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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    2010 Unit 10 December Archery deer hunt.

    these are really sad situations. the Director should and could step in and do something about this once and for all. all this leads to is people not trying to do the right, ethical thing because they are just going to get screwed. this totally sends the wrong message to the public, hunting community, who like was said before, PAYS THEIR SALARIES. despicable if you ask me. shame on the G&F!
  2. SunDevil

    AGFD seeking info on identity of these men

    interesting that the G&F doesn't have a problem seeking public help on things like this but they do not hesitate to screw the public when guys try to recover their harvested animals after the season has closed.
  3. SunDevil

    Last Day/Last Minute AZ Desert Mule Deer

    nice job! Holy crap - can't even imagine how much it would hurt to have an eye poked out!
  4. SunDevil

    My December Trophy AKA (Cedro)!!!

    congrats! that is a great buck!
  5. SunDevil

    Going to Africa

    I tried to sell my wife on an Africa, photo safari. She initially thought it was a great idea until I informed her she would be taking photos of my harvested trophies. BHA. Good luck on your hunt. I would love to shoot a kudu.
  6. SunDevil

    Can we help Steve get his bull back??

    he should have a bunch of fliers printed up and have multiple people standing at every entrance passing them out. he also should have people scattered throughout the crowd and whenever someone bids against him they ALL should boo.
  7. SunDevil

    My 2010 Antelope

    2, 3, 4, 5, & 6: on the run, 7: high at about 400yds, 8, 9, 10: on the run 8 shots on the run. that is a quick way to burn through some ammo for sure. nice buck. thanks for sharing!
  8. SunDevil

    Chef does Mexico

    Thx Chef for sharing. Your story brings back some fond memories. Justo and his son are really nice people to spend time with. That salsa is to die for. Did you have any tamales? the sweet raisin, dessert tamales were new to me and pretty darn good as well. congrats on a great, safe trip and nice buck!
  9. SunDevil

    good buck

    looks like it could be the same buck. I would say 90ish.
  10. SunDevil

    Jan. 17, 2011 / Canyon Lake fishing report

    looks like you got your money's worth on that electric fillet knife.
  11. SunDevil

    Happy Birthday Red Rabbit

    Happy BDay Doug. Don't break a hip or anything old man. \"/
  12. I think a point that needs to be remembered is that when someone points a finger at somebody else, there are 3 fingers pointing right back at them. Has anything come out indicating that this guy heard or listened to any "rhetoric" from the right? FYI - there is just as much rhetoric from the left. maybe that is what set him off.
  13. Why in the 2nd paragraph of this article did they use the word "accused"? he did it, 100% he did it. ridiculous.
  14. SunDevil

    A sad but yet inspirational story

    Dog - thank you for sharing this. how incredible that your sister was able to find them. hopefully she will remain strong during this time of loss.
  15. SunDevil

    Ruger 77 MII - 7MM mag

    scope is sold. one more week for rifle and doubler before they go to eAuctions.
  16. SunDevil

    The Land Of Giants....

    WOW Phil - 14 days. Hopefully those bucks aren't all broke up like they were a couple of years ago. Also, hope some of those lions have moved on. Also, hope your gun has taken a liking to shooting in MX a little more. I will be looking for a full report in a couple of weeks. Please make sure you say hi to Justo for me. GOOD LUCK!!!
  17. SunDevil

    2011 Coues hunt, which unit?

    couple of other things, deer densities vary considerably by unit. one unit on a good day may only produce 5-6 bucks but another unit might produce 15 - 20. also, land access varies considerably by unit. this could be a good thing or a bad thing considering how you are planning on hunting (backpack vs day hunts). finally, deer densities do fluctuate over time. a unit that was great 5 years ago may not be as good today (predators, water, management, etc) and vice-versa. best thing is to hit the topos, hit google earth, hit the road, burn some gas, pop some tires, wear out your boot soles and glass until your eyes are sore. good luck.
  18. SunDevil

    San Carlos Part 1

    thats a pretty cool buck. nice pictures and nice write up. just one question, where is the kill shot video? good luck on the rest of your hunt.
  19. SunDevil

    Strange Find

  20. SunDevil

    new mascot name for

    the corn HUSKIE!!! man, I knew that game was going to be a blowout but I thought it was going to go the other way. WA Huskies embarassed them corn hole boys from NB. Hopefully the UConn Huskies have the same kind of success tonight against OK.
  21. nothin wrong with that. sounds like you had a good hunt and probably learned a few things that will help you out in the future. thanks for sharing it with us. chris.
  22. SunDevil

    New Year's Resolutions

    well my resolution is to be a little more supportive of the kitties. I think the best thing I can do is buy a couple copies of P90X, head down to campus and look for a couple of those 400 lb cheerleaders Lark is always talking about. If I can't find em there, I might try over at Casey's house on a Fri or Sat night. Maybe he'll be having a keg party and those girls will be there doing some beer bongs and wolfing down a couple of pizzas each. Maybe Casey will have got some free wings from Willie T. Well anyway, hopefully I will be able to track down some of these girls and get them set up on P90X. Cheers everyone and Happy New Year.
  23. SunDevil

    No More Sunsets

    man - I bet Rica was looking for a heater.
  24. SunDevil


    Hope you have a great day! Kind of unique to have a birthday on New Years Eve. Now get back to whacking some more of those 'yotes.
  25. SunDevil

    Cats Embarrassed

    AzHunt - apparently you got an ASU grad confused with Willy T. The only reason he was not delivering pizzas after he got done at ua is because of his DUI. lucky for him you do not need a drivers license to wait tables. Now hurry on back to the Alamo and round up those ua cheerleaders off from the field before they graze off all of the grass.