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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Would you go?

    I guess we do not hear much about southern NM. is it as bad or worse than southern AZ? heck do you ever go outside when it is raining? you could get struck by lightning. how about driving a car? that is pretty dangerous. I am sure there are a lot of things you do on a regular basis that could potentially be dangerous and you do not even think twice about it. get a satellite phone. take a hand gun and keep it under your pillow. good luck. really surprised you can not find someone to go with you.
  2. 6A might get bit by a rabid red rabbit worse yet, you might get shaken down by a liberal tree hugger for all the granola you might have on you
  3. SunDevil

    Coyote Buttes

    don't see any deer in those pics doug?
  4. SunDevil

    Legal Deer in NM?

    however, I think for whitetail, the point requirement is 3 points on one side, of which, one MAY be an eyeguard.
  5. SunDevil

    Legal Deer in NM?

    I could be wrong but I am pretty sure a FAD is a two point not including an eye guard. so for either mule deer or whitetail, if it has an eye guard, that point does not count towards the "Forked Antler"
  6. SunDevil

    Weekend Scouting trip to Mexico!

    Pinnacle - will have to check into that.
  7. SunDevil

    limited on quail

    nice job - thats a lot of prickly pear right there.
  8. SunDevil

    Spring Apps

    one week from today. 10/13. hopefully everyone gets excited about and applys for the new goulds units and improves my odds for my unit. good luck
  9. SunDevil


    well part of the question is how big of a buck are you looking for? something over 90, 100, 110? I think there is a paragraph or two in Duane's book about field judging and what the measurements need to be to add up to 110" it is kind of tough to say how big those two bucks roughly are because the picture quality is kind of poor. personally I think estimating score based on pictures is pretty tough even if you have good pics. usually I will need to watch a buck for awhile before I am able to come up with a rough estimate of what I think they may be. even then, sometimes I can be way off. another good thing to do is to look at all the pics of harvested bucks on this site and try to figure out what you think they score and why and then see what their score is. usually people will include the score of bucks they have taken and shared pics of. good luck.
  10. SunDevil

    what do you think he'll score?

    nice looking buck for sure - maybe 102? just my rough guess.
  11. SunDevil


    this morning would have been a great morning to have been out with a dog hunting birds. it was overcast and cool. probably missed a great opportunity.
  12. SunDevil

    dead elk 6x6

    to bad whatever you decide - better be careful. would be a bummer to get in trouble over it. would also be a bummer to take g & f in there just to have them take it from you.
  13. SunDevil

    Ruger M77 270 Win For Sale

    sweet. nice to know what they are worth. I have one exactly like it. picked it up at a pawn shop at a great price. bought it with the intent of selling it to make some coin. took it out to the range and it is a tack driver so it is my lion/yote gun for when I am out scouting in the fall and spring.
  14. SunDevil

    Guess the Score - Sept 09

    118 2/8
  15. SunDevil

    Career Path

    how do you get the pizza delivery guy with a 4 year u of eh education off from your porch? tell him they are hiring waiters at Buffalo Wild Wings!!! http://www.azstarnet.com/sports/309911 wait, I forgot, Willie wasn't in pizza delivery. you need a driver's license for that and his got revoked due to his extreme DUI.
  16. SunDevil

    left handed right eye

    I guess you could transplant his left arm onto the right side of his body.
  17. I think to consistantly harvest big bucks (100+ inchers) year after year, the most important thing is to spend a TON of time in the field. you might shoot a big buck in one spot one year and go in there the next year and the biggest buck around is 85. guess what, you are going to have to hit the ground and go find a different spot with a big buck in it. if you are going to do this, it would probably be a good idea to keep a journal so that when you find some upper 90 inch bucks one year, you will remember where to go look the next year for your 100 incher. this will take a lot of dedication as well as a lot of patience to not only keep looking for those big bucks but also to not shoot those 95 inchers. don't want to settle for something less than what you have set your goal at and will need to let those 95 inchers grow up to be over 100. once you find your buck, better keep at it and keep an eye on him until the season starts. there are numerous stories on this site about guys that have watched deer for 2 - 3 years waiting for them to grow up and be big enough to harvest. good binos, salt, trail cams, good maps, google earth, a gas saving truck, an understanding family, snake boots, lots of boot leather, lots of sun screen, lots of bug spray, ability to shed hunt in may and june will all contribute to your success.
  18. SunDevil

    While I was sleeping...

    not only does he not glass up deer while he is sleeping but he also SNORES and scares most of the deer into the next canyon. \"/
  19. SunDevil

    Happy Birthday Scoutm!

    hope you had a good one!!! how was the weather where you were at? rained a little bit this morning but then cleared up by mid day. really windy. went to the aquarium in newport today. church tomorrow and then hopefully some crabbing on monday and if it is good, maybe again on tuesday. bought a used crab ring today at a flea market that I am going to give a try. if you dont keep your wife out of sportsmans you are going to need a bigger safe. take care. see you in a few days. did you see your ducks get pounded the other night?
  20. SunDevil


    I agree with Amanda, you will need to focus you spotting scope again after you get it all set up. the first few times I used mine, I thought that all was good by leaving it in the same focus position with the camera on it as it was looking though it with my eye. the pics were not coming out really clear. the next time I went out I refocused the spotting scope by how the image looked in the LCD screen and then took the picture, the pictures came out a lot clearer.
  21. SunDevil

    Bucks for sale

    sounds to me like you have a tree stand for sale. only problem is your back hurts to much to go retrieve it and whoever buys it will have to go into the woods with you to get it. I guess if they decide to leave it where you already hung it then that is their business.
  22. SunDevil

    whitetail or mullie

  23. SunDevil

    which scope and why?

    there are a lot of good scopes out there. if you are spending more than $500 you are probably going to be getting a decent one. probably one of the most important things to think about and be aware of is to make sure you get a scope that has turrets. these take most of the guess work out of hold over.