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Everything posted by SunDevil

  1. SunDevil

    Last Minute Antelope Cancelation!

    I think about 90% of successful rifle antelope hunts are over on opening day. I was with a guy once who shot his buck before the sun was even up. His dad and I were barely out of the truck when we heard the shot. It was literally a 5 minute hunt. he scouted a lot but when it came right down to it all those years of waiting and bogus points, gone at first light.
  2. SunDevil

    Last Minute Antelope Cancelation!

    Good luck Casey. Shoot a big one. hopefully your hunt last longer than the first 30 minutes of opening day. Take a lot of pics and post the best ones up for all of us to envy.
  3. SunDevil

    Singles Section

    maybe you could get a link on eharmony or matchmaker or whatever they are called to cwt.com/forum/huntnhotties
  4. August issue of Field and Stream had a Sniff Test article in it where they used a drug-sniffing dog to determine if scent-control measures made a difference. Results of the test where the same regardless of "Full Blown B.O" vs "Showered and Sprayed" vs "Compulsively Clean".
  5. SunDevil

    Which 15's are you running?

    do you think we could contact the product division of Jason's and see if they could start producing some auto-focus 15s?
  6. SunDevil

    Unit 34B hints

    unfortunately I have not hunted that unit for several years. know a couple of guys that went 2 for 2 in that unit two years ago but then I know another guy that has gone 0 - 4 over the last 4 years. deer populations are way down in this unit (lots of speculation on lion impact). access also makes it tough. good luck on what might be a tough hunt.
  7. SunDevil

    Found a set

    man, with some eyeguards that would be a sweet buck! JK - nice find.
  8. well? where did you graduate from and what is your biggest buck? how come NAU wasn't included? 113 for me.
  9. SunDevil

    Coveted unit 33 dec tag

    All kidding aside, congrats Crow on a nice tag. You have drawn a highly coveted one. There are lots of people with probably more bogus points than what you had that have not been able to draw it. As Simon mentioned, watch the weather forecast. Aside from that you should have a very quality hunt. Enjoy the cool weather, lots of deer and very few hunters. Don't get hung up on when or if the rut is going to kick in because it might not. A couple of other things on your hunt/tag. IMO the quality of the Dec hunts has gone down slightly due to the late Nov hunt that starts just after Thanksgiving and ends just two weeks prior to when your hunt starts. Prior to the addition of this late Nov hunt, the Nov hunt ended 4 weeks before the Dec hunt started. Additionally, 33 seems to be one of the Depts favorite revenue units. Tags keep going up and up. Here are the 33 hunts, Aug archery, Oct Jr, Oct general, Nov general, Nov Jr, late Nov general, Dec general, Dec/Jan archery. That is A LOT of hunters. Even if you are scouting/hunting far from the road, chances are it is going to be tough for you to find a buck in Dec that you located earlier in the season. Good luck and enjoy the next 5 months.
  10. SunDevil

    Coveted unit 33 dec tag

    Of course Simon would have had better luck had he been more careful in his hat selection.
  11. SunDevil

    Mormon Lake Elk, Rainbow and Sunset

    as usual, awesome pics. I was expecting a picture of a Rainbow TROUT!!! Ha Ha.
  12. SunDevil

    Who Drew The Tag of a Lifetime?

    Come on Casey, "all the shots"? Try selective shots. Can we all say thread highjack? I'M the highjacker? Get a life. Get a life? Come on Casey. Where was I accusing you of highjacking this thread? I was referring to myself.
  13. SunDevil

    Draw Results post here

    Unit 28, Nov 11
  14. SunDevil

    Who Drew The Tag of a Lifetime?

    Come on Casey, "all the shots"? Try selective shots. Can we all say thread highjack?
  15. SunDevil

    Who Drew The Tag of a Lifetime?

    so the question is, will be fortunate enough to be reminded of it weekly?
  16. SunDevil

    Drawing Results Contest "OVER"

    July 22nd. 10:01 am
  17. SunDevil

    Got my Lion Back

    nice - Stacy does great work.
  18. SunDevil


    that will also make a great gun for a youngster.
  19. SunDevil

    Time for a new Family Tent

    I have the Cabelas Quad Pole dome tent and really like it and have been very happy with it. I have the medium sized one (5/6 person size). I have slept 3 adults in it with plenty of room so it would probably work for 2 adults and 2 kids. Or they have a larger one. You could probably go to Cabelas and check them out before purchasing. It has held up very well in the wind and rain. http://www.cabelas.com/product/Camping/Tents/View-All-Tents|/pc/104795280/c/104779080/sc/105517980/Cabelas-Quad-Pole-Dome-Tent/735043.uts?destination=%2Fcatalog%2Fbrowse%2Fcamping-tents-view-all-tents%2F_%2FN-1102375%2FNs-CATEGORY_SEQ_105517980%3FWTz_l%3DSBC%253BMMcat104794380%253Bcat104779080&WTz_l=SBC%3BMMcat104794380%3Bcat104779080%3Bcat105517980
  20. SunDevil

    Loyalty Point

    per species. and if you skip or miss a year, or get an app rejected than it gets taken away.
  21. SunDevil

    Colorado Deer Tag

    well u drew the right unit. just wrong state. HA!!! good luck!!!
  22. SunDevil

    My White Sands Oryx, Oct. 2010

    excellent and congrats!!! that is some perfect shot placement right there.
  23. SunDevil


    not that I believe these numbers are statistically accurate but I am wondering if anyone else is surprised by the 71% hunt success rate in 24B for the Dec hunt? sorry if this is your favorite unit, I am really not trying to draw attention to it.