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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    3 Point Rule

    Pennsylvanie instituted a point restriction a few years ago. it was hotly debated. within a few years they found that success rates returned to normal and the avg age and size (antler size and body size) of the deer being harvest had gone up.
  2. SunDevil

    One Goat three pictures

    congrats. that is a great buck and some nice pics. I have a couple mounts that Stacy has done (including my avatar) and I have been very pleased with his work. he does a great job.
  3. SunDevil


    in 2007 our national deficit for the WHOLE year was $170B. in 2011 we had a national deficit for ONE MONTH that was $220B. either people in DC are really smart or really dumb. I will go with the later.
  4. SunDevil

    Happy Birthday Scott Adams!

    Happy Day Scott. Hope you have a great one!
  5. SunDevil

    Non-Resident questions.

    Topo software would be a good investment used along with google earth because topos don't show all the roads. Tony and Duane's book available for sale here on CWT along with unit info from AZ G&F would also be good. If you can't come out for a scouting trip, you might want to come out 3-4 days prior to your hunt to scout the areas you have decided to focus on. Further away you can get from the roads the better you will do (especially if you find a shooter before the season starts) but opening weekend of the Oct and Nov hunts gets pretty busy out in the desert. Good binos, tripod, spotting scope, range finder and water are a must. Good luck!
  6. SunDevil

    Non-Resident questions.

    do you have access to any property in TX that you hunt? you might be able to find someone on here that would be willing to trade you some help on a "do it yourself" hunt with a new hunting partner in AZ for a return hunt in TX. Just a thought.
  7. SunDevil

    New Mexico Oryx - White Sands Missile Range

    WOW - that is perfect shot placement for those animals, and at 820 yards. equally impressive is the animal. great bull!!
  8. SunDevil

    San Diego

    well, sea bass do not really bend a pole that much. you might want to look into a trip out of Rocky Pointe or wait until August to go out of San Diego for tuna.
  9. SunDevil

    San Diego

    mostly sea bass in the fall, winter and spring months. tuna and yellowtail are usually not caught until Jul - Sept timeframe. that is unless you go on a boat for a week+ that goes way down into MX waters.
  10. SunDevil

    WTB 7mm rem mag rifle

    here you go. I never put it up for sale on an eauction site. http://forums.coueswhitetail.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22962&st=0&p=237844&hl=ruger&fromsearch=1entry237844
  11. SunDevil

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Sun Devil: Last I heard, this huge state we call Arizona has only 40,000 plus/minus firearms deer hunters and they are not in the field at the same time. Red Rabbit is correct. If you want crowds, try Colorado ... or Pennsylvania or Michigan, or anywhere else where there are many hundreds of thousands of deer hunters. When people have trouble finding a campsite, it's not always because there are too many hunters. It often means that the primitive roads that used to distribute people in that unit were closed by a land management agency or gates were locked by a land owner, forcing everyone to concentrate along the only roads still open. Bill Quimby holy cow bill - it is all relative. all I know is what I see and hear. I see a lot of other hunters, I see a lot of occupied campsites, I see other people going out the weekend before their hunt to set up camp and secure a campsite. I hear lots of other people complain about the amount of other hunters in the field during hunts, the decrease in quality of game, the increasing difficulty to harvest an animal due to all the other pressure, the increases in fees, etc, etc. I am just sharing with others, what others share with me and what I observe.
  12. SunDevil

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Bill Q - I agree with most of your post but even the guys who just want to go out with their friends and family get discouraged when there are hunters everywhere, when they can't find a campsite due to over crowding, they go years without having any success and then they get hit with price increases during tough economic times. There is a fine balance but I struggle in seeing how our current situation (and one that has been in place for the last few years) is the correct one. I am not generally one who believes in coincidences, so when numerous things all point to "where the money is" I am going to go with that instead of "oh it is just a coincidence."
  13. SunDevil

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    Bill Q - the other Bill referenced the survey.
  14. SunDevil

    Trail Cam pics

    that is a sweet buck. big with lots of character. looks like a pretty good spot you have found. good luck with it. thanks for sharing.
  15. SunDevil

    Elk and Antelope Applicants

    another way to avoid the crowds is to save your vacation time and hunt during the week. not very many other hunters out there tues - thurs. I tagged out last oct on a Wed. did not see another hunter in the spot we were at on either tues, wed or thurs but we were an hour in during the middle of the week. bill - I think most would agree that survey questions can be worded in a certain way to solicit a desired response. I am guessing the dept obtained the results from their survey a few years ago that they were looking for.
  16. SunDevil

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp - Thanks Amanda!

    Yea - I was charging $1 for them. if you had been there they would have been $5.
  17. SunDevil

    My daughter does it again!!

    Congrats Ana (and Ernesto). Now get back to wacking those dogs.
  18. SunDevil

    Ate some FANTASTIC javelina tonight

    our camp was successful in harvesting two javis this past weekend. our cook boned out a backstrap, marinated it with Spade L for a few hours and then we cooked it up over the mesquite coals for dinner. it turned out really good. I am going to have to order me some of that Spade L stuff!!!
  19. SunDevil

    Ethics in Hunting and in Life!

    Great post Laurie. Not exactly sure how the quote goes but it is something like this: "An ethical person does what is right even when no one else is looking."
  20. SunDevil

    Women's Javelina Hunting Camp - Thanks Amanda!

    Thanks Amanda and Thanks Bill!! It was nice to meet so many new people. Just a few from off the top of my head, TJ and Peg, Chris from Chino, the guys from Y.O.U., Val from Yuma, Debbie, Kathy, Christi, Eileen, Bonnie, Lori and her mom from Tombstone, Stanley. the list goes on and on. Shannon got into javis on friday and saturday (missed two long shots on saturday). Although one of the camp's favorite quotes from Shannon sat night was "it didn't totally sux.", I know she had a good time, enjoyed meeting a bunch of new and nice friends, and was very appreciative of all the hard work that was put into having such an event. I will post pics of the first time, mighty javi huntress later on. Thanks again!
  21. SunDevil

    Who Watched?

    it was on last night. I recorded it and just watched it. any idea what that bright orange thing hanging in the tree was? you could see it when they were filming that coatimundi and also again after he shot his deer and it was running away. curious to know.
  22. SunDevil

    kitty update

    here is the only thing that needs to be on this thread. http://www.territorialcupseries.com/results.html
  23. SunDevil


    what kind of pack is that? I need to get a pack for the wife who has decided she wants to start hunting.
  24. SunDevil

    Who Watched?

    I looked for it and could not find it. Comcast channel 270 = Outdoor Channel. Looked for American Archer and never found it. Would like to record it.
  25. SunDevil

    AGFD seeking info on identity of these men

    Thanks Jake. NO SOUP FOR YOU, now back to the barkalounger. The correct number is actually (703) 912 - 1725.