downloadable application form (that allows computer entry into the fields) reads: "Arizona Game and Fish Department P.O. Box 74020 Phoenix, AZ 85087-10" I have a copy of it and am holding it in my hand right now. Anyone know if this will be a problem? If so, maybe Scout'm will get a sheep tag out of it (and he and I Dec WT tags).
  12. might need to include some gps coordinates of goose flyways in AZ - other than, of course, the local golf course.
  13. SunDevil


    welcome - even with a handful of points, I do not think I would plan on hunting in Dec (unless you are an archer). the better and more popular units require 6 - 8 points for a dec tag. good luck - who knows you might get lucky.
  14. SunDevil

    Been brought to my attention...

    Congrats Casey and good luck!
  15. THREE IN A ROW - need I say more.
  16. SunDevil

    good friends and good fishing

    is that your boat or did you go out on a charter?
  17. Maybe I will send her some money to help her with the cause. Miss California to campaign against gay marriage THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — The reigning Miss California has gone to Washington to help launch a campaign opposing same-sex marriage. Carrie Prejean told NBC’s “Today” show Thursday that she’ll be working with the National Organization for Marriage to “protect traditional marriages.” The 21-year-old says that marriage is “something that is very dear to my heart” and she’s in Washington to help save it. She says many people have thanked her for standing up for traditional marriage. Prejean was named the first runner-up to Miss North Carolina in the Miss USA pageant April 19. Her response to celebrity blogger Perez Hilton’s question about legalizing same-sex marriage may have cost her the title.
  18. SunDevil

    Swap fishing on the Kenai River for hunt info

    I would love to go to AK again. Grew up spending the summers up there from when I was 9 until I was 19. Caught a lot of nice fish. If I was going to go again it would need to be for about 2 weeks and getting that much time off would be difficult without leaving time for other vacations.
  19. here is a hint. To earn money during college, Scout'm was employed as a male dancer. Well his personality and ego today still benefits from those years of shaken it. Last Friday, Scout'm started experiencing considerable abdominal pain. Off to the ER he went. The Dr came in and started examining him. He informed Scout'm that he had 'acute appendicitis'. Scout'm became a little aggrevated with this response and replyed 'thanks doc, I came here for medical treatment, not compliments.'
  20. SunDevil

    Scout'ms weekend trip

    Ernesto - heck, I would give you one just for the tag and take care of the rifle permit myself. just say when and where.
  21. SunDevil

    2-Way radio suggestions

    I do not think you can get a pair of them for $375 but I know a guy that uses the rhinos and he really likes them. GPS included and transmission distance that is better than normal, inexpensive hand helds.
  22. SunDevil

    you've GOTTA watch this!!

    probably be reading a book about this guy sometime in the future. I will put it right up on the shelf next the the book about The Grizzly Man - Timothy Treadwell.
  23. SunDevil

    Fall Draw Question

    DubTee - looks like 30B for your buddies.
  24. SunDevil

    big old tom

    great bird. you will have to post pics of it when the mount is done. look how big the tail feathers are, how wide the yellow band is at the end of the tail fan and how the black band just inside the yellow band goes all the way around. I think on younger birds the black band does not go all the way around (missing from the middle 2 - 4 feathers). also, I think younger birds do not have as prominent banding at the end of their tail fan as older birds do.